in writing •  7 years ago 

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The vision of men as they define their path towards actualizing it varies according to their understanding about life, while some schools of thought opine that vision is first a dream, a plan for the future, though they are not wrong about their definition, I think vision is simply that idea, that inspiration written as a plan of action which has to be nurtured and enforced by positive affirmation and efforts daily and aimed towards actualizing a predetermined purpose and dream about your destiny and life in future. It has to do with what you plan to be become in future. However, the vision of a man, if not revealed, is not of Divinity-Heavenly in respect to God as the source.
In other words, vision being revealed, is that kind of vision that emanates from God unto the man or woman who is born again, has faith in Jesus Christ and has a faithful relationship and communion with the Holy Spirit by earnestly serving God in spirit and in truth, totally depending on God for wisdom, direction and power to be an exemplary believer and servant of God in words, in conversation, in charity, in purity, …, thereby possessing the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God, at the same time, walking with God in holiness and not of the flesh.
In as much as your vision may be influenced by certain factors such as, your perception about life, the stage you are in life, your background, your environment, your relationship with God and people, etc. I don’t care about the factors that come up to threaten the manifestation of my vision, what I care about is how I position my mind to deal with any factors. What is your state of mind about the factors that act as problems to your quest for attaining your vision? Instead of being worried, apply Philippians 4:6, then it depends on God to make you a vessel of honor as He reveals a vision for you to bless your life, family and the society at large.
VISION BEING REVEALED is an attribute of a true spiritual leader. A leader who is not born again and full of the Holy Spirit is likely to experience difficulties running with vision.
Vision being revealed has the following characteristics:

  1. Heavenly-oriented.
  2. Nature of the Holy Spirit.
  3. Godliness.
  4. Humility.
  5. Perseverance.
  6. Meekness.
  7. Goodness.
  8. Gentleness.
  9. Charity.
  10. Holiness.
  11. Service to humanity.
  12. Service to the household of faith.
  13. Generosity.
  14. Richness of the word of God, etc.
    Don’t give up of your vision being revealed because God will not give up on you.
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Very lovely write up, its very important that one's vision is clear enough and tangeable enough and one is willing to die for it

Thanks a lot

Keep, writing dear, you're getting better....

Thank you..... really appreciate