
in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)


She heard the lock on the outside of the door clank softly.
Her ears pricked slightly at the sound, scooting back against the wall that her chain was firmly affixed to, she braced herself to stand on weak legs.

It had been days since He had come to see her. Days that felt like weeks without the harsh, violent, loving touch of her Master.
She stood slowly, wobbling slightly, heady from the sound of His approach, and presented herself how she had been told. Hands wrapped around the back of her knees, doubled over, legs tight together.

She was still raw, swollen, and sore from days ago. She was glad for it, it served as a dull, aching reminder of her place during His absence. A sweet reminder of Him.
She heard the shuffle as He entered the room. Just the sound of His determined footfalls being enough to thrill her, but then they were followed by her favorite sound in the world.

A hissing intake of His breath and the low growl "Pet..."

She felt that word with her whole body.
She flushed, a small smile dancing on her lips, the subtle lilt of pleasure in His voice enough to make her knees weak.

She listened to the smooth stride of His feet, the shifting sounds of His clothes as they were pulled away.

A new sound, unlike ones made by the toys that hung on the walls or lined on the tables awaiting His will. By now she knew every sound they made as they approached her. Having been so trained, so used. Punished so thoroughly under His tender care.

It was metallic. It sounded... sharp.

She felt an ice cold jolt against the burning lips of her slit. Pressed there flat, almost sealing itself with searing chill.
The contrast of her Masters warm skin pressing and brushing against her presented body causing a shuddering chill to run through her.

"Has my kitten had enough time to think? To learn?" His husky whisper hissed down at her.
Her breath came ragged.

"Yes, Master." She replied, shaking despite herself. She was unsure if His previous displeasure was truly faded. If He would caress her after, or if it was to be nothing but punishment He pushed her to endure.
His hand found his way to her hair, yanking it viciously upwards as He spun it once around His wrist.

She dared not let go of her legs, and redoubled her grip.
As she twisted slightly, she felt a quick nick. A cold cut followed by a warm burn, she inhaled sharply as the realization clicked into place.

A knife. Master had a knife on her slit.

"Is pet going to be good?", the coy, teasing question. She could hear the smirk in His words.

She felt the knife lift away slightly, and she lessened the tension of her body, relaxing. But all too visibly. He saw.

The side of the knife came down once, a hard metallic clap against her abused and still tender slit. She gasped and rocked, small, rapid, dangerous slaps of the blade fell.

She could feel Him smiling down at her as blood from the small nick tinged the wetness rapidly forming there. She couldn't help herself and a small moan tumbled from her lips, giving herself away. The unwavering and unyielding need for any touch she was favored enough to be given.

He shifted behind her, pulling the knife away and her head up at an impossible angle for her stance. Her hair tightly wrapped around His wrist as she struggled to keep hold of her legs. Blocking out the terrible strain with the thought of disappointing Him. She could endure anything with that thought, the image of His frown in her mind.

His hand ran gently over the skin of her rear, inspecting the fading welts from the last lashing. He silently probed, prodded, and pinched over all that was His. Fingers dancing around, teasing, too brief for her to enjoy. She closed her eyes and savored every small flick and caress. The tenderness of it.

Suddenly, she felt the full length of Him rammed deep into her waiting depths, tearing her. She cried out loudly, almost falling forward, only His grip supporting the force of His thrusts. Frenzied, He worked at her, pulling even more viciously at her hair, using it as leverage to hold her in place.

His skin making the most delicious sound as it impacted against hers.

She gasped and closed her eyes, holding back, fighting desperately not to go over the edge without His permission. The feeling of Him filling her completely, so perfectly, so painfully. His shuddering breath, the cold of the blade resting on her back under His palm, His fingers quivering and twitching there. The gentle, rhythmic clanking of the chain hanging from her neck.

A slow, smoldering moan shook from her.
And He stopped.

He clicked His tongue, pulling back from her desperately grasping hold around Him. "Pet is enjoying this far too much."
Pulling free of her, she let out a silent sob at the horrible sensation. Feeling so empty when a moment ago, she was filled to bursting with His flesh.

He pressed His foot down on her hands hard, releasing her grip around her legs. His taunt grasp in her hair causing her to snap to standing, and then leaning back against Him. His chest pressed against her back, she could feel the rapid thud of His heart against her skin. She reeled slightly at the sensation, feeling His heart pumping from effort. Desire. Excitement. All for her.

His hot breath fell heavy on her. Her skin raised in chills as His lips brushed against the lobe of her ear, drifting slowly to her neck, His tongue flicking out and trailing across her skin.

"Mmm... so tasty." He whispered gruffly.

He threw the knife across the floor and His hand flew to her breasts, twisting and squeezing cruelly. Hand moving from the length of her hair and grasping it close to scalp, pulling her head to the side. His teeth sank in, tearing at her with a deep, passionate growl.

She felt the skin give way and His hot tongue lapping at the wound. Nails tearing across her chest as she shook and groaned against Him. Rocking on her feet and trying not to pull away in pain.

"Mm... Master! It hurts!" she whimpered.

