TRUTH. A necessary good?

in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)


Good day people.
Day in day out, we move around and interact with a lot of people. Some just casual greetings, others the chats can last for hours.
Let's now take a scenario here. Assuming in a day an average person communicates with 30 new people. And let's assume the life expectancy is 70 years. So if we run our little calculations, we get (70-10)×30×365 = 657,000 people. Let's leave out the leap years for now and also let's assume we begin to recollect faces at the age of 10. That gives us 657,000 people we will meet face to face. (Not including those we interact with on social media.)

That's quite a lot of people. Now in our dealings with all these people, how many times do we tell the truth to all these 657,000 people we meet in our 70 year life span? Now the earth has a lot of people living on it and if we run the same algorithm with the same figures, we get the same number for every human being on earth, which is quite a large number. Irrespective of this lets assume we told a white lie to half that number, we get 328,500 people. And now let's say that all those we told lies to met those we told truth to. Your reputation well be quickly broken apart, because the world is such that information spreads rapidly than ever.

Enough of numbers and math, let's delve into the reason why truth is a necessary good. Karma. Karma basically means you reap what you sow, although it has its roots from Indian and Nepalese religions. It is however imperative to always churn out the truth whenever it is required. A white lie will occasionally set you free, but then you will get entangled in your own web soon enough. Why? Karma. Karma will track you down after years and make sure you get paid with what you did. It will not be pleasant to have to pay for a lie you told 40 to 50 years ago. Also why truth is a necessary good is that, once you say it, you won't have to bother about keeping track of what you said, which saves you undue stress.

For a practical representation, of what was just talked about above, just get whoever you told a lie to, no matter how grievous. Don't be surprised if the person goes ballistic for a while; it is better than revealing it years later when it will hurt even more. Just tell the person the truth and sleep well at night, else karma will make you pay back in the worst possible way. Keep up the truthfulness and integrity. Thanks for reading my work. All images in this article are created by me. See you all real soon. Take care!

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good work

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