Shadows of the heart

in writing •  6 years ago 

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Shadows of the Heart 💓

Lessons wrenched from torrid confusion
The truth sat looking through the window
A wraith of foolishness
I danced unknowing, eyes burning my skin
Did you whisper warning?
Of shadows that play with the mind
Running this way and that
You gave me no reason to live in blindness
Yet little reason to stop
I refused to peel the layers of smoke from my eyes
The revelations of truth, your soul guided me to
Pulling the bond of souls like the shadows, this way and that
Struggling to understand
Traitor! You bloody beast.
Allowing me a moment of solace to live in hope
Unfreezing the safety of numbness that was my home
Partnered with logical organ of thought
You render me a fool with your pause in sanity
I’ve been dancing in the winds of hope, when there was none
While the greedy wraith of truth stares in through the glass
Eyes consuming in glee, it is burning my skin
I’ll open the window, a heart of sacrifice
Why did you let me feel?
Arrogant betrayer soon you’ll know the truth
When you feel my fingers reaching around you to pull you from my chest;
in my palms, beating in agony, we will be one
Only to become the dust of memory, photons in the atmosphere
I must send you into the world
No longer mine, but owned by the air
It’s time to cut through the glass
First I must turn to plead,
Friend, you must have known my struggle
I made it clear
You knew your truth
I should have guessed,
you are a shadow running in the wind
Why didn’t you just say?
Kindly you spoke, but your message was mute

You could have spared the pain
You saw me tripping on the bonds you wove
Knowing those bonds were already tied
Leaving me floundering aimlessly
Until I stumbled into the pit of truth
You knew I was falling in, but you had already plunged
Now I must open up and leap
Take my life, I dare you, the enemy must not guess
I land a warrior, casting fear, not light
Illumination of the sky
Let it rain down the healing
But let my enemy suffer as my heart
The bloody betrayer ripped out with agony

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Shadows of the heart...

One of my more tormented pieces, I suppose.
It is both personal and for all. It is a poem to my heart, which is the bloody betrayer I speak of. Such that it insists on loving and leaping, in many ways, with knowledge of logic that tells of coming pain. Yet, the heart insists on loving. (It is also notes of those that mislead or use our affections.)
This is of sacrifice, upon realizing that our world of souls is aching from life today. Of evil that lurks and love that is the only truth that can defeat it. So, in this piece, I determine to end the cycle by tossing my heart into the sky where evil cannot enjoy crushing it, but instead it becomes the light of stars twinkling above, saving the world from darkness and giving back love. All the while, with heart not here to create the ache, I am a warrior against evil, which can no longer win.

I must say, it is in my later writing that I realize the true sacrifice is to retain my heart and accept the pain, for myself and for others.