Fact or Fiction? - 7

in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)

Yesterday's story Here


Every single bit of it was truth as I recall it. The guy lost both eyebrows and was so very fortunate to have not lost his sight.

All images from Google Free to use search

Some of the stories I have are not so amusing – or at least they weren’t at the time.

I remember having an enormous crush on this one particular guy…

At our school, there was a community centre where the 15-16 year-old pupils could hang-out in at break times. That was our main goal at school – to be old enough to get out of the cold.

We weren’t allowed in the classrooms – too much opportunity for destruction and disruption I suppose.

The community centre area comprised of a set of comfy chairs to lounge on – we never got the chance because the kids that had left school always arrived a few minutes before our lessons ended and took the seats.

At the other end of that area was a licenced bar – no, it was never open when school was in session – that would be ludicrous!

There was also a pool table (more difficult to steal because of the teachers constantly on-hand).

The ex-pupils that hadn’t yet found jobs used to come and play pool, chat-up the girls and generally waste their time ‘shooting the shit’ – anything rather than looking for a job, I suppose.

I took a particular shine to one guy and my friends all teased me about him. I was way too shy to chat to him or make myself known to him. I did what so many shy teens do – day-dreamed.

One day, my friends decided they were going to do something about it, instead of leaving me to moon over him playing pool all lunch-time. They were going to make sure he noticed me and spoke to me!

I wasn’t sure that was the best idea anyone had ever had and I hung back – like always.

What you have to remember is that I’m a Ginger and I got teased – a lot. I wasn’t self-confident and was less than self-assured where members of the opposite sex were concerned… and then, paradoxically, I’d be really self-assured and scare them off. No middle-ground anywhere!

So one of my good friends decided to put me forward, show me in my best light… I couldn’t see it working, but what the hell.

I don’t even remember the guy’s name. I cannot recall exactly what he looked like – probably my ‘type’ of course - slim, not too tall, cheeky grin.

He was playing pool and I sat watching his every move (as usual). My friend started talking to me, loudly across the pool table. She positioned herself right behind the boy I liked, so that to reply to her, it looked like I was looking directly at him.

(Oh boy, this is making me uncomfortable, just remembering it)…

I’m assuming it was late January / early February because she said, “Michelle, have you got a Valentine’s card yet?”

“Yeah, I have,” says I…

‘I can see where this is going,” I thought to myself. ‘And I don’t think I like it…’

She grinned like a loon because she thought it was going so well.

He carried on playing pool and I have no idea what he thought was going on.

“Michelle!” she called again… louder. By this time, everyone in the area was taking notice of what was about to unfold. (Isn’t it weird… there’s a natural instinct for EVERYONE to all be looking at the right place at just the right time for optimum embarrassment?)

“Yeah?” says I in a voice that cringed inwardly if not outwardly.

“Are you gonna give that Valentine’s card to Boy’s name then?”

Well. That was it… it was all out in the open now. I had two choices, run away and hide (forever) or brazen it out.

I had a go at brazening it out…

“I might do…” I said, with a confident nonchalance I did not feel.

“Don’t fucking bother!” said the lad of my dreams, dashing the dream-boat onto the rocks of disappointment.

I could visualise all the little passengers on this boat of dreams leaping from the decks as the shipwreck destroyed their little vessel – not to mention a little more of my confidence. This shipwreck involved tidal waves of disappointment that did nothing to engulf the molten lava of embarrassment.

“OK,” I said. “I won’t.”

No snappy put-down. No witty quip that destroyed his self-confidence like he had mine. Nothing.

I walked off with as much dignity as I could muster (not much) and stopped mooning over him. So that was one good thing that came from it, at least.

A few years later, I saw him again. He did a double-take and every time I looked around, his eyes were on me.

I gave myself a pat on the back for ignoring him – not that it was difficult to show how happy I was. I was heavily pregnant, walking with my husband.

No regrets!


Fact or Fiction?

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This is definitely a fact. Although I don't believe the exact words were used but this is definitely a fact.

Fact. I have a similar story, although I don't remember it in as many details you. I was humiliated and devastated at the time though. That being said, he was a complete arsehole and I doubt he amounted to much, so it was probably a lucky escape for me.

I had a rethink on the amount I upvoted this. I wanted it to be at the top ;)

There are far too many kids that go through this kind of thing. Where do they learn the behaviour?

It can be traumatic to be humiliated in this way.

Lol, upvoted for sharing similar traumatic high shcool experiences.

I have no idea where this comes from. I think teenagers are inherently insecure and looking for confirmation from their peers, so if you don't 100% fit the mould of whatever is cool or pretty or whatever, then too bad, you deserve to be taken down? That's all I can come up with really.

Ha, fiction. Although based in fact. I don't think the latter part about being pregnant happened although I do believe something similar did!

