A tale to remember (fiction from a dreamer) Part 2

in writing •  6 years ago 

A tale to remember part 2.


The vines close tighter around my wrists the more I move closing my veins so myblood no longer enters my fingers. I am starting to feel numb, while my heart is racing in my chest. I hate the feeling I have inside and I hate it even more that I am not able to free myself from the vines.

"Stop fighting me Puddycat and all will become clear!" His low voice sounds irritatingly calm while his dark eyes scan over my trapped frame. There is a hunger in his eyes, a lustful hunger and I am not going to satisfy it for him. I remember how he told me what my body did to him, how badly he wanted me to be in his arms so that he could claim me as his.

I close my eyes and inhale deeply trying to calm myself down. "Fine, What do you want Alex?" I speak after I wet my dry lips with my tongue only to growl softly when I am done.

"You need to listen to me! " And with that answer, Alex pushes himself off the edge of the bed and walks to the other side of the room where he places both his large hands against the window. I wonder how the glass is able to stay in one piece with all the strength he has inside him.

I wait for more words but for some reason, they do not come. The vines slowly pull back and evaporate into nothing. I wiggle my fingers, trying to get the blood going until I feel them starting to get warm. I inhale deeply while I slide myself off the bed and follow Alex to the window. He is still standing in the same position as if he is frozen on the spot. I should walk away, run away even but the weird thing is that he is like a magnet for me. I don't want him close yet when he is near I do not want to leave his side.

"You want me to listen? In that case, I suggest you start talking to Alex!" I speak softly while I let my eyes scan the outside of the house I am in. The green trees, the leaves dancing on the soft breeze while a few birds sing their song. Peaceful, yet I know better. I have been here before and nothing is what it seems. While this place looks like a palace to outsiders there is nothing but darkness within its walls. If you listen carefully there is never a moment of silence in the house. Scratching nails on wood, painful screams who make your ears bleed yet all muffled away by a blanket of magic.

Alex starts to tap his fingers against the glass while he slowly tilts his head towards me. The intense look in his eyes might suggest a kind of emotion I have not seen before, at least not in him.
"What I am about to tell you will turn your whole life upside down." I hear his words loud and clear and every cell in my body tells me that he is telling me the truth. If magic taught me one thing, it's the fact that you can feel it when someone tells you a lie. Most of the time we do not react to the voices we hear whispering in our ears but we should. We should embrace the voices because it is our soul or our heart speaking. We tell ourself to ignore the voice when we don't want to know the truth and we move on by accepting the lies told as the truth. Perhaps a way to protect our heart in a wicked way.

I look deeply into Alex's eyes and nod my own head. "My life is already a mess since the moment I was born and you know it, Alex! Nothing you will say can make things worse today." I answer before I turn my head away from him and stare outside again. My answer is a lie but I am not willing to show my own emotions to Alex. I did that once and it turned into a nightmare, a warm and loving nightmare but still... I cough to stop myself from thinking about the night I was curled up in his embrace but it's hard not to let my mind go back to those three days.

"Your father, he is who he says he is. He did not die that day because he can not be killed with a bullet." Alex swallows as if he finds it hard to say the words. " On the other hand, your father is also not who he always told you he was." Now he is starting to confuse me and honestly, it irritates me. "You see, your father is not a panther shifter, never was and never will be. This must sound so confusing for you!" Alex pulls his hands from the window and turns to face me while he spins me around to make me face him. Both his hands carefully placed upon my shoulders. " I have known your father many years before you were born and he asked me to help him. For some reason we became friends and when he met your mother I helped him by granting him the power to be a panther. Little did I know what I got myself into." He speaks while he presses his forehead against mine. I push myself away from him not because I don't like the way he is touching me but because I feel the need to sit down.


"Just tell me who he is Alex!" I speak right before I lean against the window with my back and slide down till I sit on the cold floor. My legs are no longer able to keep me standing and my head is spinning like a maniac on speed. I want to know more but I also want him to stop talking."Your father....."

Alex kneels down placing one of his large hands on my knee in a soothing way. "Your father is a demon puddycat, a demon just like me." His words make my heart pound out of control. Anger, pain and even sadness peek at me and I don't know which of those emotions I feel the most.

Everything I have learned about the demons in the world is now starting to play on my mind like a scary movie. "You are joking right?" I mutter my words while I start to hug my own knees like a little sad girl missing her teddy bear.

"I wish I were joking little one. Your father is a demon and so am I. We are not of the same blood but my family connected with him a long time ago. I know you always thought that we were warlocks and witches but I had to tell you something so I told you lie after lie. You see, I made an oath to protect you, to keep you safe but you...." Again he stops talking and places his hand under my chin. "You never wanted me close in any way. For some reason, you hated me from the moment you were born."

He is speaking the truth, I can see it in his eyes and feel it in my whole body. For as long as I remember all I felt for him has been hate and anger. Not that he ever did a thing to hurt me when I was younger. Those feelings just always have been inside me, this pure anger. Even now, when he is telling me the truth, giving me the answers I need to hear, I can feel it fight inside me wanting me to give in and act upon them. When I slept with him, those three nights, I woke up with an even stronger need to wrap my hands around his neck and choke the life out of him. I never did because of the respect I do have for him. Not that I would have been able to kill him that way given the fact that he is a demon.

"Look at me, please?" Alex's deep voice finds his way back into my ears while the memories of the past still dance before my eyes. "You never need to fear me. You know that right?" His fingers under my chin are forcing me to look deeply into his dark yet almost golden eyes. His other hand still rests on my knee and I can feel his grip getting stronger. He inhales deeply before he leans in close to my face, resting his forehead against mine.

I growl from my stomach and push him away as hard as I can but I am no match for his strength. He does not move a goddamn inch. "Go away, Alex!" I growl my words into his face. My eyes spitting fire while my anger starts to become more powerful than my confusion. I am no longer who I thought I was. My father is not dead and everything I ever knew in my life turned out to be a fucking lie. The people I trusted with my life made me live in a world of pure deception. "Did Jason know?" I can hear my own fear in the question that rolls over my lips before I can swallow the words.

Jason, the man I loved with my whole being. The love of my life. The keeper of my heart and soul. The one man I trusted with every detail of myself and my life. I pray to God that he did not know about these facts these sick lies that have been fed to me from the moment I was put on this earth. I see how Alex licks his lips and swallows deeply while getting ready to deliver his answer to me. For a brief moment, I wish I could stop time, stop living, stop breathing. Part of me really does not want to know the answer because it would turn the dream I lived into a nightmare. A fucking nightmare for sure.

To be continued!


Previous chapters


Side note: I know I have already posted parts of this story before but for some reason I stopped sharing and writing for it! A few weeks ago, I started to continue the story once more. Therefore, I am sharing previous chapters together until I reach the new chapters! I do hope you enjoy the story and feel free to leave some feedback. I am not the best writer but I find lots of happiness in writing short and long stories. I do not aim to become a bestseller author but I do aim to learn and to become better!

This story is fiction and is written by me and shared on Steemit and (Coughs) face...book...


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Great story a valued to read this

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This post has received a 19.37 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @poeticsnake.

Ohhhhhh!!! It is becoming clearer...Although, strangely I suspect t is not...

This is certainly a tale to remember and has taken us further down the rabbit-hole than I could've imagined. Hmmmm starting to really wonder about Jason's backstory, right now!

Enjoyable, intriguing with a hint of danger...That sinister undertone is becoming darker by the second.

Part 3 Snek-Lady...Part 3...Your public demands it 😁