9 Steps to Creating Unique Content

in writing •  2 years ago 


1 Get rid of your limitations

Reduce your topic to a single phrase and then create ideas around it. Expand your thinking to "School" if you're trying to write on "Study Skills." Now scribble down everything that comes to mind when you think of School, and when you run out of ideas, start asking yourself open-ended questions about the subject and writing down your responses.


What was it about school that I liked?
What was it that scared me?
What do I wish I'd known from the beginning?

This can help you re-enter the mindset of someone dealing with a variety of educational challenges, and you'll begin to understand their fears and worries.
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2 Regain your concentration

Allow your attention to return to your initial topic of Study Skills once you've begun to understand the overall feelings of your readers. What questions would you ask now that you've gained a new perspective? What exactly would you like to know? Is this really a "studying" problem, or is it more about Time Management, being able to concentrate without getting distracted, or being paralyzed by the dread of failing?

3 Take on the role of your audience

Make a different sheet of paper for each question; don't stop until you have at least ten, preferably more. Continue to put yourself in your readers' shoes until you believe you've addressed all of their primary problems.
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4 Take a deep breath and take a step back.

Set aside your pile of questions for a few hours, preferably overnight. Don't think about them deliberately; just go about your day as usual. Allow your subconscious to process things without any additional input from you. If fresh questions arise, note them down somewhere secure and then set them aside.

5 Take out your pen and start writing.

Sit down with your pages of questions when you're ready and begin answering them. When you write your responses by hand, you might access ideas that you might overlook if you type them. At this point, you should not be editing yourself. Bypassing the internal editor can also be accomplished by using Speech to Text software or a digital recorder.

Imagine someone sitting in front of you seeking help, and simply speak with them. Maintain a conversational tone and stick to the question-and-answer style.

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6 Lightly edit

Don't be afraid to follow your gut impulses. Proofread for apparent problems, but don't make any major changes until your article has had time to "sit" for a while. Again, leaving it overnight will offer you a fresh perspective the next time you look at it, but even if you don't have time to do so, it's crucial to take a break from it.

When you're pressed for time, writing numerous articles in a row can cause you to "forget" the one you just finished.

7 Make it shine

If you write short articles as instructed above, you won't need to do any editing. They'll already flow smoothly and organically, and having each Q&A on its own sheet makes it easier to choose only the ones you desire. Now it's up to you to arrange them in a logical order, make sure they're clear, and guide the reader smoothly from one question to the next.

8 Make a top and tail of it
As a "teaser" for the main piece, write a small introductory paragraph. Many article directories now include the first paragraph of each article in RSS feeds that get picked up by other websites, so make sure your two or three main keywords appear at least once in that first paragraph.

Write another short paragraph to summarize the article's main points and offer some suggestions for how the reader might learn more about the issue. Don't forget about your own resource box: use the format SubmitYourNewArticle for your link, and it will be live when your article is converted to html.

9 Send it in!
Anyword is an AI-powered copywriting platform that helps marketers tailor their messages to their ideal audience. It generates and evaluates copy for ads, social posts, email subject lines, landing page copy, and much more. Start For Free https://bit.ly/3KD6BuB

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