He threw her from His arms, thrusting her hard against the wall. She gasped and looked back at Him with dejection and confusion. Taking in the full sight of His body, the body she worshiped and adored above all others. The body that held her in sway, that bucked against her, that felt like a burning flame against her own. The body that now seethed with displeasure. Hair in His eyes, a frown bordering on a scowl, His hands slowly closing to fists as He looked at her with disgust.

"You don't know the meaning of 'hurt', pet."

He turned from her as she desperately dropped to the dirty ground and crawled to Him. Holding tight to His legs, looking up at Him with pleading eyes, heart broken at His scorn. But growing wet to her thighs at the thought of His wrath. He shook free of her hands and went to the bench, looking over the many things He had selected for her instruction.

She looked on anxiously, the chain around her neck taunt, at the end of her lead. She waited, hands turned upwards on her thighs to indicate her devotion, watching closely. She couldn't help, even now, to admire the curves and tones of Him. How He moved, His thoughtful look. How His hands caressed things that brought her unspeakable pain, but was tolerable because it was wrought with His passionate hand.

"All of this... is too good for such a WEAK pet." He spat over His shoulder. Her heart crushed by the words, tears welling up in her eyes.

He turned from the bench to look at her, eyes flicking over her with mild disinterest and then around the room. They landed on the curtains that He had in place to keep it dark, and their games hidden. He glanced at her and moved swiftly to rip down the rod.

Bright light flooded the room, making her feel exposed and vulnerable. She shrunk back, eyes darting around the room, all the secrets that any passerby could now gaze on.

"Mas... Master... people may see!" she cried, small tears of embarrassment welling up in her eyes as she flushed bright red.

"Good." He hissed, stripping the curtains off the rod and testing the flex of the thin metal rod, swishing it, bending it. "Everyone should see what I'm about to do to you."

She cowered and winced, tears tumbling down her burning cheeks as she looked from the large window to her Master. He stormed toward her, and lashed her once hard across the back. She cried out and splayed her hands out on the floor in front of her. She arched as she pressed her face to floor. A flurry of angry, hard, vicious lashings falling down on her upturned rear. The backs of her thighs. A couple landing on her slit.

She sobbed and shook, twisting but not daring to move much more. Over her own cries she could hear His ragged breath hitching, His excitement. Knowing that her own was visible, she was slick to the touch, dripping.

The blows stopped.

She felt His warm hand run over the burning welts as He shifted to be in front of her. He grabbed her chain and pulled her from the ground to kneeling in front of Him. He looked down into her tear streaked face, gently, tenderly running His hand against her cheek. Trailing His thumb across her quivering lips. She nuzzled her face into His hand, sobbing softly at His touch filled with love.

"Such a precious pet. So loyal. So devoted." He cooed, "now suck my dick."
He cuffed her cheek softly, playfully.

She kissed the tip of Him gently, looking up into His eyes, tears still rolling. He throbbed against her lips at the sight. How He loved it when she cried.

He wrapped His hands into her hair once more, as her greedy mouth set to work. Tongue rippling under Him as she thrust her mouth down, moaning at His taste. The sweet taste of His skin as she worshiped Him.

She now had no sensation of her own, only the all encompassing yearn for her Master's pleasure.

She gagged wetly, thrilling as His hands shifting in her hair, His lips curling in a smile, as she worked hot, panting breaths from Him. Her throat trying to close around Him as His hips met her feverish thrusts. She sucked hard as He throbbed, choking her, slipping deeper into her throat.

His hands slipped down around her neck, massaging himself through her throat as He further cut off her air. Smirking, He groaned, squeezing her throat as hard as He could. She brought her hands up, pushing feebly at her Master, kneading on His stomach as the corners of her vision started to go dark. His thrusts into her mouth becoming more and more feverish as she went weak against Him, her throat yielding to Him as she fought to remain conscious.

She looked up into His face, going limp under His hands, tears of strain rolling slowly down her cheeks.

He shuddered, growled.
"Drink your milk, kitten."

His hands flying from her throat to the back of her head, allowing her one half breath as He pressed her to the base. Throbbing and shooting hard, filling her greedy throat with a hot flood of His seed.
Sounds of her choking and trying to swallow causing Him to throb even harder.

Pulling back slightly, she was allowed a breath. She suckled Him gently and lapped at Him as He withdrew, not wanting to lose a single drop of her hard earned reward.

As He pulled free from her hungry lips, He smiled down on her with approval. Running His hands through her hair gently, with praise. She beamed, resting her head in His lap. Listening as His breath slowed.

Her whole body burning and stinging from His use, aching and sore. She never felt more complete. More content.

His hand reached down and He removed the heavy chain from around her neck and pulled her in His lap. He held her close and nuzzled into her neck, lovingly pressing her against Him. He sighed softly and ran His hands over her.

"I love my precious pet." He breathed, squeezing her once.

He stood, and carried her inside and to her bed. Nestling her softly into it. He reached into the drawer, pulling out her collar. He laid down next to her, and fastened it tightly around her neck.

She smiled at the weight of it. The heavy weight both physically from the leather, and from what it represented. Her unwavering service to Him. And His to her. She looked up into His eyes and smiled sleepily, happily, running her hand softly across His cheek and into His hair.

