10 bad habits that are difficult to get rid of them😱😱😱

in writing •  7 years ago 

If you do not smoke or take drugs, you may think you are completely free from bad habits, but what if you bite your nails or suck your lips over and over again? Bad habits are not a kind of addiction; they are just negative behaviors that often begin as ways to reduce tension, relax, and are not generally serious, but they may bother you around.

But how do you stop practicing your habit or your bad habits?

It is not so easy, as these habits can lead to the release of dopamine or the hormone of happiness, a chemical that is part of the reward system in the brain, as the exercise of any habit makes the brain secretes this hormone, and thus feel happy linking your feeling and your return The bad continues to exercise and you know well that it is wrong or bad, as if your brain secretion of this hormone will force you not to give up your habit! Researchers have found that habits form familiar neurological pathways in the brain and when any behavior turns into a routine, it frees your mind from focusing on other things.

It's great to get used to meditation every evening, but it gets bad if you get used to eating a pint of ice cream in front of the TV instead!

Here's a list of 10 habits that are hard to get rid of and also ways to help you overcome them. Since we talked about ice cream, let's start our list by a habit we may suffer from all or most of us.

 10. Eat snacks 

 Eating  ice cream as a snack at night is not only a bad habit, but it is  usually harder to get rid of. Choosing a snack from nutritious foods  such as fruits and vegetables is not a problem, but choosing a snack  that is heavy and sugary and fat is a problem. Of health problems such as high sugar and fat buildup in your body,  but why tend to choose snacks with high calories like ice cream in your  opinion?

The reason is simple: it is the brain that drives you to that, making  you feel happy and happy again after these meals because high-fat and  carbohydrate foods improve mood by producing neurotransmitters such as  serotonin and vanilloid.

To go back to prehistoric times, when eating was associated with  survival, it was logical to reward you with your mind or brain whenever  you ate high calorie foods!

These  chemicals work in the brain with other substances such as opiates that  can relieve tension and even physical pain, but this temporary sense of  satisfaction is followed by many negatives, including guilt and gaining  weight, so the solution is to eat healthy snacks such as nuts or replace  food with other activities Such  as going for a walk with a friend or watching your favorite program are  all ways that will make you feel good without having to eat  carbohydrates that will become a problem over the days. 

 9. Biting the nails 

 Biting nails is not usually unhealthy like eating heavy snacks, but it  remains a bad habit that can be embarrassing, often associated with  anxiety, and a person can only know your mental state by looking past  you at your hands!
Interestingly,  the fifth edition of the American Psychiatric Association and the  Mental Disorders Index categorize nibble in frequent body-centered  behavior disorders, with plucking or rotating hair and nibbling the  skin, each associated with the characteristic behaviors of  Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, with one major difference Most  people with obsessive-compulsive disorder want to get rid of these  habits because they have no pleasure in worrying about their shoes or  washing their hands! While others find nibbling in the nails fun and a way to ease stress.

Although  nibbling nails is not generally harmful, you may harm your skin and  expose yourself to the risk of bleeding and bacterial infection. There  is a way to stop the habit, which is to keep your nails trimmed, and  there are some people who resort to putting materials once or even  bandage on the finger to remind themselves to stop nibbling and find  something else to do. 

 8. procrastination 

 Procrastination  can be a really bad habit, as procrastinators annoy themselves to avoid  doing something because they do not want to do, they expose themselves  to the test and pay the late fees routinely for bills and buy gifts when  going to the concert, the result is often weak signs of testing, And late access to the event, all this is not because of time constraints but because of failure to regulate behavior.
It is difficult to understand the motive behind procrastination but here are some common reasons for this habit:
Fear of failure or success
Fear of making bad decisions
Try to get more adrenaline
Rebellion against parents
Whatever  the reason for procrastination is a problem in your life, you have to  be proactive, you have to set clear goals, and you can resort to rewards  if necessary. Imagine  how you will feel when you complete a project to the end on time, and  you can ask someone to monitor and verify your work if you actually  decide to get rid of the habit. .

 7 - cursing 

 When  someone starts cursing on television or cinema, it may be very funny,  but it is often not funny in real life. Many people consider slander to  be trivial, and the person who insults the person is too weak to control  himself or to express himself. Himself correctly.

On  the positive side, verbal abuse may be useful to calm the person and  allow him to express his anger without harming anyone. A British  researcher found that cursing helped his patients cope with pain better  than those who said a neutral word! However, the same researcher warned that insults lose their emotional  effectiveness, which reduces their ability to relieve pain. This may be  true because, in general, the more often it is, the less effective it  is.

There is one way to stop this bad habit: using a jar of abuse. Do you know what they are?

It's  a jar or pot where you put a certain amount of money every time you  make it unnecessarily, but you have to decide to allocate that money to  something that is not as enjoyable as putting it in your retirement  account or paying off debt. Otherwise you will give yourself a good  reason to continue this bad habit , All denounce what is worth and what does not deserve the oath. 

 6. Chewing and chewing gum 

 Learning how to bubble gum bubbles is one of those rituals that  everyone experiences in childhood just like whistling or riding a bike,  but by the time we reach puberty, we continue to chew gum, but the kind  that refreshes the soul.

It is not ideal for blowing bubbles, so some people turn to bite them in a way that makes a noise.

This behavior is very similar to biting nails or hair loss, and can  become a conscious behavior used to relieve stress or boredom.

However, chewing gum has some positives, researchers have found that  it makes people focus better on mental agility tests for 20 minutes, and  that's probably why some people do it at work.

The problem is that the noise of the bubble gum can distract people  from around you, so they may tear their feelings or complain to the  human resources manager!
If  you are the type of chewing gum you should think about why and find a  quieter way to deal with your stress. If you are concerned about bad  breath, replace it with mint or keep the toothbrush at work! 


5. Delays

 Delay may be the reason to expel you from your job, not only that  delay makes you look unprofessional and unorganized in your career.

In private life, your friends and family can be tempted by you because  of your constant delay and your frustration with some big events  because of this bad habit if you are always the last to join, or if you  miss a big moment of the event.

Delay  may stem from the lack of self-motivation, or the frequent  preoccupations of life, in addition, some people actually feel a sense  of happiness when they make the other waiting for them! Others are delayed by over-optimism about the time actually needed to move from point A to point B.
Delay is bad behavior but you may become more disciplined if you do get rid of it. How?

Avoid  trusting your internal watch, and try to calculate the time well, for  example, how long it takes to get to work, including peak hour traffic,  as well as the time it takes to walk from your car to build your office  to your suite. Very, you have to remind your smartphone or laptop and make sure to schedule some time to stop during the day! 

 4. The province  

 Life is full of provinces on a continuous basis. It may interrupt you  on the road, ringing the phone or a person's voice or noise in the yard.  But the worst way to interrupt is verbal boycott, especially when the  person is doing it over and over again!

It means that what the person who boycotted you during the speech will  say much more important than you say, and although this bad habit is a  kind of brazenness, many of us practice it.

One  reason interrupting the other is sometimes necessary. If you have an  important question to ask during the presentation that will not be  relevant to the rest of the lecture or lesson if you wait until the end,  sometimes getting the speaker's attention is acceptable, you just have  to do it politely.
But like many bad habits, boycotting the other can also be linked to  power, that is, those who are allowed to speak and who are not allowed  to do so. You may not hesitate to boycott your subordinates at work, but  you will never interrupt your boss!

. Regardless of the relationship between you and the speaker, it is best  to wait until the other person has finished talking and trying to focus  on what he is saying and formulating a thoughtful response. If you feel  the need to interrupt him, just ask yourself what will happen if you  wait.

(Maybe, nothing.) You can take notes if you're afraid of forgetting what you're going to say next. 

 3 - gossip 

 If the gossip was not fun and entertaining, there would not be many  television shows, websites and magazines dedicated to talking about what  celebrities do, and most of them chose to be in the public eye,  expecting their personal lives to be under scrutiny.

As ordinary people, we usually can not afford to make our flaws and news a subject of conversation in a room break! Some of us can not resist sharing little information with each other,  it is a means of communicating with others, raising our social status in  their eyes.

Sometimes this helps to increase self-confidence.
Dieting may seem a harmless way to pass time, but it has great repercussions. In the workplace, gossip can be a big problem because it can lower morale and thus lower productivity.

Families have been torn by the secrets that were not supposed to be  revealed, and gossip also gives you some kind of power, since those who  have information can control who deserves to be shared and who does not  deserve it.

If you are worried about this bad habit, pay attention to the topics  you are talking about. Do you say positive or negative stories about  others?

If  it's hard for you to stop gossiping because it makes you feel good,  just ask yourself how you would feel if everyone was talking badly about  you. 

 2 - Trembling 

 Simply getting restless means that you are still unable to hold steady  in your place, such as biting nails and other so-called nerve habits,  can be a way to fight boredom, or spend extra energy and relieve stress.
This  bad habit is not entirely bad. Some researchers believe that  restlessness reduces the levels of stress hormone cortisol, which can  negatively affect learning. Trembling during the test may make your  performance better because parts of the brain that control movement and  speech are in the same area. Or move may also help to formulate the idea before speaking out loud.

You can also burn just 350 extra calories all day long, but  restlessness remains one of those bad habits that can have a social  impact, especially if it is a lot and annoying to others.

When  a person who is very tired is asked to pay attention, he or she stops  doing it, or at least finds a way to avoid bothering others. But if you  are suffering from this habit and can not stop it and seem to become  involuntary, there could be something more serious . Extreme  desiccation is symptomatic of several conditions, including Attention  Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Bipolar Disorder and Tourette  Syndrome, and therefore professional help is required in those cases.... 

 1. Over-use of the screen 

 It's very easy to spend all your day staring at the screen, whether a computer, TV, tablet, or phone. Most  of us use computers at work, so you may spend up to 40 hours a week at  least a week, no matter what, but what about watching TV for hours or  hours on Facebook? How can this affect you?

Scientists  have found that spending too much time in front of the screen can cause  eye fatigue and blurred vision. Although these symptoms are not  permanent, they are not at all unpleasant. Research also suggests that  spending too much time in front of the screen can damage the brain. On games, for example, adolescents can cause damage to the frontal lobe.

Watching TV or surfing the internet certainly has benefits, but if it  prevents you from spending time with friends, hearing complaints from  your family, or failing to accomplish the necessary work because you are  too busy on the Internet, you may need to start setting some limits.

For  example, if you always take your phone with you to the bathroom, you  have to make a conscious effort to leave it in another room and have  your meals on the table rather than in front of the TV, and sometimes  read the paperback. Or download some audio files and listen to them while you go for a walk. 

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That's so true. People think only smoking and doing drugs are bad habits but we fall victims to so many bad patterns that become habits and we never think twice that they're harmful for our personality and of the people around us.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

why no you vote on the publication if you love it @komalirfan

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If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?

- Albert Einstein

Well I smoke cannabis and I personally dont see it as a "drug" but I can honestly say im addicted, but as many would say that weed is a "gateway" drug, I disagree its just a case of how you got involved with it, through bad friends just on the path to drag you down unknowingly... Or by medical reasons or by seeking something new in life, a new experience. As for me I can still do everything normally, I can still work under pressure. Its not that when I smoke I need to just sit down zone out and eat ... no guys its not like that im just having a better experience of it all no offense.

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