Louisa Locke along with Neil Gaimen have made a wonderful analogy, consider your marketing like a dandelion.
Have a thousand different seeds go out into the world.
You don't know which one will sprout and grow, but you have plenty if seeds out there and you don't even have to water it yourself.
Lousia Locke in her blog post wrote mostly on the different ways to market yourself. And she has wonderful thoughts on how different approaches have worked for her.
But looking at the speech from Gaiman, at the London Book Fair, is more then just about marketing, it is about the drastic changes that are here and that are coming. There are two sections in his speech that I love. I love this quote about the Kindle. It nails why it was, and is such a game changer.These quotes are taken from here:
“I was given a Kindle before Kindles were commercially available just to try out, and I looked at it. And I thought, ‘You’re ugly. You’re kinda clunky. You look stupid.’ And then, a couple of days later, I got onto a plane to Hungary where I was going to be for two weeks with my 12-year-old daughter, and we realized that she had nothing to read, and probably in Budapest, there wouldn’t be anything that we could buy for her to read. And between realizing this, sitting down on the plane, and the plane door being closed and taking off, I downloaded a dozen books – enough to entertain her for two weeks. Watching how she took to the Kindle, I realized content was going to triumph over packaging. And that digital was definitely happening.“But I wasn’t completely certain. I wasn’t certain that this was the way of the future until I noticed that I could make fonts larger and more readable in dim light. I thought, ‘That’s the killer app.’ Because normally technology gets driven by the young. But here, it’s going to be driven by the luddites because as we get older, our eyes are not what they were. And the idea of a book where you can actually make a font readable is going to change everything.
But my favorite are his thoughts on mistakes. Mistakes are important. You learn from mistakes. Make mistakes.
“The model for tomorrow, and this is the model that I’ve been using with enormous enthusiasm since I started blogging back in 2001 – probably since I started using CompuServe end of 1988, the model is try everything. Make mistakes. Surprise ourselves. Try anything else. Fail. Fail better. Succeed in ways we would never have imagined a year ago or a week ago. I think it’s time for us to be dandelions willing to launch a thousand seeds and lose 900 of them if a hundred or even a dozen survive and grow and make a new world. And I think that’s a lot wiser than waiting for 1993 to come back around again.”
Perfect. I completely agree with that sentiment.
Try Everything. Stop waiting for 1993.
It's the 21st Century.
You can see the whole speech below: