Blood on the Moon - Wolf Series Characters

in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)

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This is the first day in around 4 months that I'm not posting an episode of Blood on the Moon and I'm feeling a little... lost - I suppose that's the right word.

All good things must come to an end - of course I know this.

So I've decided to not only remind myself about the characters, but I figured I'd give you something to sink your teeth into too.

Here's the first – Red aka Hazel

I based this character a little on myself - I've been privileged to follow her on three or four adventures and I'm hoping we can travel on a few more, yet.

Red - or Hazel as her given name - was born more than five hundred years ago. Her parents both died, leaving her an orphan with little to her name but the tiny, one-room cottage in a hamlet close to a dense and 'haunted' wood.

In the years after the battle of Agincourt, soldiers came home from the battles to find their families gone – either moved away or died. The disenfranchised soldiers went back to the companions they had formed a close bond with – their comrades in arms.

Settling in the woods and forests, they frequently became outlaws (think Robin Hood) and made their living, and survived by robbing travellers and hunting game.

As a child, Hazel grew up with stories told by parents about the dangers of the woods. Because they were adventurous children, telling them not to go into the forests would have meant they did the exact opposite, so stories were invented to make sure the children of the hamlet kept away.

Hazel’s first adventure took me into the woods with her, to find her lost dog.

That story came to me and I wrote about the terrifying journey.

Hazel was a meek girl, easily frightened back then. She met Luke and her world was turned upside down in very little time.

She found herself in the middle of a complex society on the whim of a young man that took a fancy to her. As a part of the extensive society, Luke had the ear of one of that society’s royalty and was given permission to take her as a wife.

That was when Hazel was bitten in order to become Werewolf.

Her world was thrown into further turmoil when she discovered she was a more important player in their world. Because of a number of coincidences and accidents, Hazel fell into a category which excited and enthralled the Wolf society.

Hazel had to grow up fast.

She left her husband when she realised she was a pawn in their games and she travelled alone to France.

Not realising she was already established in their society because of the prophecy, she was astonished to find that she wasn’t anonymous in France and she was traced, found and brought to the home of other members of the Wolf royal family.

She was taken under the wing of an Ancient male Wolf and taught about the lore, ways and members of the Wolf hierarchy.

She soon came to realise just how important was her presence in their society and she took to her lessons like a duck to water.

Hazel soon came to know that she was either the reason for Wolf society’s meteoric rise or utter and complete downfall – depending upon her choices.

Once her mentor realised she was the (as yet, unwitting) proponent of their rise, he took her tutoring yet more seriously and took her side against members of his own family.

They were forced to flee France and took along with them, another Wolf; a whelp less accomplished than Hazel. The three had many adventures on their way to Italy and Rome and met with other Wolves who would become firm and staunch friends in Hazel’s life.

Because of the prophecy, Hazel was set for a lonely existence as one of the Wolf society’s ‘Police force’. She went to Rome in order to learn more than her mentor could teach her and we had to leave Hazel at that time, in order to follow her into the present day.

Red as she became known fulfilled the prophecy and found that was not the end of it all. Even as she moved forward in time, the prophecy evolved with her.

She encountered a dangerous Wolf in Victorian England and learned more of her worth and value to the society.

Red moved on into the 20th century and came to realise that she was still very much embroiled in the prophecy.

Red has developed and learned in her centuries living as one of the most powerful Wolves in the werewolf (they don’t like to be called that) society but she is always thinking one or two steps ahead because if she once falls behind, she’ll never be able to catch up and there is always some Wolf or other that will delight in taking her down, no matter the destruction that brings upon their society.

Red’s main job is to protect Wolf society in general and the Lycaeon - head of Wolf Royalty - in particular.

Though she is often doubted and scorned, she must always be the professional and consummate advocate of her society, because in a world where it’s more than ‘dog-eat-dog’ and the powerful, all-but immortal werewolves prefer to play rather than work, she has to be the ‘grown-up’.

In her own words, “I ain’t got time for this shit!”

I’m already starting on the next in the Wolf series, but unlike Ash and Zack’s stories, I want to make this story a polished, elegant tale before I share with Steemit – I hope you understand.

Tomorrow, I’ll tell you all about Anton and hopefully that will explain some of the questions I know you have about this enigmatic Wolf.

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Hi I am finally back to my morning routine of reading your novels. I have so much to catch up with :-) I hope you are doing great.

Hey Alex, yeah doing ok... you have time to catch up now the story has ended :)

Good Luck in your new home :)

I am sure you have a new story brewing. By the way, did you have the change to see the "Lord of War" movie with Nic Cage?

Ooh no, but thanks for the reminder!

Possibly tonight!

Pls guys ..I am new on steemit.I would love it if you could help me by upvoting my last post .I follow back and upvote back...

This is an awesome series,! I hope to enjoy more of the stories in the near future! Congratulations on the success of the Wolf series!

Oh yeah, can't wait til tomorrow. Tons of questions about Anton. One of the most enigmatic characters I have run across in a story in along time. Gotta go sleep and will but will be back.

Goodnight! :)

I'm glad to see such a detailed description of the characters, this is a great way for all to fill the gaps in knowledge and get to know the fate and past of your favorite character
Excellent initiative, I liked it :)

You are always very generous in sharing things which are need of the time. You are very right there was curiosity about Red aka Hazel. Hazel is very true to you in the sense of adventures you were sharing lately.

It's really very awful to know about hardships and adventures of Hazel.

Wow it sounds thrilling , I'll keep following.

Now i can read another chapter of blood on the moon after my morning choirs.
Thank you for always sharing with us.

this is good story

innovative and your intelligence is needed in steemit. we hope in steemit there will be quality posts like you. i will learn sam you. that's my hope.

Wonderful sharing.

Nice character you got there. Will surely wait for the rest

Awesome story I like it share more I am already following you

Shame you're not upvoting though.

Your mission is to get upvote or to share new things toward the people I think this is a family like community where every one learn from each others. and if you need my upvote than check it i gave you now although my voting power is not good but i gave you stay happy I wish you good luck I want to see you on the top of steemit community. Thanks.

Excellent informative post with awesome picture for all steemians. I like your post very much and wait for them.

Try voting for one of my posts... the experience only gets better when you also receive curation.

Beautiful looking and awesome photography thanks for sharing

Thanks for this writing providing... i appreciate this story. i wait still your next post, carry on my dear....

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The background of each character and relationships will give us the readers much better insight when you do finish the next Wolf series.
Really looking forward to when you publish it on Steemit.

Rest assured, when I write anything, it will come to Steemit first!

That was nice to see a precis of Red's story. If you're feeling lost, I've been missing Celtica and Elizabeth... hint hint.

I'm on it :)

Well, I did read it, just forgot to comment, lol. I think I always knew that Red/Hazel was at least partly based on you ... of course she is. You are still the only author of this genre that I will read; your writing is excellent! xox

Thank you! <3

Pls guys ..I am new on steemit.I would love it if you could help me by upvoting my last post .I follow back and upvote back...

Don't beg for upvotes or follows. You're new(ish) but you've had time to at least follow the ones that are already following you, yet you've followed less than half. Spend time managing your account, following those you've promised to follow and making good posts. If you spend more time managing your account and less time begging like this, you'll get the right attention.