'Disturbing Images From Hunter Gather Tribes' - The Irony Of Modern Civilisation

in writing •  8 years ago 

At the beginning of a new article from the BBC there was a statement which I found a little ridiculous:

WARNING: Some readers will find images of hunted animals disturbing

For once i'm not having a dig at the BBC, the article itself is very interesting, they are merely making a statement like this because actually many people will find the images 'Distrubing'.

Is it not hugely more 'disturbing' to see animal parts all chopped up and then plastic wrapped and stored on mass in a freezer?
I see no such warning as we enter the 'Meat ally' of the local supermarket.

Is it not more disturbing also that a large proportion of these butchered animals are discarded either by the supermarket that sells them or once cooked and prepared by the consumer as they realise they cooked to much food.
More disturbing yet is the fact that in a recent survey it became apparent that a large proportion of Children didn't even realise that the meat they were eating came from an animal.

Of course even more disturbing still, is the images of animals being slaughtered in the West, but of course such images are normally frowned upon by many people as it puts them off their food.

Finally, Is it just me or is it quite disturbing to know that milk cows generally have their newborn males shot in front of their very eyes?

I don't find the images of hunted animals by tribes such as the one in this article by the BBC disturbing in the slightest. This is the only way eating meat can be deemed acceptable, meat eating by any other method is no more than human gluttony.
Now, enjoy your Sunday roast

The article can be found HERE

Another interesting article which shows the health benefits of eating through these traditional Hunter-gather methods can be found HERE

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Better not to explicitly show these images :/ sadistic.

Whats sadistic?

The images of the animals are disturbing

Errrm, I think you may of missed the point of the post.