All true, I'm afraid. And I did see the same guy in the village where we went to school. I was pregnant and deliriously happy and it showed :)

Sorry... tricked you! ;)

I am saying nothing on this one. I do remember changing a bulb in the bar and getting an electric shock. Swinging about on the light cable. I was destined to be an electrician.

Yup! True teen angst. There are always helpful people trying to match others up. No secrets in secondary school.

I'm not a shy teen anymore but I do day-dream all the time when I'm in love. :D

“Don’t fucking bother!” - Wow, this sounds so cruel that makes me believe that the story is a fiction.

However, your feelings are described so well that they seems true; thus, I can't make a guess this time.

Cheers! : )

Yeah, the arsehole really did say that.

I hope no one ever said the same thing to his daughter.

The universe sure does work in mysterious ways.

Instead of ending up with your husband, you could have ended up with this guy with no feelings or ambition in life.

Unless of course he became a multi-billionaire pool player then just forget everything I just said.

What a GREAT observation!

Even if he was a billionaire, he'd still not be worth that kind of abuse :)

haha interesting, it really could be either or. I am going to go out on a limb that this is a fictitious story. The pool hall junkie guy actually turns out to be your husband, he was more than happy to be your valentine and afterwards you rode on into the sunset on a white horse! haha

The story is 100% true. I never got with that guy - to be honest, after that humiliation, I never would have.

I had a strong instinct even then.

DANG! That’s shitty, have you ever cared to look him up to see how’s he’s doing these days? Haha

Yeeeeeesh! This is a great story! The ending is amazing! No regrets!

Also, i would bet fact on this one. Well... i actually wish this is fact. :)


I've seen this happen so many times (not with me, I was a loner in school) that I know it CAN be fact ... whether it is fact or fiction with you, on the other hand, is so difficult to say - and I've pretty much failed miserably with these. That being said, I am going out on a limb and saying it is fact. :P

You broke your duck! Well done! ;)

So far I have not been able to accurately determine the truth or fiction :)
but I'm not rasstarivayus, but on the contrary - it gives interest
The story is still amazing and interesting, but this time I can not say the truth or fiction, for myself I will make a guess - the results of which I will learn in the next chapter :)
Thank you

Were you right this time? :)

This time my answer turned out to be correct, although at first I thought about it for a long time :)

nice max

you shear very nice fact-fiction story .... really enjoy to read ..

nice story as always! thanks for sharing.

Thanks a lot for your valuable post sharing....... i like this post. and your writing so.... good. i want your next post sharing us . all the best my dear friend friend ........resteemet done

What a wonderful story this is. Actually, this is a fact-fiction story. I enjoyed this very much.
Thanks for sharing.

an interesting post to visit, the story story and the scarcity of words covok in writing.

with confidence I can say that the story is very convincing. But apart from the fact that it is convincing - it is very interesting.
This rubric is True or Fiction - an excellent option to diversify your professional activities of the writer here, I like
But I'll venture to assume that this story is fiction
It will be interesting to know if I'm right :)

Fact. We have all been there on either side of this particular emotional equation. Unrequited love is the bane of all teens and some adults. Where does it come from? A very good question. Maybe something to do with the pecking order or just plain hormones flying about.

"The molten lava of embarrassment" what a perfect description.

As we grow, hopefully we gain some confidence from somewhere? It's never easy.

This is a very good story .I have got many enjoyable moments to read this story.And i never miss to read your story .your story is like a mirror of our daily life.

thank for sharing sir
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I'm going to guess Fact.

I'm gonna go with fact. Assuming it's true, any guy who responds like that you wouldn't want to be with anyway! Not that it would lessen the embarrassment of the moment, of course.

This is a really very lovely, interesting and true story. You have described this very beautifully. I like the end of this story" not that it was difficult to show how happy I was......"
Thanks for sharing this wonderful story.

I almost had a similar experience in secondary school but I had to beg my friends not to set me up. I couldn't imagine my pride bashed.
But I like the way it was handled

I walked off with as much dignity as I could muster (not much) and stopped mooning over him.

And to have him see you years after, that was good payback

@michelle.gent such a funny story, loved the fact that it had a happliy ever after ending. It gives some of us hope.
It's so funny how life turns out, when you really want someone they don't want you but the minuet you stop wanting them they fall head over heels for you.this has happened to me too many times for me to count.

I came on your page first time. I read all of your story. Its a real love story. All the points you have written are true love because the feelings of love at teenage with school mates are natural that you have pointed. This love story ends with marriage and then started real life. The pregnancy shows the fruit of completed love with husband.

So much for a love story
It ain't easy getting to actually be with the one you love

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

In my opinion it's true but names are used instead of real ones. I enjoyed though these mighty lines;

I could visualise all the little passengers on this boat of dreams leaping from the decks as the shipwreck destroyed their little vessel.

The only name I used in the story is mine... and that's really my name.

Apology for that. I was unable to comprehend that most of it was written in third form he, she, they etc.