in writing •  7 years ago 

Today I write to apologize for all the things I did not do. I feel like the more I didn't do anything, the more your hatred towards me blossomed. Why would I want to end something that never even existed? You seem quite taken by me and for that I am honored, but who are we kidding, it’s all born out of pure sparkling lust. You always tell me of the sparks that run through your system each time we hug or exchange a friendly kiss, sometimes I see you jerk unconsciously whenever I hold your hand or try to help you off the ground.

If this love-world you see of me and you comes into fruition, would you live long enough to enjoy it? Who is to tell if one of these days I will not just pass such electricity through you that could stop your heart? Now if that doesn’t happen, the current might just fade away and you would eventually start seeking something or someone else to keep your ions charged.

Forgive my use of science; it seems to capture what I intend to express so I’ll let it flow this time. We are definitely of the same species, only that I have been alive more years that you, I also have a vast experience with the opposite sex that you might never encounter in your short time here on earth. Funny thing is, you know all these and still you try to make it look like we are spar mates. Understand this, loving comes naturally to me, the question is, can you handle what I have to dole out at this your present juvenile emotional state of mind?

I can offer you so much more than good loving and hickeys. I can teach you things that would better your life and give you a reason to stand independent of whatever life throws at you, yet you seem to only want that which lies in between my legs. You are a woman, a lady with so much potential; I do not say that I do not love you, who wouldn’t? All I am saying is this, take your time and make life worth living for you, before throwing it all away for 5 min of pleasure.

Have I seen a world where we are together? Have I dreamt of what your touch will feel like or what you would taste like? YES on all counts.


It isn’t right at least for now. I want you to add value to yourself and achieve all your goals. That doesn’t mean that I will be waiting for you or buying time till you are ripe enough for “us” to happen. One thing is sure; you would still have me as a friend, who knows your love-appetite might just get richer or poorer.

If you must, shed some tears as you read this. Let the tears wet the paper and dissolve my words, so that they make a better solution in your heart. You have a lot to offer in this present world, and I refuse to be the reason why you didn’t.


yours truly @klynic


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That moment where we have to choose between love and the right thing to do, cause we know better.

Loved it, thanks for sharing

You are very welcome sir, thank you for reading

Well said

Nice, olamide with the science student lines

huh? Olamide ? where ? when ? how?

"Who is to tell if one of these days I will not just pass such electricity through you that could stop your heart? Now if that doesn’t happen, the current might just fade away and you would eventually start seeking something or someone else to keep your ions charged" 😊

lool... i see your point ....

guilty as charged
