in writing •  4 years ago 

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In a community or civilized society, discipline is vital and is a necessity, and as a matter of fact discipline and nature work hand in hand, the absence of discipline in nature could be disastrous, and a life without discipline could result to chaos.

Discipline itself is an act or intent to exhibit moral character or behaviour accepted by a society.

Some people believe discipline to be some sort of surpression or denial of liberty, but rather it is some measures taken towards self-control, and discipline works hand in hand as a compromise for freedom,
Whether building a career in education, business, sports, you need a great deal of discipline in other to accomplish these.

In life, learning to align yourself with a set of rules will help to channel your life and path in the right direction, bearing in mind that an undisciplined individual is prone to so many mistake and is likened to a sailor without his map nor even have an idea of his bearing or even as an unprimed garden, because if not primed the right way, will only be regarded as a forest.

Even nature itself follows the principle of discipline, and as humans, discipline should be observed to make life worth the while.

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