Intergalactic [Poetry]

in writing •  7 years ago 

The planets are aligned
To watch you better, honey,
Because you have invisible lines that connect worlds
And they illuminate pieces of space.

If time allows it
Or relativity approves,
I'm thinking that maybe you form a constellation.
And what a wonder!
That curve of your lips
It's so cosmic and simple,
It makes my heart twinkle.

I don't know what the planet is
That harbors my memories;
But you,
Intergalactic child,
That you give shelter to the stars,
You definitely have a bit of my love.

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It's a pleasure to come here again, to bring you part of what makes me feel that life is beautiful. As you know, I am in love with space, planets and time, surely you notice that in every writing I share; the thing is, my friends, it's great to know that you like my poems! Thank you, really, thank you very much.

We will be reading soon, lovely readers who have a bit of my heart.

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