Inactivity turned into love

in writing •  3 years ago 

In the past, long ago, there was the back of the hill and the mountain, then beyond the seas. Nowadays, the dream of going outside the world has taken over people. He chose to fit as much distance as he could into human life, which is a short period of time. And they're gone too, the first to go, and they won't be the last. Those who went would leave a trace, their successors would follow the traces, they would want to go beyond the traces. We always had to leave without knowing what would happen or what was going to happen.


Death has not been renewed for centuries, the analysis of the mind and spirit could not be done even today. Before, gossip appeared as myth, whispers to voices, voices to words, words to actions, and actions to far away. The furthest place was thought to be in the soul or mind.

It was unknown whether time was moving forward or whether time was assumed to move, and is known today as the unknown. No one could explain what it means to know the unknown, and no one could understand it, and he could not explain or understand. It was worthless in obscurity. It's called a place, that's all.

Mystery and secret; Was it hidden in the sound or in the way? Every question gave way to another question, every answer was rooted in meaninglessness. This movement was called growing the tree of knowledge, and no one saw that the tree rotted in time. Stories and narratives followed one after another, piled to the end, eternity could not be reached. The stack was called the end of the movement. As the piles could not go any further, they began to expand backwards and block the way. The road was everywhere. Everywhere fell under the influence of the masses. The dead ends were filled, the road was blocked, the movement stopped.

It was said that inactivity began to be blessed in space, inactivity turned into love, turned into life. Thus began another story.

All the loves were alike, they were kept as long as the limit was not exceeded. It was said that the one who is caught is in love, the one who is caught is the beloved. Thus, both the lover and the beloved had to end their movement over time.

People who first started to describe dinosaur bones made butterflies dinosaurs over time. When the magnifying glass was held, the ladybugs were seen as a dinosaur, When looking through the microscope, it was accepted that the colors sought a stopping point, when the telescope lenses were turned upside down, larger microscopes were made, the sight of those who went to the end was put into despair. , voices, stories entangled.

Neither strength nor weakness, neither stagnation nor movement could unravel my blindness. Both life and death are like sleep, said the masters, and love began to be sought in these sleeps. Sleepwalkers were legendary and legendary, yet people could not escape from nothingness and insignificance. It was also called captivity.

In its final extent, the assumption of God Captivity went from sounds, shapes, movements to silence, formlessness, and stillness. They went in and out, and the masses kept refraining from an old new one. There was no new, no old, no unity of both. Absence was assumed in sleep, a smile always appeared on the most complex surface of existence, some bitter smiles, some sweet ones. Those who move, those who make a sound, began to worship a still smile.

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