Michael Madhusudan's farce society reality

in writing •  7 years ago 


 In the history of modern Bangla literature, the history of Bangla comedians and the history of Bengali drama is closely related. Prasensan and drama in Bengali literature have been written in the same playwright and sometimes his content is also one. But sometimes it is the drama, it has been the basis of the farce. As a result, the parallel clause that progresses together with dramatic and far-reaching elements cannot be seen in both the higher and distinct characteristics. But the characteristics and subject of Michael Madhusudan Dutta's laudation are so different that it is a separate individual in the entire farce written before and after it. Deception is such a drama that, in the entire drama, the life-long definition of light bubbles are defined. Describe the environment and character of dramatic upbringing, especially through social behavior, prejudice, ill-treatment, wickedness. A sub-caste or tribe of farce drama literature. Comedy-drama or satirical drama has its proper identity. In view of these traits, the purpose of giving pleasure to the viewer is through the creation of humorous humor. Regardless of the mockery or sharpness of the society based on the guilt, it actually becomes somewhat light and humorous from the serious drama. So far, farce can be considered distinct from the drama. Michael Madhusudan is not the first enigma writer in Bengali literature. The first of his works is that of civilization and old silicone necklace, there have been some successful plays and fame. Tararachan Shikder's 'Bhadrajun' plays as the first full-fledged original drama in Bangla literature published in 1852. However, the successful arrival of Bangla elation has been delayed a bit. 'False kunatya Bonga legal people rarely, bone Nirakhia is not alive With this attitude, in 1859, Michael Madhusudan Datta was indebted to Dosta Akshami Vivekananda for writing Bengali drama and prohasan. He wrote the first drama Sharmistha in January 1859. In the Belgaheshi Natya Shala, during the process of performing Sharmistha, King Ishwar Ramchandra Singh requested Michael Madhusudan Dutt to write a fame. The main reason behind the deception was the creation of light humorous with dramatic drama. Michael Madhusudan Dutta started writing Prasanna after 8th of 1859 and ended it within a few days. Firstly, the civilization is what it is, and after finishing it, the old arbitrator made rings. The Prasanna was composed for acting in Belgaheshi Natyashala. In the beginning of 1860, the prisons two were published at the expense of the Paikpara kings. Ramnarayan, as the playwright, appeared before Ramnarayan, but Ramnarayan Michael's youngest in writing the farce. Five years after the play 'KulinikulSarbas', Michael's remonstrance was composed two years later. However, according to somebody, the character of deception is also in the play 'Kulinikulasarbas'. Not only KulinkulSabsabha, but others have some traits in literary form, but Michael's identity shows the true fame in civilization. The fact that Michael's only civilization and old silicone necklace, both of the opposite characteristics of the contemporary society, showed the true identity of the society, has had a great influence on the history of the later stage. In fact, the next aficionados are cast in Michael's farce. In the first expansion of Michael's first acclaim, the publicity of the ignorant English educated youth, and the secret of concealed enlightenment in the other, in the form of secret rhetoric, and the other in the face of deception, the next farce could not go beyond that. What is the same is that, according to the tradition, Michael Madhusudan Datta has painted various types of characters, such as drinking alcoholic English educated youth, various racism in the name of civilization, the hypocrisy of Vaisnavas, corruption of the police, infinite images, cookery, barbie etc? The incident or story that has been shown in the farce is one day. Actually a few hour time. Michael Madhusudan is a contemporary of two contemporary people. In one of the pictures of the city, the villagers in rural areas are pictured. There is no strong story in the civilization, but there is a wonderful story on the neck of the old sailor. Madhusudan has shown the same success in both the preseason. The two fights are motivated but it does not diminish dramatic beauty. Two of his depictions have revealed the beautiful narrative of the image of the society. There is a great difference in the background of two deceptions, but the purpose is one. Elimination of social corruption or anti-human activities. It was not difficult for Modhusudan to write an old rhetoric on the neck of the arbitrator, but it was really difficult for him to write the civilization. Not only was he used to drinking alcohol, but his addiction was also widely used in alcohol. Michael Madhusudan earned enough skill in his farce, but the hostile environment forced him to walk on different routes. He wanted to form national character through drama; It is not easy because of the smile of light laughter, he concentrates on writing classical ideals. His personality and talent were supplementing the mythical romantic drama rather than basic society thinking. We know, Purohit has gained prominence in Madhusudan's literature. But it is only a part of the whole truth. So the contemporary society of full truth raised a deep stir in him. But after the release of the deed, they were not staged in the Belgaashia Natyashala. Even the Belgarath Natyashalaya was closed in the end. He was injured. Passion closed the writings and the community of Puranas centered around the community 

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nice article
