A tale to remember (fiction from a dreamer)

in writing •  6 years ago  (edited)

A tale to remember.


I closed my eyes and felt my body finally starting to relax. This whole morning had been a roller coaster and all the mixed emotions started to take their toll on me. This is the only place I ever felt safe in my whole life yet, it's the one place I never wanted to be created. The tips of my fingers crawl over the grass until they reach the gray and cold headstone with his name. I breathe in deeply, filling my lungs with the air they need right before I speak his name in a husky whisper. "Jason....My God Jason. How I wish you would be here with me. To hold me in your strong and loving arms just one more time."

My finger slides over the swirly letters of his name while my heart fills again with the never-ending love I still feel for this man. I would give anything to see him one more time. To press my lips against his and inhale his warm scent. But that is a wish never coming true. I know he would not like to see me like this. Messed up and full with emotions I can hardly handle. He was the only one I allowed to have a deeper look into my soul. He always knew what to say or do to calm my senses and to make me see things in a different light. He is the only person I told all my fears and the one to hold my heart for evermore.

I know I can't stay here forever. I have to face reality and make sure to find out if that man I saw this morning really is my father. I curl up in the grass, laying my head down against the cold stone as if I am in his arms. The crackling sound and the ripples in the magical boundaries making me jump up. In a red glow of lighting the silhouette of a tall male starts to show. While I bald my hands into fists the ground beneath me starts to shake ever so slightly.

"Bianca." The male speaks my name while he becomes more clear to my sight. "It has been a long time since my eyes rested upon so much beauty.' I recognize his voice and my fists open up slowly while I tilt my head a bit to the right. " Alex!" My voice is almost singing his name and I have no idea why I am so happy to see him. This male has been in my way many times and there was never a real friendship. He never supported my relationship with Jason, yet when Jason got killed he was the first to come and find me. He was the one who took my hand and guided me through my sorrow and tears. He bathed me, fed me and kept me sane. "Alex, it has been a long time for sure. Three years if I am correct!"

His dark eyes stare deeply into mine while he lifts my left hand and brushes his lips over my knuckles. His hair no longer curly and long but short. His fingers taking a firm hold of my wrist when he pulls me into his arms and wraps me up in a tight hug. "You have not been here for a while puddy cat." He speaks with laughter in his voice knowing I hate it when he calls me that. Like a little child, I want to lift my foot and kick him against his knees to make him scream in pain. I look up at the man now towering over me and wrinkle my nose before I free myself from his embrace.

Alex, brother to Jason but not by blood. A powerful warlock living in the darkness of the woods. An asshole, a liar, an evil man who was there in my time of need. The leader of the family Jason was part of after they took him in as a fifteen-year-old boy. They taught him to fight, to use magic and to protect himself. They helped him and loved him but he never became them. Jason was good at heart and wanted to stay away from all the darkness but he loved them dearly. He would die for his family and in the end, he did.

"I should go!" I speak loud and clear placing the palm of my hand on the headstone. " Why?" Alex steps closer to me letting his dark eyes scan my petite frame. "Scared you might like spending some time with me?" The Arrogance is his voice makes me shiver and my nails almost pierce the stone. "I remember the last time I saw you Puddy cat."


I also remember the last time I saw him. It was right before I stormed out of his bedroom. If you had asked me years ago if I would ever share a bed with an asshole like Alex I would have laughed in your face. I shared his bed for three days in a row. We did not leave his bedroom, not even to get food or drinks. Three days full of lust, passion and growing disgust. He was an excellent lover, a pleaser in many ways yet dominant in all his actions. I also remember the smug look on his face when I realized what I had done. My whole body still reacts to him in ways I seriously hate. To be honest, and I do not like this fact, I have thought about him a few times, brief moments of losing my mind. Or at least that is what I told myself over and over when he slipped back into my thoughts.

His dark eyes pierce mine so deeply I can feel him almost touch my soul. I step to the side and then back so I end up behind the gravestone. I want to keep a distance between us. The soft wind forcing his sensual and strong scent into my nostrils and I let out a soft growl in frustration. 'Cat got your tongue again?" Alex speaks while a smile forms on his lips. "No, I just have nothing to say to you!" I answer before I turn around and make my way out of the magical boundary. I wanted peace and quiet and instead, I get a devilish jerk with a big mouth and too much time on his hands. When I almost cross the border back into the normal world I feel his strong hand on my left shoulder. His fingers showing the strength of the beast that hides inside him.

"You are not going anywhere puddy cat!" His voice a tad darker now while he spins me around forcing me to face him again. I growl louder this time and lift both my hands to place them against his broad chest. With all the power in me, I push him away but he does not move an inch. "Leave me alone Alex!" I almost scream my words into his face and I am sure he can read the anger in my eyes. With a swift move, he wraps both his arms around my body and orders me to close my eyes.

