Blood on the Moon - Wolf Series Characters 2 - Anton

in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)

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I'm no longer posting an episode of Blood on the Moon and I'm feeling a little... lost.

All good things must come to an end - of course I know this.

So I've decided to not only remind myself about the characters, but I figured I'd give you something to sink your teeth into too.

Here's the second in this series – Anton

Anton is a loveable rogue. I based him a little on older guys I’ve known. His sense of fun, despite his age, is entirely down to a refusal to ‘grow up’ and who can blame him?

He mentors Hazel in the beginning of her life as Wolf and as she devoured his lessons and learned fast, he delighted in teaching her. I strongly suspect the fact that she was the Prophesised One had a lot to do with his fascination, as much as it had to do with her willingness to learn.

Anton in the stories is the once (and future?) Lycaeon. He abdicated in favour of his granddaughter, Victoria because he no longer wanted the responsibility of the title.

Anton has only one descendent left to take over the mantle of Lycaeonship and that is because his sons and their families were all slaughtered for plotting to remove Anton from the throne. Victoria and her sister were too young to be involved in the plotting and therefore, survived. Anton took them under his wing and brought them up.

He is older than he looks (who isn’t in the Wolf society?) and he is wise beyond his years. He tutors Hazel (Red) whenever possible and though she has learned more than he can teach on some subjects, she still finds he has a lot to teach her about Wolf society and the First Laws.

Anton has studied with wise men from all walks of life and the one enduring friendship is with the Ojibwe Tribe from Northern America and Canada. He studied over many years with the tribe’s elders and eventually learned the practice of shape-shifting. He used the new skill to great effect in the first book, turning into a large black dog. Hazel and Nichasin managed to evade capture because their pursuers were searching for three adults.

Though Red and Anton sometimes argue and even fall-out on occasion, Anton regards her like a great-granddaughter, with affection and patience when he teaches.

Red has a deep regard for Anton and appreciates everything he has done for her, but also resents his interfering in her ‘Sentinel work’ where she is by far more knowledgeable than he is on matters that he has never had reason to learn.

Anton is of indeterminate age – basically, we don’t know how old he is because he’s not told me yet. He was born a Wolf and is one of the ‘pure side’.

Wolfkind stems from two brothers – one had the other brother bite a woman that he took for a mate (to avoid the Throwback anomaly). The other brother waited until he could take a ‘born Wolf’ as his mate. That side of the family, the side that has never mated and produced offspring from a bitten (Piaculum) mate, is known as the pure side and because their blood is pure and from all ‘born’ Wolf, they are accepted as the ruling class.

Heavy weighs the crown, because the First Laws say the Lycaeon must produce an heir from a ‘Born Wolf’.

We haven’t seen much of Anton’s life before he met Hazel, but I think the next story will delve more into his history. Anton’s first meeting with Hazel was in the woods after she had been bitten, but before she had experienced her first Full Moon and therefore turned Wolf.

Though he is no longer Lycaeon, his word still holds weight and even Victoria will listen when he advises.

Anton has always had a fascination for Wolfkind and the science of their transformations. The bloodwork and use of hormones has been studied intensively and his fascination for the anomaly of Throwbacks has been a source of enlightenment that Hazel shares.

Anton knows why Wolves go for specific areas of the body when they make a kill – it’s instinctive, of course, but there is also a scientific reason behind it.

He also understands (and has passed-on that understanding) how Wolves may sometimes age and other times not, why they can be stronger than (in)humanly possible and heal faster than nature allows other species.

There is one thing that baffles Anton – why silver is so utterly destructive to Wolfkind. He has, of course, studied that too – and he has the scar to prove it.

In the past, when he tutored Hazel (and Nichasin), Hunters were prevalent and very real danger to Wolfkind in general. Anton devised methods of teaching Whelps. He taught how they could recognise a Hunter, and also how to withstand the methods utilised in recognising a Wolf in human form. The most valuable lessons, that of how Hunters bring the Wolf out and force it to change to Wolf form and therefore how to avoid and resist those methods, were taught to Nichasin and Hazel on one night, forging an unbreakable bond between the three.

Anton is loyal to his Lycaeon - his granddaughter, Victoria - and he is just as loyal to Hazel – for different reasons, of course.

