Mental Exhaustion is Real. Give your creativity a day off.

in writing •  8 years ago  (edited)

I've been putting out about 2 posts/day every day for 3 weeks now.

Do I deserve a day off? Do you?

Talking with fellow steemers on rocket-chat, I've noticed that a lot of them took a day off or were about to. This echoes my own sentiment: I might need a break soon.

Writing posts is hard work.
I don't care what anyone says but it takes me about 3-4hours to write/re=write/edit/find photos/ re-write AGAIN one post. That's taking a lot of my time and energy.

Add to that: curation efforts - I curate 1 hour every day at a minimum!!

Yes, it's just 5 hours but what's really tiring is the constant thinking about posts.
Maybe it's just me...but my brain goes in overdrive a lot. Analyzing and chasing new ideas, mentally writing posts, thinking about what I've read, what I've posted.
It's been taking a lot of me to the point that I get to sleep so tired that I can hardly read a book.

I'm f$%^&g exhausted.

Exhaustion is very bad for creativity. If you want to be more creative: SLEEP MORE.

You brain deals with new information - organizing, filing, making connections between new data and old - while you sleep. How much new information did we store and not files in the last weeks since we started on steemit?!
I bet it's a lot.

I have come to the point where doing my "regular" activities feel like a "holiday", like I'm not doing the work I should. I think it's a sign that a total rest day is called for.

Another sign is that it's very very hard to create. IT take a lot more off you and the flow just isn't there. Did you ever experienced this? Writer's block is one for me.
When writing in the flow, every word seems to be where it needs to be, the perfect word too. A good sentence is serene and satisfying. When I'm not in the zone, everything is wrong. Every word is a mistake. It's an uphill battle to nowhere.

Me, writing a sentence...

As always when taking a step back there's the fear of missing out. But in the long rung, what's a day?
If you're a serious content creator you'll be writing for years here, a day is 0.001% of your total Steemit time. Don't obsesses over it. I can tell you this for sure:

Steemit will be here tomorrow, the chat will be here tomorrow, you'll catch up!

I also tend to experience the gnawing feeling that I'm a lazyass. That this exhaustion is just an excuse to read and watch movies for a day. What is this?
The more I analyze it the more I believe it's actually an expression of fear. It's irrational!
I'm not taking a day off after a day of work. It's been 4 weeks!

Just like muscles grow when you're resting not in the gym, the creativity muscle grow when we rest.
I wouldn't be surprised if you come back with a few new ideas and a new drive to write more and better!

I plan to take a day off very soon myself and hope to experience all these benefits but if you take it tomorrow or the next:

Even Dumbledore needs a day off

I'm off to follow my own advice now.

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Pang Pang - Upvoted @razvanelulmarin - Have a Margarita and get some sun :)

thanks, man. tomorrow maybe?

Take a day off. Meditate :)

that's good advice. I try to but the monkey brain is fireeeed up!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

That is mental my friend. Steemit is cool but dont forget about the other joys in life.

It is not about quantity. It is about sharing stuff you care about.

Take it easy and take care. Be happy.

Absolutely. A break is required for any activity, and writing blog posts is no exception. There's not solid evidence for it, but your brain does "recharge". But more consciously, it allows you to reflect, come up with new, fresher ideas.

I think there is some science behind it although it is scary that we don't really understand sleep yet !

2 posts a day @razvanelulmarin! That's bashing them out!! No wonder you're exhausted. Give yourself as much time as you need, don't limit rest to a certain period of time, just get back into it when you feel fully recharged and renewed. Easier said than done with the ever enticing allure that is steemit, I know! I hope that you've got your feet up, with a nice cold beer whilst reading this!!


I couldn't agree more. Self-care is so important for the creative mind. Cheers my friend!

You are so right on this! Mental exhaustion is worse than physical exhaustion!

I went to 2 day music festival last 2 days and it helped me a lot. I feel refreshed and rdy to write again soon. But 1st the hangover must end :)

Way to go @razvanelulmarin Thats a hell of a writing pace!! keep it up and keep the steem flowing :p Ill follow and get some updates!!

Yes, sometimes you should get yourself a rest, to switch to smth absolutely different and this will pay you off. Great post @razvanelulmarin

I have the same issues. For me it is extra difficult that i am not a native english speaker. So i have to translate everything i blog. It is verry exhausting

I'd argue that improving your English would net you better articles and it would better yourself too. Translation doesn't always work and lost meaning is lost readers in my opinion.
thank you for your input!

I know how you feel as I feel just the same. For the past 2-3 days I haven't posted much but switched to a recovery mode sleeping and spending more time with the fam. Will come back strong the next days :)

Yes, creation - this is a very difficult process who works well - the good rest!

You've worked hard. Enjoy your restful time.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment