Don't let it become boring

in writing •  7 years ago 


As much as I'd like to think that we live in a perfect world where we can do the same thing again and again without getting bored, that's not the reality we're in. The truth is that if we do the same activity for a long time, it will become tiring and boring.

While I don't like to say this, writing falls into the category of things that get boring after a while. All you do is put words on paper, sharing your ideas, hoping to help people with something or that there are others out there who think the same way as you.

After a while that becomes really repetitive. What can you do to keep writing entertaining and fulfilling no matter how much time you spend doing it?

Always write new things.

For example, let's say you've been writing articles for a few years now and you got bored of it. You are really good and you can create tons of content in a fairly short amount of time. That gives you enough financial satisfaction and it helps you have a lot of free time since you can literally finish days of work within hours.

But you're not enjoying it any more. You spent so much time writing the same things again and again that it got both boring and frustrating. You want to do something else but you don't want to risk it. You don't want to do something that will waste a huge part of your time and what's most importantly, you don't want to write something different just to find out you're not good at that particular topic.

I believe that's exactly what you should do. You see, no matter what you do, if you work on the same thing again and again without changing things a little bit, you will get bored.

There are some exceptions to this but most of the time it will happen. Everything will become predictable, easy and at some point, frustrating. You will be able to do it really fast and really well, but it will not satisfy you.

What to do in this case? Do something else.

If you wrote articles for a few years and you're tired of doing it, try something new. Go for fantasy, maybe you have a lot of imagination and you never thought you could write fantasy stories that people would like.

In case that's not something you wanna try, I'm sure there are a lot of topics you can write about that do not involve articles. You can literally write a few books and share them with people, asking for some feedback.

As surprising as it may seem for some, we love doing hard things that challenge us. It's really nice to become a master in a certain area and be able to do our job really fast. It's even more amazing to become the best. But it doesn't mean it won't be boring.

You can be the best writer out there and receive thousands of dollars for your articles, and still not be satisfied with your work.

That's why you need to challenge yourself. Try something new. Read more. Make sure you study what others wrote in the past and try to apply the same techniques in your own work. See what else you can come up with.

If you're bored of the writing style of everyone out there then try to invent one yourself.

Whatever you do, challenge yourself. Remember what you felt the first time you wrote something and you saw people liking it. Remember what it felt to finish a project and be proud of it.

That's the type of feeling you should chase every time you get bored of something. Strike to become a master when it comes to your craft, but don't forget about trying something new from time to time.

Explore, fail and expose yourself to trial and error. In time you'll realize that's one of the best things you can do to keep yourself motivated to move forward and to do the things you loved for years.

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Yes, we must always seek to stretch ourselves to keep things interesting. Without challenge, we stop growing as well. I remember being a pharmacist and every day, the EXACT same thing. It got tedious quickly. I had to go do a postgraduate degree to keep things fresh.

Finally, I realised I could actually start a business doing what I loved. That helped cure the boredom 😃

Glad to see this worked for you!

Hopefully more people understand that they need to do things differently from time to time in order to avoid boredom. That only brings comfort and comfort brings with it mistakes that can destroy one's career.