"Paranormal" Events I've Experienced - "Time Entangled"

in writing •  3 years ago 

Do you ever feel like you've been here before, or maybe you know what's going to happen, or maybe even what's going to happen, it seems like it was meant to be? These things have happened to me so many times that they are so weird that it baffles me and I have to look for answers. Déjà vu, hunches, and especially synchronicity, these are just a few of the unforgettable events in us that we can classify as "supernatural" because they obviously have no logical or natural explanation.

However. What if science could always answer this question? What if it happens to so many of us all the time? So how can we still call it supernatural? This is normal, right? I want to believe that this is true and that we are inadvertently remembering real events "from the future". I call it "neural entanglement".
So I did a lot of research. I found that other people have thought of pretty much the same "supernatural" thing. Although it is based on science, many of the mechanisms, such as science itself, remain mysterious. It has to do with entanglement and not just with subatomic particles called "neurons". Although it works the same way, since they are neurons. So they are directly connected to your consciousness.
How do you think about your memory, space, time, and many others have suggested before, such as theories like "entanglement of the mind." Author Dean Radin believes that entanglement can be explained as extrasensory perception. He shares my identification with the connectedness of all things in the universe, that all things are one undivided whole. Also much like John Wheeler's extreme one-electron theory, I also hypothesize that time entanglement. It's "time-like entanglement" as the University of Queensland physicists describe it. Only I believe that this feature includes not only the ability to exchange information from the past to the future but also the ability to exchange information from the present back to the past.

The late eminent theoretical physicist John Archibald Wheeler believed this too. He did something very interesting about reverse causality in his latest double-slit experiment aka "delayed selection" The conceptual writing. The original entanglement hypothesis bypassed the space-time dimension entirely as if it weren't there. This means instant faster-than-light communication (faster than light) at any distance. But according to some of our other physicists. It could also break down the barriers of time by swapping with the future. Wheeler believes that the future affects the past. So if we consider these features together, our own entangled neurons will communicate with each other faster than the speed of light over any distance in time. If you think I'm exaggerating, it's like George Orwell said: "Some ideas are so absurd that only a scholar can believe them!"
Of course, many argue that we can't entangle on such a large scale (above the subatomic). Don't forget, paranormal phenomena cannot be explained by science. Everyone agrees. But many of us believe in things like synchrony, precognition, and extrasensory perception because that's what humans observe as reality.
When you start to realize that all these incidental themes are unacceptable. You will start to see Nikola Tesla say: "Scientists today have replaced experiments with mathematics, they are constantly wandering between equations and eventually establishing a structure that has nothing to do with reality.”
Nikola Tesla believed firsthand that much of theoretical physics lacks the observed reality. Tesla also said: "The day science begins to study nonphysical phenomena, it will be more advanced than all the centuries that have existed."
So how important is quantum entanglement? Scientifically it could mean everything, or the assumption of supernatural abilities could mean everything. If we're talking about entangled neurons, it may actually be just a natural part of reality, within the realm of the supernatural or supernatural that is usually obvious. Among those who believe, it's just part of our normal consciousness. It's what it is. But others see it as a leap. Branches on our various timelines are also integral to the natural order. This natural order happens more to some people. Why? Is it the fact that they synchronously produce purposeful meaning? That still only the general mind knows the answer.

If you believe in Einstein, he makes things easy! Belief in determinism or everything in the universe, including all human behavior is predetermined and has no free choice. Even with the science of time as a dimension, it only gets stronger. Minkowski's "Block Time" provides us with fixed points for various lifelines. If we can travel then we can always arrive at these fixed points. These fixed points are arbitrary but always constant. He believes this happened here at exactly 3:00pm yesterday, or it didn't matter 15 years ago. You can't go back and change it because it's over. What happened has happened and our memories will always be aligned with our timelines - forever entangled.

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