I feel the world starting to spin and I quickly close my eyes. Within a few seconds, my body feels like it's hit by a monster truck and I scream in pain. He took me with him by using his magical powers. When I open my eyes and gasps for air he lets me go free of his forced embrace. I am no longer at the grave where I wanted to calm myself down but I find myself in the room I ran out of almost four years ago. It still looks the same, dark yet impressive. Before Alex can say a damn word I raise my hand and slap him across his face while the dizziness almost knocks me off my own feet. "Asshole!" I shout and feel him grab my wrist. "Calm your tits woman!" He speaks calmly yet with disrespect.

I place my free hand on his side and feel myself fall against him. The dizziness now master of my whole being. I feel like I am going to puke while Alex lifts me up into his strong arms and lays me down on his bed. I always hated it when Alex used his magic on me and I still do! Now that I am laying down the dizzy feeling starts to leave my body and while Alex sits down on the edge of the bed I push myself up and kick him full in his side. I roll on my side trying to escape when he speaks in pure anger and from the corners of the bed vines crawl in rapid speed towards me. Suddenly I am trapped on his bed and the harder I struggle the tighter the vines wrap themselves around my arms and legs. resentment and pain now written all over my face while he leans down and slams his lips against mine. His tongue parting my lips while I try to protest but when I fight the restraints harder, he rolls off of me and stares deeply into my eyes.

To be continued!


Side note: I know I have already posted parts of this story before but for some reason I stop sharing and writing for it! A few weeks ago, I started to continue the story once more. Therefore, I am sharing previous chapters together till I reach the new parts! I do hope you enjoy the story and feel free to leave some feedback. I am not the best writer but I find lots of happiness in writing short and long stories. I do not aim to become a bestseller author but I do aim to learn and to become better!

This story is fiction and is written by me and shared on Steemit and (Coughs) face...book...


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Wow! this story is dark, sinister and speaks of the darkest side of human nature and made me feel more than a little uncomfortable!

And that is awesome!!!

The power of a great story is to paint a picture, set a scene and to provoke strong feelings and stir emotions...You did just that. When I read fiction, I do it to be moved, dragged into the narrative and have my psychology changed in some way...It is an escape from the mundane, ordinary and sometimes stale real world.

I think the thing that underpins the story, the thing responsible for Biancas bad choices, looking for the wrong things in the wrong places and with the wrong people is the role that her underlying and unresolved grief has played.

Yes I read the piece where you say you are not the best writer, that nagging feeling inside us always makes us write that declaration on creative pieces I think. I suspect you may be a better writer than you believe. Don't worry about accepting the compliment...I know many of us suffer the self imposed slings and arrows that make us hard to see our own talents!

Keep writing with such passion and pace, disturbing and unsettling the reader is a skill many would dearly love to have. You are exhibiting that you have it in bucketloads! This is why we watch TV that scares us whilst peeking around the cushion that we hold before our eyes.

Many today, just want to feel something

I really enjoyed reading this piece... Sad thing her boyfriend had to die. That leaves me with a very daunting question, her heart still beats for Jason while her body still remembers Alex lolz, was she with Alex those 3 days while Jason was still alive? Or after he was dead

Wow, this was amazing! I dont even know where to start. You took me through some key emotions and left me with just enough intrigue to want more. I could actually vividly see the characters as you provided all the key emotions necessary to do so! This is a masterpeice!

we want the second part give us the second part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great post Snekky... don't worry about not being the best writer in the world, this is great stuff and the fact that it is written with feeling really comes across. I look forward (with trepidation) to reading the rest! :-)

beautiful story. nicely written @poeticsnake

Some will say this is rape, but what did you go there for in the first lace when you know you hate him...will wait for continuation.

The second a person uses their force and power against another in this manner it is 100% rape!

I understand that many will say that a person has put them-self in a dangerous position, this is true ofcourse. humans are crazy, irrational, make poor poor choices, ((especially when emotion is thrown into the mix)) that is who we are as a species BUT...

That does not give permission to someone with evil intent to use that power to take what they want or to control, I am sure you agree. This is the power of a well crafted story, it can provoke opinion and stir feelings and we will often see things very differently, right?

Imagine how boring the world would be if we all thought, felt, acted the same?

I agree with you, but you can't sleep in the wild and blame the mosquito for biting you.

Haha! I upvoted you twice for that amazing turn of phrase. I see your point exactly I just think that is only because of the bad in people that we cannot do and go where we want as late as we want and so on.

I guess what I really mean is I can never in good conscience blame a victim.

They both are at fault in a way. Just thought of the quote lols

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