I've got nothing of great import for today's preface so I'll just jump right into the story.
Continuing the werewolf story:
Matt found out how much Spence wanted him to come on the weekend Barrel Burner trip when they reached the counter at the liquor store. Without a word Spence pulled out his wallet and paid. This was something akin to a miracle... truly. Matt even looked up the definition later.
"mir·a·cle /ˈmirək(ə)l/ noun: a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws."
Matt was so stunned that he didn't realize that Spence had left until the lady behind the counter sweetly asked if he needed anything else. He grabbed the brown paper bags and hurried out the door.
Matt caught up to Spence at the car and slid into the passenger seat. Since they were both male, and had been raised as most males had at the time, refusing to express emotion, no words were exchanged, but the gesture was received.
Until that moment Matt still hadn't completely made up his mind. He knew he was going to end up going, but he hadn't fully committed. He was still worried about work, and the money, and was kinda hoping he find some reason to abandon ship. After the liquor was paid for, two bottles of amaretto, a bottle of spiced rum, and a bottle of mid shelf vodka, all that worry went away.
Back at the apartment Spence headed for his bedroom.
"Don't forget to sign up, and we should leave in a couple hours to make it and setup before it gets dark." he said on his way in. "I'm gonna nap." and the door shut with a snap.
Matt hopped on his laptop and followed the link Spence had emailed him eons earlier. Signup completed he spent the next couple of hours digging through his drawers and closet trying to find everything he needed. It had been years since he'd been camping and any supplies he might have had seemed to have vanished. His backpack was easy, it was one of the big hiking ones with the frame. His sleeping bag was the second easiest, because it was under the backpack. The tent was under a pile of detritus, the kind of stuff all bedroom closets accumulate. Ugly shirts that had stopped being worn or never were, dress shoes, dress pants that were too tight, boxes of various things including Lego bricks, and an ancient pair of hand-me-down golf shoes from his grandfather, because they were the same size not because Matt played golf.
He had the hardest time finding his thermal underwear and wool socks. Couldn't forget those. Spring might be on its way but winter was holding on hard this year. The forecast called for mostly sunshine and highs in the 60's but the lows were low and there was some talk about snow. Ultimately he found them hiding in his sleeping bag. Luckily they were still clean. The last camping trip had turned out to be warmer than originally thought. He wasn't sure how they ended up in the sleeping bag, but he was sure it made sense at the time.
It took him almost two hours to get everything together. He came crashing out of his room, because things got a bit awkward with the backpack. He had it slung over one shoulder but the center of gravity was off.
Everything tipped to one side. Think of a puppy who has a huge stick in its mouth trying to get through the back door.
Matt managed to make it through his doorway and into the main room while only knocking one picture off the wall in the hallway. Spence emerged shortly there after with a small duffel bag in one hand.
"All set?" he asked.
"As good as I'm going to be." Matt replied.
"Sweet. I just downloaded a new album that I think you'll like." He headed out the door.
Matt smiled and followed him.
Page Dividers by @odrau