Seth Godin says that writer's block is a myth. It's not real. It's something invented by writers as an excuse for not being able to write. His argument? Nobody ever gets talker's block where we don't know what to say.
But let's forget about that for a second and say that you do have writer's block. I wanted to share a few strategies that has worked for me that you can try the next time you get 'writer's block'.
Take a walk
Preferably outside and not on a treadmill indoors. And when you walk outside, walk SLOWLY. Observe the things around you. Notice the greenery. How many leaves are on a branch? Look at that candy wrapper on the ground. What kind of candy is it? When you let your mind drift by focusing on something not writing, your mind begins to percolate with ideas.
Take a crap
James Altucher, whenever he is blocked, goes to the washroom to empty his bowels. Gross I know. But by going to the bathroom, he literally unblocks himself. He feels lighter. He feels like he can begin to 'flow' again.
Take a page from a book
I don't mean literally. But yes, literally. Steal a page from a book and write it in your own words. Or steal a page from a book and think about counter-arguments to the point of view on the page.
Take a nap
Can't walk outside? You can still take a break. Lie down and be still for a few minutes. Then just as you are about to fall asleep OR just as you wake up, sit down to write.
(Your distractions should) take a hike
When you feel like you have writer's block, it's easy to procrastinate and get distracted by Youtube videos, Instagram feeds or Reddit scrolling. Then, one thing leads to another and you are binging Netflix instead of doing the hard work. Get rid of those distractions. Don't even think about going to Youtube until you at least have an idea to write about. Sometimes, it's good to be distracted so that your mind can diverge and ideas seem to pop out of nowhere, but don't waste your subconscious (and get distracted) when you have no ideas.
Take it
The best writing is writing where you feel slightly uncomfortable sharing. It could be a recent pain or loss that you felt. It could be about losing your job or your partner to a divorce. Dig deep and think about something that makes you really uncomfortable. That's the source for really good writing.