One Simple Step--What to do when you want to write and you don't have any ideas.

in writing •  9 years ago 

This is an updated version of a post from my blog at

I had dinner with some friends tonight. 

One friend, like many teachers, has always wanted to write a children’s book.  But she says she doesn't have any ideas.

There is the mistake.

Most people who want to write but don’t, make a fundamental mistake.  They wait for the idea first and then they begin writing.  This is wrong.


Louis L’more said: 

 “Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” 

In other words, come to the paper (or computer) first, then you write.  Then come the bad ideas, and then later come the good ideas.  

But it is, always, first write.

I've written about this before.  But it is such a myth, that ideas come first, that I keep writing about it.

When I decided to try and write a children’s book, I had no idea where to start.  So I did what any good teacher does.  I gave a writing prompt.  When writing Kevin and the Seven Lions I sat down at the computer and wrote several sentences as writing prompts.

Kevin slept in class.

That was the sentence that started the Kevin series.  That sentence didn’t make the final book, but it started the whole thing.

Here are some of the other sentences I wrote

Bobby rounded third and slid into home plate.

Sally was a shark.

I am still thinking about the shark book. 

The baseball reference above I don’t think has anything to do with Baseball and Aliens.  But just writing down words.  ANY WORDS.  Got the ball rolling.

When you are completely stuck my recommendation, just write a sentence.  Any sentence.  

Put your fingers on the keyboard and let the fingers talk.

Seriously any sentence, and see what happens.

If you are stuck.  Write your sentence.

Trust me on this.

P.S.Get this blog post early, free short stories, and my next book for free if you join my Insider's List. 

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  ·  9 years ago (edited)

I love this advice. Yesterday I found a steemit writing contest with certain requirements. I spent 30 minutes trying to find a topic to write on to no avail. I just started writing instead, and when I was done it didn't fit the specifications of what the writing contest was looking for, but I unintentionally created something for my own blog. It wasn't a solution to the problem I expected to solve, but putting my fingers to the keyboard turned out to be the solution I needed.

My whole life I've been such a planner, but I seem to get the best results when I just jump in and then start analyzing after. That's not to say I'm encouraging carelessness or impulsiveness, but "write first" can be more generically stated as "do first" in many different areas of life.

That's almost a Yoda quote. "Do first"!

It's not the best advice for everyone, as some need to do a little planning before they act impulsively, but it's definitely good advice for monastic and zen Jedi.

This is a great post! I'd suggest instead of putting people on your insider's list, being on steemit, you just ask them for follow :)

True. I can't decide what I want to write about tomorrow night and my plan is to just come to the keyboard. I may have an idea after running around NYC all day though :)

You are right @mctiller, all we need to do is to write, write whatever comes in our mind.

Thanks for the great quote reminder! and yours "Write your sentence." boom!

funny, that's how I usually do the bulk drafting when I write! we're on the same page.

It also helps to find a list of "prompts" online. You know, half-ideas that you're supposed to finish. That can get the juices flowing! Sometimes if I see a starting sentence or phrase, my ideas will be all over the place, and I have a hard time writing them all down.

Neil Gaiman and other famous writers emphasize also finishing what you start. But I've met so many people that WANT TO WRITE, but don't because they think they don't have an idea.

..and see, I firmly believe that EVERYONE has a book in them just waiting to be written! Thanks @mctiller!

This is great! The water doesn't flow until the faucet is turned on..... Great quote, and my dad loves Louise so.... There's history!

When I read that quote, it changed everything for me. And then when I realized how prolific he was, I realized he was onto something.

I remember a great piece I wrote years ago, started with the line
"It's not fair.." he muttered to noone...
also never used... it really does get it flowing

Great post! I would disagree with you though that it's a myth that ideas come first. I guess it depends on the person. I'm an illustrator first (of children's books) so I think in pictures. Coming up with ideas actually comes quite naturally to me. What's hard for me is turning those ideas and stories I see in my mind into a well-crafted story. Perhaps I need more practice with the writing side of things if I'm ever going to BOTH illustrate AND write a children's book one day. I'm struggling my way through writing a middle grade graphic novel at the moment. It's slow going but I'm beginning to gain a bit more confidence as I go. I think we all have something we struggle with - if it's not coming up with the ideas, then it's something else along the way. For anyone wanting to come up with ideas for picture books though, I HIGHLY recommend joining PiBoIdMo - Happy idea hunting!

It's not a myth FOR YOU. And that's good. But when I talk with others that want to write a book, but then complain they don't have an idea, well THEY are stuck in the myth. They won't come to the computer UNTIL they have an idea. That's the myth.

Even if you don't have an idea, just start writing.

I'll check out PiBoldMo, I was unaware of that. Thanks.

How am I just seeing this post!? Good stuff man. There is a saying I love about writing - "just write 2 bad pages a day." It's amazing what you get from those pages. Within the junk are gems everywhere. Like you said...then come the good ideas.