My new book series coming in 2018

in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)

I left teaching this year to write full time.

So I have a new series coming in 2018. I already have two manusripts in this series, The Number Investigators.

First up-- Charlotte Morgan and the Great Big Math Problem.

Charlotte Morgan and the Great Big Math Problem_Kindle Cover.jpg

Charlotte Morgan is a third grade girl who enjoys playing with numbers. Her friends are a club, The Number Investigators, they meet to work on homework, solve problems with math, and hang out in Charlotte's tree house.

The book is currently being illustrated, coming soon in 2018.

Level for second through fourth grade readers.

I wrote it thinking about third graders. The characters use a lot of math thinking in their discussions. I hope that teachers and educators will able to use in their classes.

(Will probably serialize it here on Steemit soon.)

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Good news, very grateful to you that you write children's books, in our time very few people are interested in it and write for children. Thank you.

This is quite smart. I would love to give it to my niece's to read, I feel they would really benefit - not only in maths, but literacy at the same time. Good job!

Great news @mctiller and I think you are doing the right thing in releasing books for children, because children are our future and we should all do it! I look forward to the appearance of your books and a happy Christmas to you!

math is always interesting to solve the problem.