Do you have a plan?

in writing •  7 years ago 


Throughout our human life, our decisions and actions are spurned by a series of stages. First, the idea starts as a speck of thought, then it is broadened till at long last, a well-developed system of action comes about.

A person without a plan is likened to a builder without blueprints. Although he may start the project, he'll later become stuck. Plans are what make our life course ran smoothly. When our decisions are backed by plans, everything we do falls into place gracefully!


There are numerous advantages to having a plan but I consider time saving to be the most important of them all. When we plan out what we want to do, it saves us the time of having to start the whole process again when we find ourselves stuck at one point.

Having a plan is knowing how we're going to move from point A to B in order to achieve C.

Create a game plan today and see if it doesn't save you time and energy.


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