"I was your typical working girl with a great job with a wonderful future. I even bought a condo in a great area of town. I've met a great guy last year and we've been dating ever since. So what could go wrong? Now you're going to think I'm crazy with what I'm about to tell you, but it's all true. I can't even believe it myself!
It all started when I had to take an out of town trip related to my job. It was a very important meeting and I had to be physically there. Now my assistant was supposed to go with me but her daughter got ill and couldn't make it. No problem, I have all the files I needed and my presentation was complete and ready to go.
Everything was going smooth and I was going to make it on time. I had to take a smaller highway at one point because of some construction going on, just a slight detour, but I'm okay with time. The highway was very dark and creepy and so I played my music loud trying to keep my mood up. I noticed a bright star in the night sky that seemed to get brighter and larger. That's when my world changed, this star wasn't a star as it seemed to move in various directions. I just couldn't stop watching it. This has to be a UFO, that's the only thing it can be!
Suddenly my car starts to konk out! There's no power as I push the pedal down further to eventually my engine sputters out. I coast over to the side of the highway until it stops dead. Oh my God, this is all I needed! And on top of that, the UFO seems to be getting closer and closer. I grab my cell and attempt to call roadside assistance, but my phone is dead! The glowing object is now directly overhead and I have to step out my car to keep it in view. It's saucer-shaped, just like in the movies.
My heart is beating so hard like it's going to burst from my chest, I've never felt so afraid! It's just hovering over me now! I feel extremely weak, can barely stand anymore! I suddenly slump to the ground and on to my side. I can't move at all, I'm paralyzed! I can make out shadows on the ground next to me. Several of them, moving around me. I can feel myself lifting off the ground like in some magicians trick. Oh God, I can see some of them now! They're small with very large heads, large insect-like eyes. The skin is pale gray and very smooth. They have dark skin-tight overalls with intricate designs. All of those movies depicting aliens had it right, they must of used actual reports to come up with the designs, because they look exactly like I've seen in movies and television all these years.
One of them is very close - looking straight at me! His long slender hand is touching my heel of my foot. He's just pushing me along like a rubber raft in a pool. None of them are talking to each other, they seem tuned to each other somehow. Moving my eyes upward I can see the ship floating but a few feet above the ground. A large hatch is opened with a bright light inside. I'm easily guided inside the craft. I view amazing high tech machinery everywhere as they move me into a chamber of some sort. Patterns of lights surround me and a hum starts to vibrate through my body.
I can feel my clothes loosening up on my body like some unseen hands were undressing me. In shreds, they fall from my body until I'm completely naked. My legs are being pulled apart by these same unseen hands. I can't help but to start screaming my head off! I think one of those things is going to come in here and do something to me! No matter how much I try to struggle I can't seem to move a muscle. A door opened up and to my surprise a naked man walks in, he's absolutely gorgeous! Human in every way, a toned muscled body, very attractive.
He gently places his hands on my hips and begins to have sex with me, I wasn't afraid anymore, his eyes were very beautiful and I became hypnotized by them. Inside my head I can hear his soft voice, "Don't be afraid, I want to only give you love." It was the best sex I've ever had, I'm not afraid to say. I'll never forget how he made me feel, like he loved me so much is how can only describe it. I don't really know what happened next because the next thing I know some large alien is standing where he was. I started screaming in sheer terror! The hideous alien quickly leaves the chamber. I awake on the side of the highway nude. A car with an older lady drives up and calls CHP for help. Now this is the 10th time I've told one of you Psychiatrist my story, how much more do you need?"
"Well Miss Rogers, your story is very incredible to say the least. We now have 7 other women in here with the same story. This phenomenon is most interesting"
"Okay so when are you going to let me out of here?"
"Very soon, very soon."
"I hope so, this rubber jacket is very uncomfortable."