I think Anton is a source of great stories that he hasn’t yet told me, but in my next book - Ancients and Gods – I believe we’ll learn even more about the enigmatic Wolf.

Which one of these do you see at Anton - or do you have another in mind?

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SOOOOO I come back to steemit and start reading in the middle of one of your series, and then you write a post tantalizing me with character exposition of a separate project.

Are you always this devious when you try to hook people on to a new drug??????? Lololololol

So nowwwww I have to go back and read not one... But TWO story lines!?!?

You're Killin me. But kill me softly with your words please... Lol

I have so much catching up to do. I'm not sure if I like you right now.

Thankfully you're on a hiatus with this one and can maybe wait a bit before these characters start speaking to you again ????


Try? Lol

My mind is actually spinning because I have Red and Anton, Zack, and Dusty shouting at me...

like this?

More like this:

i busted up laughing at rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit.....

oh sad. my vote has been depleted to 1 penny. i better stay off steemit for a day, huh. LOLOLOL

No, don't stay off, take this time to go back and read all of Michelle's posts that are past their voting time!

Hahaha! You'll have a lot more to read when you get back ;)

whyyyyyyy meeeeeee LOLOLOLOLOL

Good idea! And tomorrow is Saturday!!! And my hubby and kids work. so I have s nice quiet house to relax and catch up on @creatr and @johnjgeddes and woooooo hoooo and maybe @countrygirl has some stuff for me to read too??? Hehe but she was gone for a while like me :). And mayyyyyybe I will get some writing done too!!!

Mentors and guides play an important part in developing one's personality traits. Only lucky souls find wise mentors and guardians.

Anton has really polished the traits of Hazel which were to play an important role in rest of her life. He has trained and molded Hazel to get best of her abilities.

Yes, exactly!

I appreciate that you're giving us some analysis on the characters - that's a bonus we don't often get from authors, and I like the insight you provide; thank you. I must have missed the first one ... off to find it.

Thanks JC, it actually helps me too:)

          I think it is interesting that as long as you do not do the biting, then you can mate with a made wolf. There must be something in the saliva or the blood that "marks" the bitten one. It wonder can a hume be bitten by multiple wolves prior to the humes first full moon and if so what would the results be? I think a back story on Anton would be great, he is such an enigmatic character, he is forthright, but also seems to have a sneaky side, and well a devious side as well. Like why did he give up the leadership to his granddaughter? Does he have or did he plan on starting a "second" family in secret? There has been no mention of Victoria having a family other than Anton, and you have not really said if the wolves ability to mate declines at a certain age. Yes Anton is very very old, but that may not mean to old to mate and reproduce.
          As for what guy could play Anton in a movie believably, kind of leaning toward Adrian Paul from the Highlander TV series.

Ooh.. multiple bites... I would think it unlikely that a Hume would survive an attack by multiple Wolves though.

Anton gave up Lycaeonship to go into his third (or was it fourth) childhood ;)

Victoria doesn't have any children yet. Her mate is bitten and she has no wish to go off and mate with a born Wolf just to produce an heir.

I would think Wolves would be able to mate long after the age that we wouldn't even dream of it... they're so much stronger than us of course and the pituitary glands help ;)

I like that choice too!

On the bite thing, I was just thinking like"Oh wow she tasted good, I want her for spouse, but can't have her cause I bit her. I know I'll have my man Tommy bite her too, then I can take her as a wife." thing.

Fourth childhood, now that is something I think would be to explore, after the third time, you would have it down pat.

I'm fascinate by this wolf story. Anton was a born wolf which is the pure side according to the story, but between the pure wolf and the other e.g Hazel, is there a difference in Character or something that helps one or other wolves to identify?

Good question. There are three categories of Wolf, four if you include the insane Throwback side.

Other Wolves don't need to be able to differentiate, but Hazel/Red is a Sentinel (Wolf police) and sometimes she knows.

Thanks for the question. I'll write some more details about the categories too.

Okay. Thanks. Would love to read. Because I do get a little confused when seeing any wolf story movies.

From the story: Heavy weighs the crown, because the First Laws say the Lycaeon must produce an heir from a ‘Born Wolf’.

And you say the wolves don't need to be able to differentiate. How then would the law be upheld. Like if it happens that the heir isn't a born wolf (without knowledge) would there be a consequence? .
Just thinking.!!

