Top Tips (women)

in writing •  8 years ago 

 Bringing you some really cool tips every Thursday, but to make these tips even more exciting I will relate some of my life experiences to them in a fun short story.
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Today's topic: Women

Today's tips are:

Wo! man, this is my general use of the word. Why do I use this word like this? Well Wo....! man, they are really complicated, we will never understand them.
Image creditAfter many years of watching and studying how the female species work, I had written many tips and mental notes. Have any of these things worked? Maybe once!Tip 1: All, ALL women are different, something that works for one might not work for another.
Image creditWomen are one of the most fascinating creatures on the planet. Guys get bored really quickly so if women weren't so complex and complicated, guy wouldn't bother. I have spent many years single to just watch and learn how men and women treat each other and what things work best. I created a list of does and don'ts.Tip 2: When you get into a relationship, forget everything you think you know about women.I really quickly learnt that I knew nothing, but I did not let this get to me. I was going to get this right, I will understand how women work. This is when I decided to categorise certain women into sections I thought they belonged in (from the information I had collected about women).Tip 3: Women have sides to them you will never EVER see, they have an amazing way of changing and you will never know exactly who a women is. They can surprise you even after knowing them for all your life.
Image creditSitting and watching never really helped me gain some knowledge, only by interacting with women did I start to understand a few things.Tips 4: women do not thing the same way you do, so if you think, try thinking a way a women would think.
Image creditMy latest experience was with a lovely young lady, a good friend of mine, she taught me that what women say is not always what they want or mean. She destroyed my mind, I lost all understanding, I couldn't even think straight.Tip 5: when she says "I will be 2 seconds just wait", firstly make yourself comfortable in the couch as you will be waiting some time. Secondly, that is the final statement, if you try rush her after her saying that just know that you will be sleeping on the couch later.
Image creditFinal tip: Guys learn to play guitar, don't ask me why... I still do not understand how the whole guitar/women thing works, but trust me it WORKS!
Image creditSome of you ladies might be upset with me now due to this post. Firstly I am sorry I just had to do it, I could not resist. Also this post is not aimed at making you ladies look bad, but rather aimed at how lost men are when it comes to understanding you.

This guy knows exactly what women want:

Video creditJust on a little side note for self improvement. I will be doing pushups, situps and squats for the amount of $$$ (ratio;$1:1) I earn on this post and will give a short feedback every day at the end of each post. This will be split in equally between all 3. Any not done will carry onto the next day. 

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