The power to be motivated always!

in writing •  7 years ago 

"All humanity is divided into three classes: those who can not move, those who can move and those who move"

Good evening friends.

And today I want to talk a little about what motivation is for me, share my opinions with you and motivate them to put it into practice as well.


The motivation.

It is said that the motivation is "a general predisposition that directs the behavior towards obtaining what is desired"
So, the basis of all motivation is, then, desire.
And the obtaining of desire is, for men, a synonym for happiness.
This great thinker, Blas Pascal, says: "All men seek to be happy, this without exception, however difficult the means they may employ, all tend towards this end. The will never gives the slightest step but towards this objective It is the motive of all the actions of all men"

This which I have already written can be called "self-motivation", now, to distinguish it from the fact to motivate another person. It's like turning on an internal motor, causing the blades of the desire mill to move.
But just as we can ignite that spark in us, we can work with others like those who turned the propellers of an airplane engine to start it.
By this I mean dear friends, there is a difference between being motivated and motivating. Motivating others is to achieve a modification in the behavior of another, a change directed to an end.
Of course, it is almost impossible to conceive the ability to motivate others without the virtue of self-motivation.
And if I am learning to motivate myself, then I can probably become a motivator of others. We have seen this in people who have the virtue of transferring enthusiasm, that can enter a meeting of hundreds of salespeople and turn them into an hour in lions that go out to place their product in the market, to motivate direct customers for their consumption.
But if the motivator then is unable to motivate himself, he will awaken that flame in others and he will succeed in the task, but he will not be able to enjoy it.


Three elements

The motivation seems to consist of three basic elements which are:

  • The desire: that as I said at the beginning, it is that irrepressible tendency to go towards something.
    -The power: If someone wants the impossible, what he positively knows is unattainable for him, he will not have a real motivation.
  • Duty: There is no goal that one can aspire to reach, if doing anything for it. The secret of motivation is to put a grain of sand on our side to achieve the goal. It can be personal effort in a job, study or a personal relationship, etc.

As Lia Lerner says: "If you can face the will, the power and the duty, you can learn what you should and be able to do what you want"

Need and possibility.

We start from a certain need
The states of motivation have an orientation to tomorrow, from the present to the future, since the motivated person now acts to reach a goal later.
The person is shaken by their needs, and:

  • Or it is anchored in the known and true.
  • Or he is motivated by future possibilities, seeks the unknown and wants to find out what might happen, the opportunities that could await him.

This second option is what allows the jump
An example that I give you is:
A man adduces his family needs to continue tied to a job that does not give him personal satisfactions or allows him to grow professionally or economically. It gives you the essentials to live. It is likely that there may be a better one, but the need to bring food and shelter to theirs is their alibi for not taking any action to find another job, He also promised to stay for ten years in that position.
There are stages in which there are needs to be met, there are certain states in which the need is priority over the possibilities.
But on the other hand, to be thinking about the possibilities does not imply incongruence in what is done, nor lack of seriousness in what has been agreed and established.
But one thing is undeniable, without the motivation to jump, the tendon does not move the muscle, the muscle does not move the leg, and the body always rests at the same point.
And the natural tendency is to advance and grow. Which is also desirable.

In conclusion.

The importance of motivation.

Motivation is the soul of success.
Like in a car the turn of the ignition key, the motivation is the spark that allows us to carry out what we propose. Like cars, motivated people have drive, direction and resolution.
In all the orders of life, motivation is the key to any achievement and progress. But in working life, today is the essence of success. As well as Lee Laccocca: "There is nothing more important in business management than knowing how to motivate people"
It is not motivated by ordering, but by persuading. A motivation is worth ten threats, one hundred pressures and a thousand memorandum imperatives.

And then I have reached the end of the first part of this interesting topic, I hope this post has been to your liking. I will be reading your opinions.


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Good motivation!😃

thank you very much dear, I walk around here motivating me to motivate the rest, Greetings and sweet dreams!

Motivation rarely comes from external sources. Most people read and watch all forms of motivational media with little or nothing to show for it. We all have desires. I think its best to imagine how the accomplishment of our desire would feel, then using that enthusiasm to back our actions

So it's friends, we must first look at the achievement of our desire because it is from there that we start