gender inequality

in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)


Gender inequality is a state where access to right is affected by gender . Gender inequality affects women and men for example in some countries women are not allowed to vote work ,travel or even own a bank account and in some cases where men are forced to live up to certain stereotypes that are hurtful like facing burdensome alimony, having to fight tooth and nail to win custody of their kids because according to society women do a better job raising kids than men ,physical violence and harassment is seen as normal because according to society every male on the street is possibly a criminal .

People's full potentials are not maximized because society feels that according to their gender they are incapable of doing a certain task . We have higher percentage of female nurses than their male counterparts because typically a man who wants to become a nurse will be advised to become a doctor because society feels Doctor is to men as Nurse is to women. Why does gender have a say in who is fit and unfit to perform certain duties or render certain services?

In Canada women hold one quarter (26.4%) of 88 in the House Of Commons , 43% of women are senators .In the U.S women hold just 83(19.1%) of the 435 seats in the House Of Representative ,in the senate women hold just 21% of the 100 seats. Th e only African female to ever be voted into power is President Helen Sirleaf Johnson. Why the low percentage in the amount of women holding seats of power? Why does gender have a say in who is fit and unfit to lead?

Funny enough we are society and the earlier we give up on our gender stereotypes the better for us let us recognize people for their potentials and what they can do, what they have to offer and not their sex.

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