Cyber pirates attack caribbean pirates

in writing •  8 years ago  (edited)

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Bob Iger, CEO of  Disney  confirmed that cyber criminals are holding the unreleased copy of “Pirates of the Caribbean 5 :  Dead Men Tell No Tales ” movie.  The movie is due to be released this summer, most probably On the 26th May.  The hackers are demanding now a huge amount  of ransom. If Disney do not make payment the desire amount in Bitcoin then they will release the movie before its release time.

According to The Hollywood Reporter,  Disney CEO Bob Iger revealed the hack and ransom demand on Monday in a town hall meeting with American Broadcasting Company employees in New York City. But he did not reveal the name of the film which was hijacked.  Deadline later reported it is the new  Pirates movie, due to open in theaters May 26.  From an anonymous source it was revealed that the targeted movie is the new “Pirates of the Caribbean” sequel, "Dead Men Tell No Tales"

Now, it is unclear how much ransom payment is being demanded. Iger said that the "movie pirates" behind the attack are demanding a massive amount to be paid via Bitcoin. The "movie pirates" are threatening that if Disney do not make the desire payment then they will first release five minutes of footage, and then 20 minutes at a  time, and so on until their financial demands are met. But Iger is now refusing to pay any ransom payment. He has contacted federal authorities now.

Disney’s piracy dilemma is a very similar situation of Netflix when a hacker group, pseudonym “thedarkoverlord” gained access to 10 episodes of the new season of  "Orange is the New Black" in April. However Netflix  refused to pay the ransom.  In a result “thedarkoverlord” uploaded 10 episodes of the news season of  "Orange is the New Black" on The Pirate Bay six weeks before official release on June 9. 

So, is it going to be happened the same incident with Disney ?

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Find them , and make them walk the plank!

parlay :0)

I wonder if we can somehow pay them to just ensure the film never gets released? Would save us all a couple of hours of our lives when it is inevitably terrible!