Endless Love
We hope to get it from the other.
We dream, sing, paint about it.
We look for it, suffer for it, kill for it.
We feel euphoric when it’s here and devastated when it’s gone.
We think our lover is the one who brings it.
We think our lover is the one who takes it away.
But what if we looked a little closer? What if we found that what our lover does is simply reminds us of how beautiful we are when seen through their eyes?
You know that feeling of being in love, right? You admire every bit of your lover. Their body, their smile, the sparks in their eyes, their soul, the way they move, their scent, their personality, their laughter… and also their crooked toe, the birthmark on their neck, the not so perfect nose…you love them completely with all their imperfections.
Now what if you could muster the same kind of love for yourself? Why wait for a lover to feel loved and admired? Why not see yourself through the eyes of a lover regardless of whether you have one in your life or not? Then, when the time comes and your lover appears, you simply welcome the love that’s given.
And you also release the other of the responsibility to “make you happy” and you release yourself of the dependency on being happy only when love is given to you from the outside. After all, you already have all the love you ever wanted. And so you stop being fearful that you’ll lose it because you can’t lose something that is with you all the time.
And now, your partner is truly free. Free from the fear that you’ll lash out at them for not loving you enough, not giving you enough attention, care or whatever else you ever thought the other one was supposed to bring to your life to make you happy.
Is it even possible for someone else to “make you happy”, “make you feel something“? It’s an illusion that we’ve come to believe out of our own ignorance. The other was never responsible for how we feel, we simply responded to them and their actions. We created those feelings in our inner world. We made ourselves feel what we felt.
And so you’ll remember that ultimately you're the only one who can give or take love from you. And when your lover comes, he simply adds to what you already have. And so the love multiplies and multiplies and multiplies…
And one day, your lover will be gone because everything in life is temporary. Everything... but your inner love. That one will always be there. That love never ends. That's your endless love.
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