A tale to remember (fiction from a dreamer) Part 3steemCreated with Sketch.

in writing •  6 years ago 

A tale to remember part 3.


What happened that morning.

I woke up with this strange feeling inside my stomach and for some reason, it did not go away. At first, I could not place the feeling and I tried to shake it off but the longer I tried the more I started to feel it. Not even the intense hot feeling of the water running over my body in the shower could take my mind off the weird sensation that I was feeling. I took my time, the cabin full of steam while I sipped the coffee that I placed at the corner of the shower.

And then it suddenly hit me.

Someone is on my land, now that I realize what the feeling is I can sense the magical connection in my blood even more and I am sure that person close is not a hunter. The feeling is weird and for some reason, my instincts tell me to run. The magical link is one I never felt before or at least not that I can remember. It makes my body shiver and in reaction, I start to feel the need to shift but I can't! I already know that the hunters are too close and if I shift they will be able to find me within hours. The fact that I can control my shifting is something most of my family members really hate about me, I just call it jealousy. My aunt always told me that I was a strong headed cat and if I knew what was good for me, I should learn how to behave like the rest of my family. One of the reasons I moved as far away from them as I could. I did not even bother to dry myself up after my shower and slipped into my clothes and grabbed my coffee mug on my way out of the shower.

After my last sip of coffee, I throw the mug in the sink that still holds water from three days ago and I make my way outside closing the cabin behind me. I lift my head and let the wind hit my nostrils to take a good sniff.

I inhale the scent of a person who just walked here a few minutes ago leaving a trail behind full with scents and footprints. This person is not even trying to hide where they are going. I might behave like a normal human being but I am almost always on high alert, my senses hardly ever turned down. It would mean the end of me if I would let my guard down. Without thinking I start to follow the trail. The closer I get the stronger I feel the family link in my own body and for some reason, it feels like I am getting closer to home. The scent becomes stronger and even pick up the scent of a few animals like birds and a deer. I know that I am closing in. I keep walking with my eyes wide open until the wind hits my nose and tells me that I am close enough. I stop and slowly turn a full circle at the spot where I am standing.

I am surrounded by nothing but green, trees, and bushes. The only sounds I hear are coming from the wind who makes the leaves dance and a lost bird who sings like to world is about to end. You can say I am a curious one and I am sure that one day I will pay for it with me my life. The fact that I am stronger than my own fears is not helping me either. Some might say that my ego is too big for my own good but all I do is refuse to give in to fear. Of course, I feel it in my body, my heart is racing, my fingers and lips are trembling but no matter what kind of fear will cross my path I will never step down like my family has done for many eons now. Granted, there have been moments in my life when I asked myself what the hell I was thinking but then again, at least I live my life fully.


The person who stepped on my land is close, very close and I am sure he is hiding just a few meters away from me. The scent of his cologne and mix of his male pheromones told me that the moment I left my cabin. I slowly spread my fingers while my nails turn into razor-sharp claws. I don't give a fuck if they see it or not because the magical bond in me tells me this person is far from human. I dig my foot firmly into the ground for stability and feel how my brown eyes slowly turn from brown to golden yellow. I shift my head a few inches to the left where a breaking branch gives away the position of the intruder. I inhale deeply to fill my lungs and I know that I am ready to strike!

"You need not fear me Bianca."

I hear the males voice and right away I feel frozen at my spot.

The words that roll over his lips before they find my ears are making my whole body shiver and I just watch the male slowly step into my sight. I feel this intense pain in my chest and for a moment my heart gives me the idea that it stopped pumping my blood around. I don't move, not one fucking single inch. My feet are frozen solid to the ground while my eyes find his and they lock. This is making no sense at all. This must be a dream or my mind finally started to play tricks on me. The male slowly moves closer to me while my eyes scan his posture. Long dark hair pulled back into a bun on the back of his head. Deep brown hazel eyes staring deeply into mine. He towers high above to ground making me feel like I am just 3 inches tall. His shoulders firm and his muscled chest covered in a tight black shirt. The moment he raises his hand I finally step back while a loud growl escapes my red lips and I hit a tree with my back.

"Please Bianca, listen to me before you judge!"

There is no reason nor logic for what is happening right now. My eyes must be pulling a magic trick on me. I can't be seeing what I am seeing. I can't be hearing the voice that I am hearing. It just can't! My whole being screams to run away and not look back but being who I am I stay put with my back against the tree. The bark is scratching at my skin because I almost want to push myself through the trunk.

"I fucking sat at your grave, I cried a million tears for you. I mourned you, I fucking buried you!"

My voice is loud yet I feel like I am whispering my own words. I feel how my eyes no longer burn golden and how tears start to form. I bite away the fact that I want to run into his arms and wrap myself around him.

To be continued!


Previous chapters



Side note: I know I have already posted parts of this story before but for some reason I stopped sharing and writing for it! A few weeks ago, I started to continue the story once more. Therefore, I am sharing previous chapters together until I reach the new chapters! I do hope you enjoy the story and feel free to leave some feedback. I am not the best writer but I find lots of happiness in writing short and long stories. I do not aim to become a bestseller author but I do aim to learn and to become better!

This story is fiction and is written by me and shared on Steemit and (Coughs) face...book...


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Ooooohhhh.... Intense!

Will she give in to her desire to be held by him again, or will she demand answers? OR, will she rather just leap at him and attack?

Looking forward to next chapter =)

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