I got the BIGGEST laugh of the day when I watched a reporter call Julian Asange a “Traitor”! Funniest moment of the day, I swear to GOD!!! I did not know that Julian Asange did ANYTHING against Australia that would categorize him a “Traitor”. For him to be a “Traitor” to the U.S. wouldn’t he have to be a U.S. citizen? I mean how gullible are reporters nowadays? They even believe their own rhetoric that they spew forth on a daily basis.
Julian Asange can’t even be called a “Thief” as he never stole anything. He merely “Published” information that was given to him from a third party within the DNC. Afterwards he rushed to publish after verifying the info he received so he could have the “SCOOP” from the Emails. I guess, though, that since he isn’t the NY Times he isn’t allowed to publish “Secret Information”.
In consideration, shouldn’t the NYT and the WAPO editors be going to jail also? Think about that when condemning him like the Pentagon Papers and the Watergate papers. And these were done by U.S. Citizens and could be called “Legally” Traitors, even though they weren’t. Oh, yeah, that’s right, because they ARE U.S. citizens and are protected under the 1st Amendment, they are HEROES, right?