Resources For Writers Obsessed With Plot Structure

in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)

I haven't been posting much lately because I've been working relentlessly on creating the ultimate story plot structure outline tool. In the process, I've looked at almost every article, video, and image related to plot structure on the internet. It has been a slow, painful process slogging through the slush pile of advice out there. So, to save other aspiring plotters time researching, I've compiled all the most useful content I've found into the list below. I'll be adding more items to this list as I find them.

Feel free to leave a comment with links to your favorite writing resources. If you're totally obsessed with plot structure, send me an E-mail and let's talk.

46+ Popular Story Structure Graphs In One JPG:

Click here to view a larger version of the picture below.

Videos Of The Hero's Journey and Dan Harmon's Adaptation:

Videos On Hollywood-Style Plot Structures:

Film Courage Interviews:

Kurt Vonnegut's Formulas:

Character Development Arcs:

Writing 101: Four W's For Character Development

How The Antagonist Affects Character Arc

The 3 Types of Character Arc - Change, Growth, And Fall

The Eggshell Hero - How To Build A Story Upon A Dramatic Character Arc

How To Write Character Arcs

Plotting And Structure:

The Eight Sequences

Plot Your Novel In 7 Steps

How To Brainstorm Your Story Idea Into A Working Concept

The Yes-But Method of Deepening The Plot

Story Structure 101: Super Basic Shit

Story Structure: 10 Simple Keys to Effective Plot Structure

Story Structure With Michael Hague

7 Point Plot Structure Story Mapping Template


Structuring And Outlining

How To Add Subplots To Your Story

Tighten Thy Subplots

Subplot Ideas: 5 Tips For Writing Better Subplots


Writing 101: Internal vs External Conflict

Writing 101: Conflict Lock

Conflict Basics

The Inner Struggle: Guides For Using Inner Conflict That Make Sense

Building Your Core: Internal And External Core Conflicts

Depicting Internal Conflicts

The Internal Conflict Formula That Generates Plot Points And Strengthens Them

Goals, Conflict, Tension, And Stakes

Lists For Brainstorming:

50 High Stake Plot Ideas!

TV Tropes

123 Ideas For Character Flaws

Top 100 Traits And Behaviors Of Personality-Disordered Individuals

List Of Vices

Huge List Of Vices

Huge List Of Virtues

The Master List Of Virtues (pdf)

What Is The Classification Of Character Strengths And Virtues?

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Holy Hell! Not just bookmarked but added this article to the home screen of my phone like it’s an app... thank you!

There doesn't appear to be a link to resize the picture and just clicking on the picture itself doesn't do it.

I noticed you had Dan Harmon's story circle.
One show I really respect for writing and would love insight into their writing process is Bojack Horseman, but I've found little bits but not very much on their process unfortunately. Bojack is an incredibly well done dramedy.

Yep. I forgot to put that link in. I fixed it the link on the text above it. I've never watched Bojack Horseman despite knowing about it's critical acclaim. I'll have to watch a few episodes finally.

Cool. That works better. I'd definitely recommend Bojack but it has ongoing plot so if you do watch it, you really should watch it in order. Give it a reasonable chance though as it does take a bit for the plot to really start up, and they did that on purpose to catch people off guard as it looks like just another adult cartoon and then surprises you when it changes and the plot really kicks in, but some people stopped watching before that change happened and imo missed out. It's a really good cartoon. I like all of the adult cartoons made by Netflix that I have seen so far (they are all quite different to each other too), but Bojack is the best. At this point, I'd say it is my favourite show. It is definitely worth a watch. I'll be having a closer look at all of these different plot things you have shared as I'm writing a few things atm so getting some ideas of how others do things might help me improve.

4.36% @pushup from @themadgoat

Thanks for this - when I get back to some storytelling, I will come back to this for some inspiration. Thanks for putting such good material all in one place.

Man, I can't wait till your next harlequin Amazon novella😂 This is a fuck-ton of information, if I was a writer it would be an incredible resource.

My brother (@themadgoat) and I already tried our hand at harlequin Amazon novellas under the pen name "Amelia Moore." It was fun for a minute, but I'm moving on to more philosophical stories.

Indeed what I was referencing😉 I just figured with all these studies you may finally write one worth reading.

This is such a great resource and for data visualization and infographic fans like me it is always a good read! I suggest maybe looking up some of the infographics for the inception movie plot to get some ideas from outside the box too :)

I've already broken down the plot to Inception. It took a ridiculous amount of time, but it was worth it. That story weaves together like DNA.