Writing Fiction a novel - Exclusive for Steemit - Diamonds and Deviants 19

in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)

Diamonds and Deviants

This picture my own - others from Google Free to use images

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16

She strolled out of the building as though she didn’t have a care in the world. Though she knew the vampires were all baying for her blood, she had a spring in her step and even the new mongrel that was following her couldn’t bring down her mood.

She went to a couple of theatres and booked tickets for a few shows that she knew her parents would enjoy. Then she went out to eat.

She lingered at the bar after she had eaten and she even allowed a young man to give her his number - she may even think about calling him one evening too.

Then she was off again, the mongrel was still with her but she didn’t do anything to let him know that she knew he was there.

She crossed roads at the crossings, never dodging traffic or jaywalking in an attempt to lose him, and at last, when she had come to her destination, after running the mongrel ragged, she turned directly to him, blew him a kiss to let him know that she knew he was there, then went on back up to her apartment.

The mongrel was flabbergasted but had no choice but to wait to see if she would be coming out again.

His instincts told him no but his instruction meant that if he followed his instincts and went home for a good night’s sleep, he probably wouldn’t wake up in the morning - or ever again.

Celtica put her purse on the table by the entrance door as she got up to her apartment. She pulled off her shoes and went into the spare bedroom to change her clothes. She had moved in there while her parents were visiting, she didn’t need the massive bed and it was a nice touch to let them stay there, she thought.

“Uncle Daniel was really pleased to see us! We had a ride on some motorcycles!” her mother told her as she gave her a kiss.

“Did you Momma? I’m so glad you had a good time.” Celtica placed the booking slips for the theatre shows on the table in front of her mother and while she was gushing over the wonderful tickets and the information leaflets, Celtica went to speak with her father.

“Your uncle Daniel thinks that there’s something brewing and he seemed really pleased that we’re here to help you.”

“Ok,” Celtica said, waiting for him to continue.

“Personally, I think it’s nothing more than the age-old struggle for supremacy between the undead and the other preterdeviants.”

“I agree to a point, Dada but I also think it’s gone further than that this time. I think the vampires are up to something. How many other preterdeviants have you seen around town? How many faeries? How many witches, dwarves, giants?”

“None now that you come to mention it. What’s happened?”

“The vampires have driven them all off. Perhaps it’s just in the cycle of things but I’m not convinced. I think they’ve driven off the minors, those that aren’t as fiercely territorial as the werewolves, so that if push comes to shove and there’s a war, they don’t jump in on the side of the werewolves because let’s face it, none of the preterdeviants will jump in on the side of the vampires. They have no affinity with the undead. The only things that will come down on the side of the undead are the mongrels.”

“What about the zombies? What will they do?”

“They’ll do what they always do, wander round, plundering the battle fields for brains.”

“So what are we going to do next?”

“Dada, you’re going to take Momma to the theatre, you’re going to act like you don’t know me and therefore, you’ll protect yourself and me. The only one that knows you’re staying here is Mike the Security Guy and he’ll keep his mouth shut. I’ve put up a list of his timetable and you’ve got to remember to only come or go when he’s on duty, otherwise you’ll not be allowed up and you’ll have to go and get an hotel room. I prefer you to be here, where it’s safe, but if you’d rather not be restricted to Mike’s timetable, I understand.”

“No darling, we’re fine here. We’re going to enjoy being so close to you and don’t worry, we’ll remember everything you’ve told us. Dada will do as he’s told. He hasn’t even had any of that fast food you warned about. He had some chilli and nachos at the biker bar.” Celtica’s mother said. She was still so enthusiastic about the trip that Celtica couldn’t help but smile.

“Ok Momma, you just enjoy yourself. I have to get to bed, I’m back at work in the morning.”

“Can we…”

“No Dada, you can’t come to see me at work. When I’m working, I’m a whole different Celtica, I’m Miss diamond then and I have to keep that up or I’ll lose what I’ve worked for. Find a few of the best stones to trade and we’ll get you set up with a few new purchases, I’ll show you how good it makes you feel when you can help humans to live good lives.”

As she went into the smaller bedroom, she turned around. “If you like, Dada, you can set up a company here so you can have a firm foundation for visiting on a regular basis. I think you and Momma will enjoy being philanthropists, it’s really fun.”

“And I’ll get to see all the shows!” her mother said, the delight in her voice made both Celtica and her father smile.

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Your story was fun to read. The pictures made me hungry and curious. Keep writing. Your getting better by the paragraph..

Thank you.


Thanks for Share All part.


Interesting to read. Thank you for sharing!
If you like to read about travels and circus life please welcome to my friends @annamur

I have a very dear friend who has performed at the Cirque du Soleil in Dubai (I think).

I may ask if I can post some of her adventures here on my blog.

This is a nice story. Even though I have not read other episodes, but I know it's gonna be interesting to read.

Let me know if you get around to reading the other episodes :)

Setting Dada up to start a business, and thus a reason to visit more often so Celtica can see them more often, and to get them to help. A crafty plan on her part to get Mother and Father closer for visits, and I think she knows without knowing that they may be in danger, and she can better protect them if they are close by.

You're thinking on some good lines here... not quite spot-on, but good nonetheless :)