As with Humes, they're civilised and have family tree and documentation, plus they keep track of the bloodline because it's important.

Anton was one of the most mysterious and my favorite characters. His main quality is wisdom, he is truly a clever character.
I think that this character should be continued, and I'm glad to know that in your new book you will reveal this character even better. Given its not-well-known past, this should be very inessential.
Thank you:)

Yes, he's one of my favourites too.

I'm getting a little annoyed with people who don't read what I've written, but comment and hope for an upvote (and especially those who DON'T vote on my post, but DO upvote their comments).

Look, I understand that my writing is not for everyone, if thats the case, fine, move along, but don't bother commenting if you've not read the post.

Fair warning - I'm going to start flagging spam, not upvoting it.

Don't warn... Just flag.. hehehe but leave funny comments too so I can giggle at your fury on display... Fiery redheads are always so entertaining.... I think they patterned Brave after you. (One of my favorite Disney characters lol)

And Princess Fiona from Shrek LOL

and btw..... eye candy for your post??? Clint?? Sean?? so unfair ;)

Well who would you have to play Anton?

Oh... and wait til you see who I'd like for Zack...

well since you asked ... (by the way - Sean and Clint are FINE choices hehehe) but my favorite, FAVORITE seasoned male actor..... Pierce Brosnan. gahhhhhhhhhhhh. he puts the dreem in dreemsteem. LOLOLOLOLOLOL

Oooh good choice!

nods head emphatically

The characters already taking me into the story. Great written. I am following you, because waiting for next outcome. Thanks for sharing. Hugs from Spain.

There's no story here.

I meant, made me wonder the story, the characters you wrote here. I red before commenting. :( I also upvoted you by that time! Just waited few minutes for curation time.

OK thank you for clarifying :)

Thank you for understanding. I am also a writer and journalist. I can understand you. Hope better communication I can build in the future. I don't want to loose an amazing author like you.

Thank you for understanding. I see so much of this bad behaviour - not only on my work and it's because the spammy commenters are chasing money, not quality writing.

It can be said that Anton is a special character with a very sharp voice, with wisdom and conditions. We do not need to be realistic. This fact is known to the condemned, the artists and the seculars; but it requires a special kind of waiver of courtesies and societal Islamisms and reduces materialism to the extent of subsistence only
Thanks for the wonderful publication

You are a great writer And i hope you are author of many books and if not than i suggest you to write your own and publish it because you are really have deep thoughts I wish you All the best.

Another awesome story from you. I totally agree with you.

All good things must come to an end - of course I know this.

However, If you are talent about writing as you are, one story ends and another one begins.

Thank you for sharing.

There's no story here.


great story.i like every time you write important context.thanks for sharing dear.
please carry on your activity....

Read the post.It's not a story. wrote about Anton.

Lololol... And... Double sigh.
Dear God, never make me as popular as so that I can save my comments for people who actually READ my posts 😉


I'm getting a little annoyed with people who don't read what I've written, but comment and hope for an upvote (and especially those who DON'T vote on my post, but DO upvote their comments).
Look, I understand that my writing is not for everyone, if thats the case, fine, move along, but don't bother commenting if you've not read the post.

My dear it really annoying what people do knowing fully well that steemit is transparent and everything is seen.
One just came to my post this morning and commented voted and resteem.
I check and she did not do any i was so angry that i have to reply her to come delete her comment. I don't know what they stand to gain with lies

So I've learned about two of the characters,hazel and now Anton.
There are some things that I dont understand cause I've only read the last two posts.
Will surely read when I have the time.
This looks like a fascinating world you've created.

hello dear
its wonderful steeming and wrote good story on #Blood on the moon.

Dear Mam,,,,
I m just newly join the steemit social media and not know much idea to use it. please help to guide me as steemian community member, I will be very thankful to you in this kind regards.
whereas I m your follower and my support always with you.
stay blessed

Extraordinary, thank you very much

I'm getting more curious about knowing the enigmatic wolf and I seriously can't wait for your next book (Ancient and Gods).
More power to your elbow

Hey my favourite writer, you always come with excellent piece of work for the community. Your content is always unique and quality that's why I always impress while reading your things.
All the best!

Thank you so... much for this story sharing... i like this post, and also i appreciate this writing. i wait still your next post dear....

Thanks for this story sharing... i appreciate this writing... all the best..

There's no story here.