A Shaman’s view on Social Network writing tips and guides

in writing •  9 years ago 

I am not trying to sell myself, I am being myself. 

There is no cookie cutter approach to doing that right. 

The greatest thing any of has to sell is who we are and our personal stories. There is no cookie cutter to telling your own tale. There are no key words or buzz words or trigger words that are who you are and are the stories of your life. Your history tells them why they should be listening to you now when the question comes up. It’s why we have resumes.

I have been blogging since MySpace first introduced the feature back in 2006 or 2007. People connect to a personal story. People are tricked into thinking you are being personal by using key words like “tips or tricks to be successful” and it the worst kind of emotional abuse there is.

These tips and guides are teaching you to exclude and how to exclude and they are making up reasons as to why you should exclude and programming you to think their way so they can make a living off of your ignorance.

Sad but true.

A great song by Metallica that when a friend tagged me on it when she posed the video on Linkedin, I didn’t realize that was my Rock God message for the tone of my day and the message I had to share with the world in the interest of soul healing.

Then I had a phone conversation with someone who does what I do. One of things that came up was me admitting that all emotional healing is self healing and that as a healer I simply guide and direct you in how to heal yourself. If you never follow the guidance the change your view and make the changes in your expression of self the pain comes back and I am just removing it for a while to give you the chance to figure your shit out.

It’s all most Reiki practitioners do. Temporary relief until you fix yourself and if they never tell you that they can keep you coming back and you become the junkie to their drug dealer.

Sad but true.

Part of what I do is drop the veil and hurt you with the truth that has you looking at your life with new eyes that has you judging yourself.

Of course no one wants to go through that even though they need it to actually heal.

If you never judge you, then you never forgive you and you will go on punishing you when it is not needed. Simply make better choices to avoid life’s punishing lessons of what not to do. Facing that mirror of truth is not something you go looking for and often will try to run away from when it shows up in your life.

Sad but true.

What writing and tip guides for social networking platforms do is kill creativity and kill the individual expression as much as they think they are giving it form to grow. Individual expression has no form except that which feels like an honest expression of self. No rules and the only tip is to figure out on your own who you are and then express it your way and if they can’t hang let them miss out on the work of art you are.

Sad but true.

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