Good Writers Share some of the best Writing tips!

in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)

The fact that you have come across this piece of writing shows how interested you are in enhancing your writing skills and becoming a good writer or maybe even a Top Author someday. Luckily, I was just going through some tips on how to polish my writing skills and I have managed to dig out some secrets from the best writers which can prove to be beneficial for all such people who aim to work on their writing skills for betterment and see their name as a Top Author too some day. Go through these and do let me know if you find them to be beneficial.


Observe, Get Inspired and Start Writing:
According to the many writers, a good idea can come rolling in your mind at any time of the day. It could be when you are sitting in the waiting area, waiting for your turn, observing the environment around you, the hustle bustle, the different types of people, the colour of the walls, the smell or even the smallest details as someone's shoes can inspire you and ignite ideas in your head. The ideal way is to start writing it right away, instead of waiting to get home thinking you'd write it in peace and quiet. The first draft is always a rough one and you can give it a final layout later. What you can do is, simply write down the keywords, phrases or anything that comes to your mind. Top Authors follow this practice. Later when you read it, it will take you back to the moment and you can resume it from where you left.

The first Impression is the Last Impression:
You must have heard that a book is also judged by its cover. The cover here refers to not only creative use of graphics to attract people but also the use of words that can get people hooked on it. When writing any piece of writing, introduce it in the opening paragraph in such a way that it highlights the main aim or plot of the whole piece of writing, simultaneously making the readers want to keep reading. The Top Authors always give time to the opening and the ending lines because they leave a great impact on the readers.


Decide a tone and Stick to it:
Whether it’s a book or an article, a blog post or a description, before starting to write, you must analyze what type of tone should be used to convey your ideas. Once you develop a tone, stick to it. The reason is that readers will read in the rhythm that you offer to them. As an author, your tone will decide the genre of the writing and similarly, make the readers experience it with you. So it is one of the most important rules of writing revealed by the Top Authors. You must also have observed this pattern in the books written by Top Authors.


I started writing during my childhood and since then I have been scribbling words on paper whenever I have a thought running through my mind. I feel that I can write is the medium I can use in the best way to deliver my point of view. I would love to know about your favourite type of writing and authors, Please share below!

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Excellent tips! Thanks for sharing :)

You are welcome :)

Great advice! Thank yoU!

Many a time I get inspired to write and the words jus keep building up in my head but am always scared to put them down because I fear people might not find it good enough
What do you suggest I do?

I have the same problem! :-(

I have this problem a lot too and the only thing I can say is that it's your writing and that you should be proud of that. There's always a chance to better yourself, and practice makes perfect. I feel like my writing is not the best sometimes or that people may not like it, but my writing teacher once told me to write every day so that I could get better. I firmly believe that. I write even if I don't want to publish, not only to satisfy that feeling but to better myself in the craft! Be proud of your work :) Hope that this helped in some way.

I can see so many truth words here, thanks for sharing. I want to take the liberty for add two ideas about this topic.

I always said to my friends, when they start to think that they have not the skills to write good things, that basically the act of write is like walk. First, you put a word, and them you put another, and another, and another, and there is! Obviously maybe in the begin you can't use all the words what you like to use, but you just have to keep going on it.

The next idea came from a friend. She said "A good book, is always a new book." It means, that doesn't matter how many times did you or somebody else read something good, because this always could create a new reaction or reflection in you.

This is a letter/article i recently wrote. Feel freel to read and offer your comments

I hate the fact that I still hurt when I think of you.I know its all lost gone faded and blown away like dust but i wonder why I still can't get rid of the orange sticky note you gave me " reminds me of how much you loved and cherished me ".It's still inside my wallet to date since thats where you told me to keep it " The little memories I hold on to"
Never wrote this to you expecting a reply.I don't expect any either...All the same I hope you doing dearly beloved Ex...
Oops!!! I forgot something important.
Am pretty sure you heard of my death. I take this opportunity to welcome you to to my funeral :)
Well...about my burial!! It's taking place right now inside my mind and the orange sticky note will be the burial stone.
My heart finally succumbed to the injuries and wounds you left me with. You knew i wasn't gonna survive this right? Well thanks to you I eventually died. My feelings gone,my emotions all gone.
What worries though is how my ghost still remembers,recalls,thinks,hurts,weeps reminisces those days we had under the sunshine and the nights under the moonlight...I don't think I will Rest in Peace
The thoughts and memories goes on and on and on probably to eternity.Even in the afterlife,you are still "loved".
I know this the point where you wouldn't know what to say and a point where i'd put a smack on my face cause it's true I'm dead to you :) .
Anyway I killed my ego too...and it sure feels nice writing down a skeleton of my feelings to you just like in the old summer times when flowers would bloom ,the wind would whistle sweet symphonic tunes as me and you danced along with the trees.The sun would look at us and smile as the streams within us would flow making us fall just like water-falls.
All that's left of it now is dried leaves... sticks,bones ,stones,a cold heart..darkness and regrets.Sorry for being a snub .No matter how much I avoided and ignored you after our breakup, I never really got to feel what I really wanted to feel ;redemption, satisfaction,healed,avenged.
Anytime i'd listen to Ed sheeran's Perfect i'd get all moody,emotional and literally cry outside and inside. Not because I'm a cry-baby,No!! No!!
But because It reminded me of your perfection .It reminded me of how amazing and perfect our love was. And yes ofcourse! It's a really good song.
All the same it is written that "I'm the one who was gonna come back knocking at your door".But it's okey to say "I moved on" if at all that's what it looks like.

