in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)


This evening, when I was bored and had no one to talk to, I began to remember those boastful people I used to have as course mates, villa mates and friends and how I knew my way around and limit around them. My experience and little observation about them actually ushered me into writing this article.

Boastfulness and arrogance are two things that go hand in hand and they are among the least liked traits that one can possess besides maybe anger and wickedness. Boastful people are the worst set of people you can ever invite into your life either as friends or lovers.

If you continue to interact with boastful and arrogant individuals, you will always feel worthless and miserable. You can never derive happiness keeping friends with someone who can't stop running his mouth like a running tap. Someone who will always rob it on your face that he or she is by far better than you.

I know almost everyone has that very friend who always wants his opinions to count at all times. A friend who will hijack a story from where you started it and will want to finish it for you. A friend who will always want to show that he is more knowledgeable and exposed than those around him. A friend who will buy something at a cheap price and will inflate the price to his friends. This is exactly how boastful people always are. They are attention seekers and always want to be noticed anywhere they go. They employ both lies and exaggeration to advertise themselves .

When they acquire a level of education or come across something that they feel those around them know thing about, this fuels their bragging prowess and it automatically puts them in a position to mouth-off everything they know. They are always jealous and will never appreciate the goodwill of others

Boastful people normally brag in the excellency of the little they know and will use it to intimidate other people. However, they are fault-finders and are quick to silent other people especially when they do not subscribe to their opinions.

During public discussions or arguments (football, politics, entertainment, etc) they are talking always at the top of their voices because they know that shouting will put them at advantage to win the argument. When they are talking, they demand total silence and attentiveness and do not want any interruption.

Boastful people are usually talkatives and they have no secret. In the absence of nothing to mouth-off, they begin to talk about their own lives and things that are meant to be kept secret. The worst of all is that when a boastful person gets drunk, you will get all his secrets at that spot.

Added to the above, people who tend to be boastful generally have really poor self images and they use their behavior try to make themselves feel bigger than those around them. A very common trait they have is that they always want to be around people would always subscribe to their opinions not those who will query them.

The consequence of this is already known to you. Separate yourself from these individuals or minimize your contact with them. It's better you choose more secure individuals who do not make you feel less accomplished, or a lesser individual in any way

Don't let what others do or say affect how you feel about yourself. Even when they try to do so, don't ever give them the chance to do so. Remember you are the only one who has the right to determine how you feel, and control how amazing you know you are.

You are of great value and worthy of being loved by all who come in contact with you. Don't let a couple of bragger tear that down. No right thinking person will want to stick around a boastful individual.

The truth is that most people don't like boastful people. Even the boastful ones don't like to make friends with their fellow boastful people. They prefer making friends with people they want to show that life is good to them.

The best you can do is to avoid them. Try not to feature in their arguments and when they talk, even if what they say is hogwash, instead of starting an unhealthy argument with them, kindly tell make them feel they are right for the sake of peace.

I hope someone learnt something from this.

Image was copied from Google

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You know one funny thing about boastful people,
they never have as much as they claim to have, or they are not as influential as they claim to be..
Check out those who have really made it - they are all humble

You just summed up everything "they are not as influential as they claim to be"

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