The Education System: A place that makes you or breaks you?

in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)

You might wonder why I chose to put this picture for today's title. Well, to me the photo perfectly depicts the sad reality most of us live in. Finally graduated after studying almost a quarter of your entire life, only to gaze down in confusion not having a clue on what to do next and realize that you're not ready for the journey that can drastically change the course of your life.
I'm not trying to say that education is useless, but I think that it is quite flawed, and here's why.

The System

As I see it, the world is countinuously evolving around us, new technologies always popping up from nowhere, but the schools almost remained the same for what seems like forever. Never heard of new classes being put in function, with the exception of programming, and that was like 10 years ago.
Oh, and also, we are thought an old programming language that almost nobody uses anymore, at least in my case. Some of my colleagues, who are more interested in programming, separately learn another language at home, such as Python.
And this makes the programming class at school almost useless. Why would you teach anyone a language that is barely used today? Where's the logic?
On top of that, the teaching method is strictly based on memorizing. School still seems to prepare us to be factory workers, like in the old times. It's as we are being trained to be robots. Can't remember the formula at maths? Well're fucked. Instead of teaching us how to think it trough and deduct the formula ourselves in a logic manner, they just throw it on the blackboard with no other explanation.
We need evolve our creative thinking, that's what helps us in life, not knowing an entire book for each subject word by word.

The routine

I personally find putting classes early in the morning to be quite stupid. If you're putting the students into an entire memorizing session, at least do it a bit later in the day to be more efficient, and can retain a bit more. Not to drag their groggy asses first hour in the morning still fantasizing for another 2 hours about that wet dream they had with that hot model.

The way we are treated

Another thing I would like to say, is that, in most cases, we are just treated like a class, a colective, instead of taking each individual person and try to figure out his issues in learning, and bring up his grades. Can't keep up with the rest of the class? Well, too yourself a private teacher.
If a student is having trouble with memorizing something, why not find another way for him so he can easily learn the lesson. Don't just throw a bad grade and make the poor guy rememorize the entire lesson all over again.
"If you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life thinking that it is stupid"- Albert Einstein.

The teachers

What's worse than having a really bad curriculum at school? A half ass teacher that hates its job and does it superficially with disgust, thus leading to the students not knowing anything at the end of the lesson.
There are many cases like this in my school.
Having an angry teacher is bad too. Terorizing the students with bad grades can have a major psychological impact on them.


And in the end, does it even matter? Why go to school and have yourself terrorized by the teachers, or not learn anything from them.
Why wake up early and memorize a shit ton of stuff, when you can take much better thought classes on the internet, at any time you like?
Why don't you take time to reflect upon yourself, develop your own ideas and make them reality? Like many of today's billionaires already did.

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The education system is not designed to educate but rather to train people into being "good citizens", follow authority, and accomplish specific tasks. Perfectly suited for being a cog in the machine.