Let's Celebrate World Book Day!

in writing •  7 years ago 

This post was inspired by @dmcamera and her post here. She's suggested a great idea to celebrate #nationaldays because everyday there's something new to celebrate. And now I'm going to add #worlddays to this starting with today's, one of my very favorites!

Today is April 23rd which is also World Book Day! I'm a big reader and have always loved to read books ever since I was a kid. To celebrate with a photo I grabbed a few of my favorites over the last decade but being lazy I couldn't find every title I wanted to include.


Currently I'm reading Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania by Erik Larson. Two other books from Erik Larson would be in the photo above but I couldn't find them in my collection: Isaac's Storm and The Devil in the White City. They're both definitely worth checking out.

I think Never Let Me Go might be the last actual book I bought at least 5 years ago now. I always thought I'd remain be a reader of solely physical books, but with the travel I started doing for work, the appeal of a Kindle and later an iPad Mini became too much to ignore. Now I can travel with as many books as I want held in a small device and I'll always have them at my fingertips. I'm surprised at how much I don't really miss having a physical book anymore.

So what say you, Steemit readers? What are you reading right now? And do you use an electronic reader or do you still appreciate holding physical paper book?


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Hi Matt, such a great post;) Now I´m reading "The Girl on the Train" ´cause I wanna know if its better than movie.. And for sure I prefer hold book in hands, I love that nice smell ;)

I read The Girl on the Train before I saw the movie. I think overall I liked the book better, mostly because the descriptions of the alcoholic woman on the train were just brutal and crushing. Emily Blunt was good, but the written descriptions were so great.

You did it! I'm a bookworm too, and always have been. My favorite genre is historical fiction, and I love to read anything associated with World War II. Unbroken (a true story) by Laura Hillenbrand was awesome, but the movie did not do it justice! I have just finished reading ++Hearts of Resistance** by Soraya M. Lane - a story about 3 women in the French Resistance in WWII!

I'll need to check out Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania, as that sounds like my kind of book too.

I didn't love the Unbroken movie either but all I heard from people who read the book is how good it was. I'll have to check it out at some point.

If you like the Lusitania book, you should check out the rest of Erik Larson's books. All he writes are historical novels but he almost writes them in a style of fiction so it's very engrossing. Isaac's Storm is about the 1905 hurricane that destroyed Galveston, Texas where the town had no warning. And Devil in the White City is about the first modern serial killer in the United States. He was targeting and killing young women in Chicago as the 1893 World Fair is happening. The book chronicles the killer as well as the city's preparation for the fair. It's one of the best books I've ever read.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The movie was just depressing! The book was not. It was full of hope, although bad things were happening!
I wouldn't like the serial killer books, but Isaac's storm sounds good!

I grew up in Torrance, California, the same city where Louis Zamperini grew up, and he used to come to school assemblies and speak. There is a stretch of the 405 (San Diego Freeway) that runs through Torrance that's named for him...just saw that sign yesterday, in fact. I should read the book I guess...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The book is an incredible read! I could not put it down until I finished. I knew the ending of course, but kept wondering how he could possibly survive. It should be required reading in all High Schools, I think. No one should ever be allowed to forget what that generation suffered for our freedom, but I think that too many just don’t have a clue!

I love reading too. For me reading physical paper book would be my first preference. It's more fun and easy, while sitting, laying down on mattress, and so forth. Otherwise, if I didn't find the physical book I want, then reading through online would be my last choice.
@schmidthappens, this is a good article in sharing our point of view. Appreciate that.

So do I. I prefer physical book rather than online. I don't know, it just more fun to carry the book everywhere we go.

The only book in your pile that I've read is Never Let Me Go. I did read Issac's Storm as well. I recently read Tweak and Beautiful Boy, the books by Nic Sheff and his father, David Sheff, about Nic's meth addiction. I'm looking forward to the movie with Steve Carrell and Timothée Chalamet.

The early buzz for Beautiful Boy is already pretty huge. Unless it's a complete disaster, it's definitely going to be an Oscar contender this year.

Sorry! My post double posted!

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