He leaned down, kissing her passionately, and pulled the blanket around her.

"Rest, Kitten. Tomorrow will be a busy day."

She snuggled into her bed, surrounded by His smell. Still tasting Him on her lips. The dull thudding of the wounds a reassurance that she was very, very treasured. She drifted off to the familiar sounds of His keyboard as He went back to work, and she smiled.

This was love.

This was partially co-authored. The second contributing party, whom this is dedicated to, wishes to remain anonymous.

Disclaimer: This is a BDSM series, both parties are completely safe and take proper precaution. This is an intense dynamic but consensual. Both participants are willing and eager. Please practice safe and consensual BDSM.


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Good pet. Now back to your room.

prances off happily

Wow, so hot, so steemy. <3

Much steemy! So sex! <3

Wow, I cannot believe what I just read. Very well written stitch and co-authored.

hohohoholy shit. YOU READ THIS?!

shhhhh, this never happened!

makes muh brain melt a little, but seems like fun.

Is... is it too much for you? gasp

Oh Babe, you are BADASS!
Great writing Stitchy.

That means A LOT coming from you! Thank you so much!

Anytime babe 😉

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I'll be in muh bunk

I love you SO much for this reference. <3

Wowsers, great writing muh bitch.

Thank you, thank you, thank you muxxy! ❤❤❤

Surprisingly hot. Thank you.


Thank YOU! I am so glad you enjoyed it!
Kisses and ass slaps to you! <3

I was sucked in at "Drink your milk, kitten."
Quality climax, great writing @stitchybitch =)

Thank you so much, @koffee! I really appreciate the compliment!
And may you, also, have a quality climax! LOL

Instant chubster. Damn that was sizzling.


I fell out at "chubster". I love it. Imma use. 😂
Hell yeah, stoked that you enjoyed it!

Um wow..I think I need a cigarette 😌

Smoke 'em if you got 'em!
So glad that you enjoyed it. :3
It was definitely fun to jot down.

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

"Mmm... so tasty." Real hot stuff girl! Much <3 and a smack from Winona

Ahhh, thank you so much! ❤❤❤
Much love!
bends over and wiggles Thank you, may I have another?!

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Wow stitch. This is awesome and highly disturbing at the same time.

Aww! I am not sure if disturbing is a compliment... but I took it as one!
Thanks for swinging by and reading! ❤ choochoooo!

You told it well, but it did come across as a little bit rapey to me. Plus I've been watching season 2 of the Missing and this reminds me of that.

Oh my...

50 Shades of Stitch,

that other writer ain't got shit on this bitch


Daaaamn, Soundwaves! Thanks for that awesome compliment!
Glad you enjoyed!
I am sure there will be more to come! 😆

Hmmm. Seems as if the minnow world has its fair share of kinky people. :P Excellent writing Stitchy. Perhaps a bit intense for those who don't understand ethical BDSM, but still a good writing. I would say keep it coming, but that might be saying too much.

Thank you so much!
And you're right, there are a good deal of kinksters here, or ones that are interested in it!
I am working more on my beginner's BDSM post! I am so glad you made me aware of the term "ethical" because I've always leaned towards RACK but didn't feel like it quite fit all the way. I may poke at you for the Ethical section, if that is okay!

I am always willing to discuss it generally. There is a fair amount of depth to it, and I don't even have much experience compared to some of the people I know.

Wow !
You wrote this ??
So hot, so nasty and so cruelty !!

I did!
Thank you so much! bows deeply

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You are welcome !
It is great my friend !!
I read it .

This is powerful Stitchy!!!

Ahhhh! Thank you, Isaria! <3 <3 <3

This is excellent writing... not sure what else to say. Hope this is all imagination and that you were never really the subject to such violent "love". The only other thing? why is "He" master written with a capital letter? what is the significance of that?

Thank you so much for the compliment, Hope! I won't lie, I am a touch surprised to see you here, but I was surprised to see a couple others as well! <3
It can be a little hard for people to distinguish, especially if you are not aware of some BDSM dynamics, but this isn't abusive or negative. :) The easiest way to explain this would be to think of it as a game, but it is far more than that.
When this kind of play takes place, it is actually quite safe, and limits are established well in advance. Even a "safe word" is involved that can cease all play immediately. I am actually working on a BDSM for beginners post which will hit on a lot of topics and basics.
The capitilization of all of the dominant party's pronouns is something you'll commonly see when referencing a Master/Mistress/Dom/Domme. It is kind of a way to further elevate their position and show respect/adoration on the part of the slave/submissive!

Thanks for explaining!

Well played, dear. Yes have quite the knack. I've read a little of the genre and your characterization is quite impressive.

This is really hot. I just stumbled upon you and already upvoted and following.
I'm looking forward to more episodes in this story, or other stories you may come up with using your kinky imagination.
I also have writings on my blog which you might enjoy Find me at @joe.nobel for erotica with a twist of fantasy and science fiction. If you find something you like, I'd be pleased if you upvote or follow, although no obligation.
be well,

Hot stuff girl! get back to the writing right away