Bukowski Never Did This - Robert Vogt

in writing •  8 years ago 


Bukowski never woke up in the morning and noticed that the little rant he'd scribbled out the previous night had earned him 7 bucks while he was asleep.

He never had the opportunity to sit at his desk typing away in a drunken stupor, then upon finishing his composition with a simple click have it published instantly giving hundreds of thousands of readers the chance to view it.

And Bukowski never had the experience of people who had not even looked, read, or cared about his work, through the wonders of technology, upvote it giving him more loot.

He did get to know what it is to experience life as a whipped pup of sorts though.

And he always carried it with him, you can hear it in his voice.

How I wish I had never listened to those poetry readings of his.

Henry Charles Bukowski 1920 - 1994

Image courtesy of pexels.com

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Charles Bukowski, what a character! I recently posted a poem of his on another blog - "if you're going to try, go all the way...". And he's a 'go-to' for a good quote. Yeah, he was long before the Steemit generation ;)

Yeah, he was one of the greats, that's for sure!