How To Live Up To Your Maximum Potential: Chapter 1 - Wake Up & Smell The Deception

in writing •  8 years ago  (edited)

How To Live Up To YOUR Maximum Potential:

Chapter 1 - Wake Up & Smell The Deception

It's been said that not everyone truly lives but everyone is guaranteed to die. Now while that sounds like a very nihilist and unwelcoming statement one can theorize that the original author of this (whom I've no idea who) timeless ideology may actually have been on to something! This is the first of many chapters to be written in this collection of ideas, perceptions, observations that will attempt to help those interested in living their life to it's maximum potential, by helping other like minded beings achieve the same.

We as a Species are in a Widespread State of Societal Degeneracy

Humans living in developed parts of the world now live an average lifespan nearly double of that of humans that lived only 100 or so years ago. Many amazing technological advances in fields such as health care, electronic engineering and industry have completely changed the landscape of the land and entirely evolved the way a majority of people on this planet live their day to day life. However as we see humans live longer easier lives due to technological advances we see the overall happiness of the people slowly being siphoned off and traded for taxes, security and stability. An unfortunate side effect of what some may view as the pacification and domestication of the human species, is that those in power of your government, country and society wish to enslave you and your offspring within a debt based money system they've designed.

"people are born, live many years on this planet and go on to die without even so much as ever even realizing that they've been essentially turned into a resource"

How you choose to live your life is entirely up to you, but unless you take charge and responsibility of what you do, where you plan to be in the future, your finances and ultimately your success YOU WILL fall into the well designed and cleverly hidden trap that the majority of people living in our societies are not even aware of. Often people are born, live many years on this planet and go on to die without even so much as ever even realizing that they've been essentially turned into a resource and indebted before they've even been born.

This may at first come off as absurd ravings of a questionably mentally stable space cadet I urge you to keep an open mind while reading anything I write. Now while some on this planet would say that the "meaning of life" is to grow up, go to school, get a job, find a wife/husband, buy a house, get a mortgage, always pay your taxes, save up your money in the bank and pay into your pension for a prosperous retirement...

When you start to peel back the layers on layers of propaganda, generations of brainwashing and purposely implanted societal "norms" you end up a with a very different emergent view of the situation.

While I'm entirely aware many people view the "meaning of life" as many different things other than what's listed above, I ask you for the sake of example to understand this is my rough approximation of the "American Dream" which has been perpetualized and drilled into the heads of all members of western and some eastern societies. Unbeknownst to most, is that the current way that these civilizations have been set up by those governed act only to forcibly farm your average consumers hard earned dollars through taxation but also the priceless hours of their life.

From a Young Age You're Being Programmed By Your Society to Conformism

Anyone with an above slime mold level of intelligence has to wonder who's best interests were in mind exactly when these ideals and fundamentals were ingrained into our various societies around the world. At what time did we allow ourselves to be told the these things decided were agreeable life goals that we should all be trying towards in order to be viewed as "successful" by our peers and be accepted by the societies that govern.

The unfortunate reality is that most people on this planet never take a step back to look at the bigger picture. Often in western cultures people tend to value their money, material possessions, bills and debt based responsibilities over their fellow human. One thing that's always bothered myself deeply when I look at certain societal architectures is the lack of compassion, empathy and understanding that's given to those regarded in lower castes. If you TRULY want to start living up to your true potential you must cast off the illusions set forth by those who wish to keep you a poor, financially weakened and enslaved by debts all while charging you taxes and fees on the whole unnecessary ordeal.

Knowledge is NOT Only Power.. But Also Protection!

The biggest defense you hold against being forcefully trapped into an menial existence in which you are exploited daily by the very society and government that swears "it's got your best interests in mind" is to educate yourself and others. In the form of over taxation coupled with an ever rising debt ceiling, criminal central banker interests and government employees enslave entire continents and it's future generations with debt and the fear of imprisonment for not paying large percentages of their wages and paying a good percentage on all goods and services they need to have a decent living.

Author Note: This is a pilot chapter of my planned Steem Network Exclusive book. If you enjoy what's been written above please don't be shy to toss an upvote and get involved in help shaping the direction you'd like future chapters to touch on... By sharing your feedback and constructive criticism in the comments section below you move past being controlled and told what to do and take hold of your true potential and voice. provides a great interface to submit immutable information to the STEEM Blockchain.

Stay Tuned For Chapter 2 In The Near Future!
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I liked your text, so don't take this the wrong way, but I have a correction to make:

Evolution can't really stall. It's a misconception that evolution has a "direction", and thats is always for the better.

Evolution is just a process that exists, and happens. If being stupid, for instance, makes a species survive better in an environment, then stupid creatures are the winners in evolution. Evolution, despite darwinist claims, is not "survival of the strongest", but "survival of the fittest"; those best suited for their environment will flourish, while others perish.

But "fittest" doesn't always mean what people like us think it does.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Ah. I appreciate the feedback and I'll have a whack at re-wording it sir.

Thank you for pointing this out. You have a valid point and I'll revise it here shortly.

Edit: That better? I truly appreciate you correcting me without coming off as a dickhead.
Need more folks like you helping morons like me keep the facts straight so I don't look completely nuts. :)

Heh, it's unfortunate that on the internet we have to thank people for acting in a civil manner. :p

Thanks for the post, interesting stuff which resonates really strongly with me. Made me think of a great 4 part documentary series called Century of the Self by Adam Curtis, check it out. Explains how Freud's theories of the inner controlling egoic mind has been manipulated by advertising to keep us controlled consumers. We are treated like children, stimulate our desire for something through advertising, get us to work towards obtaining it, we are happy, mild consumers for a period, then the whole process starts again when we lose interest. We all need to wake up. Cheers

Yep I have the same view. I used to be a free young man devoted to climbing mountains and exploring the world, now I feel trapped but I also feel hopeful because there is no alternative to freedom.