I've Gotten Two Professional Authors To Join Steemit So Far!

in writing •  9 years ago 

Please take a second to visit their pages and give them some upvote love.  You'll find their Steemit blogs here:



We need more professional writers, and the best way to attract them is to make those who are already here feel welcomed.



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I really agree, should have to be multiplied more qualified writers and steemit will be added either in everyone's eyes.

We'll follow them, nice ;)

That's so awesome. If more people use steemit professionally, it can really be a game-changer. I personally decided to use steemit to post my first novel a chapter at a time and it would be cool to see some mainstream authors do the same.

I just wrote about my experience here.

My main concern with posting the books themselves is whether or not it will impact my ability to use Amazon's KU, which has been a huge part of my income this past year.

What was your tactic for getting them to join, @sean-king?

One is family. The other is a dear friend of my wife's. So I just happened to know them!

Nice to see you taking time for the benafit of others rather than what can be gained for yourself. Very admirable. Happily upvoted.

I do agree steemit needs more professional writers but I think that in this moment steemit it just barely scrapping the surface of what it's capable of. Before you know it you will have all the professional writers at your vary finger tips and they will be known greatly by the steemit community. Just give it some more time and until then continue to push these writers like you have been and in a blink of an eye everyone and their dogs will know professionally well writers. Thanks for sharing these peoples blogs. I will be giving them a read;)

That's so nice of you!

Nice I can't wait for in a few months when the content has been refined I myself am trying my hand in several different types of writing. :D

Ok, i follow them

Aw, thanks for mentioning me here!

Great work!

Welcome in Steemit :)