Chaos and Creativity

in writing •  7 years ago 

Nietzsche writes, “Man believes that the world itself is filled with beauty – he forgets that he created it.”

This is the essence of creativity. Nothing is until we make it so. In truth, the world is pure chaos. Without our viewpoint, it just is, no connection, no names and no meaning. We put meaning into the world. But how do we do this? Thoughts are helpful, but really they have more relationship to chaos than to understanding. in order to gain understanding, we say it is so, literally. Language helped with understanding, the agreement of a shared image is a pivotal point in creating relationship. Art too helps to share experience. But what I am keenest on is writing. Not necessarily the aftermath but the initial point of contact between the idea and the chaos that it arrives from.

Chaos is a gaping void, of course it is. Anything else is not chaos. It is the gaping void that births our world.

Inside each of us, at the core, there is the initial moment, first point exit/entry. We have stepped out of our chaos (most of us) and we have created a haven within the void in order to experience. In order to pass this mantle to each other we share experience, and we continually re-interpret what has occurred. Of course we are individuals, our heads are filled with our unique experience of the world, so we colour experience with our lens. It is an important point in writing to establish our lens, to actively tweak and manipulate our ability to see. So, first step, get to the lens, but more importantly, establish whether you are an observational writer or a confessional one. One will look straight through the lens, the other will look at who is looking through the lens. Sounds easy, but we live in such a conditioning world, it is hard to establish who owns the lens. Where is our viewpoint of the world formed? How do we establish reality? Family, schools, culture, they all put a lens on our reality, and if we step outside the accepted viewing we are generally said to be ill... In a way this should be called Chaos and Bravery...

As Rimbaud the poet says "The poet becomes a seer through a long, immense, and reasoned derangement of all the senses. All shapes of love suffering, madness. He searches himself, he exhausts all poisons in himself, to keep only the quintessences. Ineffable torture where he needs all his faith, all his superhuman strength, where he becomes among all men the great patient, the great criminal, the great accursed one--and the supreme Scholar! For he reaches the unknown!"

The unknown - where else would we want to head.

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Duality, in or out. Looking at the lens viewer, or through the lens. And society can not accept a person as being the Lens, for that would be to far outside the box. Outside our two dimensional view point to a centrist/self view of the world. I am the sculptor, so let me sculpt, I am the painter so let me paint. Problem is they are what they think they are, and do not realize that they may be the painting or sculpture they created, thus creating themselves. Like time we will never know when it began, when we began. Chaos and Creativity, one in the same, and yet neither being what they think they are. With out Chaos, there is no Creativity. We are the tweeners, those that exist between Chaos and Creativity thus giving meaning to both of them. Well that is sort of how I feel about Chaos and Creativity. It was a very nice and thought provoking post you had.

I feel you are right there. It is nice to flip over between the sides, like riding a bicycle and learning where the balance point is. Thanks for the great reply.