How To Recover From Failure

in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)

Nobody wins always. Even highly successful people experience ups and downs. Some times they go hunting and come back with a big catch, while other times they return empty handed. Man's existence has always been about reducing his failure rate. That's why we changed from hunter-gatherers to agriculturists. Nevertheless, we still cannot control everything. So a setback or failure is always around the corner. How do we recover fast when this happens. When things that seem to be going well suddenly go south, what do you do to get back on your feet?

Accept Failure As a Part of Growth

Failure may look like a big deal to you right now but It really is not. You have been failing since you were born. This may sound discouraging but it shouldn't. We are creatures that learn by failing. Can you count the number of times a baby fails before it learns how to seat? How about the number of times they fail before they learn how to walk? But they learn how to walk EVENTUALLY. That is what you need to keep in mind. All those victories you have recorded in your life happened eventually. Among other lessons that you need to take from this experience, accept that failure is part of your growth. Keep everything in proper perspective and do what you need to do to get back on your feet.

Do Not Isolate Yourself

When you are feeling down after a failure you may feel like withdrawing from people. But unless you are using that time to probably read books or surf the internet for a better way to do things, It is probably not a good idea. Negative thoughts are likely still many in your head and being alone could make them multiply. Being alone for a reasonable length of time can help you rest, recover emotionally and figure out the way forward. If it becomes too long it could be counter productive.

Maintain a Positive Physical Environment

You may not feel like a winner right now but you don't want your surroundings to say the same things to you. Keeping your environment clean and tidy will give you the kind of mood you need to think positive thoughts. Pay attention also to your dressing and grooming. We all know that when we look good we feel good and other people also give us that positive feedback that we all thrive on.

Excercise Regularly

There's nothing that helps you start your day well like a few minutes of excercise. Endorphin, a chemical that gives you a high and dopamine which makes you want to do things, is released. So excercising helps you start the day productively. You chase away negative feelings that would have enveloped you and affect the rest of your day.

Shop for Role Models and Heroes

There is nothing new under the sun. So whatever you may be going through someone has probably battled and conquered. And some of these conquerors at a time thought they could not bounce back from their defeat until they figured a way out. The last hundred years in human history is replete with examples of people that achieved extraordinary things not because they did not have setbacks but because they kept on pushing inspite of their many failures. You can just pick a few of these persons to inspire you.
Of course, you cannot model your whole life after theirs and do everything they would do in any given situation. Sometimes you learn from their mistakes so that you do not take the same wrong turn they took. I like to pick different qualities from different heroes. From one person you could learn persistence while from another learn to be detailed and still from another positivity. Life is easier for everyone when they have someone to guide them.

Why Did You Fail?

This question must be answered. You already know that failure is a part of growth. So what qualities do you think you can cultivate, what skills do you have to learn so that you can grow from this failure? What important thing did you overlook that might have made things turn out differently? You want to be objective when asking yourself these questions. If you find the right answers you can take the right steps to get back on winning ways.

Action! Action! Action!

The only way to achieve your goals is to pursue them. You cannot achieve anything by only thinking about it. No one ever succeeds at something they did not do. You have to compete in order for you to be a winner. So having had time to figure things out, it is time now to start acting. Continue to pursue your dreams. That is what winners do.

People fail, but the strong continue. I know you have it in you to get back to winning ways.

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This is a very inspiring post and touches every aspect of turning your failure into success. I have bookmarked it.

Thanks for reading. I am happy that you find it useful.

Yeah, inspiring!