Yours loving,
Maxwell Bruno.

Writing lets you understand yourself better. It's enough for me. If someone wants to read it, it's a bonus.

Couldn't agree with this more!

Between me and my 3 other siblings, my sister was the writer. I loved reading her stuff. So I tried writing too but it wasn't as good compared to hers. I would often get writers block and I remember my older brother telling me one day, "just write something" anything and go from there. I still struggle to write nowadays so I always appreciate it when I get writing tips from other writers too. There's always room for improvement anywhere in life :)

Revising and reading more.

Thank you

perfect post ,, aprove me

Very good advice, thanks!

excellent post! thanks for sharing @sameer777.

You are welcome :)

Wonderful tips, thanks for sharing
I've learnt something now

Am glad it was helpful

From what I've experienced as a writer, all of this is true. The only problem is I can never plan out my work.. I just... work and then make sense of it later

Thanks for the read! These are great tips. But one thing you might also add is - EDIT your work. I find so many articles on Steemit with all sorts of spelling and grammar errors. I think it might be because a lot of people are trying to post as much content as quickly as possible. Also, it seems like a lot of these poorly edited (and often poorly written) articles are rewarded with upvotes. In other words, there doesn't seem to be anything discouraging folks from posting shitty writing. My sentiment is that if you're using Steemit as a social media site, well, then who cares... But the folks on here masquerading as writers might consider putting some more time into improving the quality of their writing.

As for your advice about deciding on a tone and sticking to it, I would add that it also helps to imagine someone you write for. For people it is easier to organize their thoughts when they address a person, not a nameless generalized audience. It is also a strategy used by John Steinbeck.

Then, you can also try saying your ideas aloud and record them. This technique helps when you have a writer’s block and feel like your head is empty. It is even better if you have a pet. Tell it what you think and then write down your thoughts.

Sometimes you also need to put your writings aside for a few hours or days if you are not in a hurry. Try to give your brain a rest.

Look for other people’s works to learn how they interpret a topic you are trying to develop. You should not steal their ideas. Try to reflect on what you read, have a virtual discussion with the author, look at your topic from a different angle. Sometimes I use paperhelp coupons to see how other writers work with my topic.

Finally yet importantly, write a diary. It is easier to form a habit to write every day, when you just have to describe what occurs in your life and what you think about it.

Wonderful advice! Thanks for sharing!

The hustle bustle :) Nice one! your writing is as beautiful as a spain.
I mean I was reading you soft writing with voice loud as I am alone in my
room so no body will yell on me to stop my terrible voice Ha Ha Ha. But seriously the words are wisely chosen , I felt so happy as I mentioned , soft writing.
@sameer777 #stay blessed bud! Have a successful life ahead :)

Thank you for the tips! I am always looking for opportunities to better myself as a writer. My favorite type of writing is mystery and horror, but I can read anything. My favorite authors are Stephen King and JK Rowling.

Gosh, good article, but I myself cant keep a laundry list of good technics and order like you write so eloquently of, I can use these tools after my spontaneous
mind to hand, finishes its
passionate word dump:)
Thanks for your share!

Thank you! I hope you write more about this.

You areamazing. I always wanted to write but ideas never came. Great tips!

Thank you so much

nice tip about how to become a good writing @sameer777! it was super helpful.

Tips for any writer, regardless of how experienced one is :D

Thanks for the tips. The most useful I've heard was from Stephen King's On Writing which seems to get a lot of references. It was to use adjectives very sparingly to not get caught up in too much description- less is more!
