Be careful who you step on. A short story of fiction

in writing •  6 years ago 


She should have kept her promise. Now, I'll make sure the happiest day of their lives is a nightmare. That it never happened. I will make them feel like they made the workers feel. All of them trying to make it a special day for those who spat on them. For that stupid royal wedding. We believed like fools and we got burned, as always.

I had an invite in my hands. Silky, smooth. Perfumed. For a wedding. A princess and her other half. I considered her my friend. But I also worked for her. Designing her new crown. Designed her gowns. I opened the envelope and there were the time, place and theme. It would happen out of the country, in a place I had talked about so many times. She must have heard me talk. She loved to travel and hated being at home. And, truly, my home country was spectacular.

It would happen soon, a spontaneous event. I could take a plus one to it. My mother would be ecstatic. I would take her. She deserved it for all of her hard work. I would make sure she would have fun. After we finished building the crown and sewing our dresses. That was what we did. Make things. The princess always wore my garments. She loved my style. Most people did. Expect her sister. She couldn't stand that me and the princess, had seemingly a better relationship than them. But it wasn't true. We joked when we worked together but in their free time, we would not even talk. That is why I was surprised by the invite.

As it turned out, many others were, too. Everyone who worked the wedding on a management level was invited. And every one of us worked extra hard because of that. Up until the day of the wedding. It was seemingly five more hours before the vows would be exchanged. I had just finished the princesses dress and was going to make adjustments to mine. My mom was already in a suit and tried to help as she could. It would be a beautiful sunset wedding. Or, that is what we thought.

As I was standing there, in my everyday clothes, the guests started arriving. Almost five hours early. At first, I was confused. The working class was, too. None of us were ready. So, I sent my mom to get my dress immediately and set out on figuring what was going on. The guests that came took seats in the lush garden. Between the blooming apple trees. The wedding arch was ready. They had a priest standing and waiting. The princess and her groom, nowhere to be seen. Probably getting ready, in the house.

I made steps towards it and was greeted with that venomous sister. That day I learned she was the only honest one in that house. She gave me a snarky gaze. If there ever is such. And told me to get lost. That the princess did not want MY kind at her wedding. What had I thought? As she spoke, I looked at the princess. She would have her face cast away but I was sure she heard us. The window was open.

So that was how things were in her eyes. They thought we would do nothing. They expected it, I knew. After all, we were nothing but scum under their shoes. We could not complain. I let them think so. So I looked at the people in the garden. Some glancing at the commotion with nervous gazes, others oblivious. Deep down I knew. They had been informed and we had not. If she wanted segregation, it would be what she got.

There was a reason I worked in the palace, half a continent away. The queen did not want to anger me. She wanted us to be close. Because she knew that they could not win a war against us. My people. And I chose to work instead of being their guest. In my land, it was custom to treat your people like equals. It was a point that was made here. And now, she was on my land. Disrespecting every written and unwritten law. I went back to the workers and explained them the situation. I told them to go to the neighbors and wait there. They would receive them with open arms. I would make sure they got to feast.

I went out of the fenced area and met my mom. The princesses guards were stationed here. But they answered to a queen. They did not yet know that I was paying their salaries. I smiled at one and he looked back sympathetically but without nothing to do. I hugged my mom and requested my phone. She handed it to me and looked into the garden. She knew what had happened as it was clear from the workers leaving and the princess moving on, to the altar of flowers.

My dress hung in my mother's arms. She knew what would be done and she was not happy about it. But it had been provoked. The property here had belonged to my family a long time ago. Because we did not frequent it often, we had sold it. The next owner hadn't been able to pay the mortgage on it. It belonged to the bank now. I dialed a well known but rarely used number and my assistant picked up.

''Buy the Green property that we sold in June 2009. I need the transaction to be completed now and the papers faxed to me. Contact the church that the princess is getting eloped through and make sure that the order is canceled. By the law of the state. Pull out the funds we have into her majesties lands. Inform their security chef that he can send his men back home... With six months wages. We will fund them. Finally, get me on a stand and inform the airports. The bridal party does not leave this country without first going through us. They have broken our laws from section eight. They will face consequences like everyone else. And, get me on the phone with the queen. I need to talk to her about the situation.''

''Yes, my Lady'' Revenge is a dish best served cold. I was not sure I did it out of spite. Probably, partly. But the entitled brat had made my people feel like dirt. No one had the right to do do that. She did not know who I really was and that was her mistake. Our treaty with the queen's lands had specified that no one else should be informed. She had held her end of the bargain so our partnership would not fall. Not that day.

I purchased the property in a couple of minutes. I made sure the police chief would not come today. The guards were informed that they could return to their families. And, surprise, most of them were from the lands around mine, not the queens. Another clause. They let me back in the garden an hour later. The wedding guests were dancing and destroying a part of land with motorcycle show. It did not matter. I had a paper in my hands and was followed by two of my own men. They had loudspeakers that one passed to me.

''Party is over. By the ladies order, you are trespassing on a territory that belongs to me.'' The wedding guests looked stunned for a second. I saw the princesses sister looking at me confused. I was a seamstress in her eyes. One like me could not afford such lands. The princess was pale behind her friend. She would avoid eye contact. There ensued protests but all I had to mention were arrests and police force. No one doubted the authenticity of my paper. It had the royal seal of this side of the sea.

I had stopped their celebration but at least they had their marriage... Until tomorrow. I did that day what I had not done for years of diplomacy. I put my own crown on. I called the police force. I reinstated my old residence. I came home. Even though it was managing well from me being in the distance, I no longer believed in royal friendships. I would not return to the queens lands. And she understood. At least accept the fact that she would not see one of her daughters for a couple of years. The same amount that I had been away from home. Eight.

In the morning, when the princess and her party had booked flights back. In the light of yesterdays events, she was greeted by me and my men. The glorious force of the Lady. I had my crown on my head and that was the first they noticed. What I saw first was the cried out face of the princess. She was last to notice the commotion around her, rambling away about how her wedding was ruined. When she finally realized that no one was listening, she turned to where the attention lay. She started to say something but her eyes widened. No doubt, at my crown.

I did not give her the option to say anything else. ''By the order of The Kingdom of The Lady, I, The Lady, am here to make sure you face responsibility for breaking the law of this country. First, for promoting uneqyality and using work force that has been lured with false promises. The degradation of a fellow man, stepping against honor and dignity of humanity and showing no respect towards a leader of a peaceful country, your lands have been stripped of The Ladies support. Monetary and troops. Around 65 % of your army is gone so do not make hasty decisions.

You have been stripped of your marriage as you committed crimes before signing the papers. The queen has agreed to a travel ban outside your country for everyone involved. And, finally, you princess, will not be able to return to your land, for the next eight lunar years. You will not be allowed to marry but your intended can stay with you. You will take a job between the people, and serve the crown and anybody else who needs help. If you fail to oblige and learn our laws, to respect them, your period of service will be extended. The rest of your people may leave today''

She was completely white now. Like a ghost. She had had no idea. I could tell. That her kingdom was under the rule of mine at least partially. But that was the deal and for that, I respected their queen. For that, they were able to keep their lands.

''And make no mistake. If this would have happened on your land, you would not be breathing now. The consequences of your actions would be much more dire.''

I have some interesting dreams lately, don't I? All weird and mean. Sometimes nice and fluffy. This was set in my childhood home. Pretty interesting and gut-wrenching. A big part of it was the feeling of revenge but it also was the people who felt like trash thanks to someone else's actions.


Have a great day! Today, tomorrow, and forever.

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You have a lot of discipline as a writer - great work!

Thank you! :)