in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)

Dear steemians. So it took me very long time til i got my energy going again which is today.

First of all.... minnows rules! Love you. Dolphins and Whales, well i do not understand what they want from steemit. They say they want unique content.. it isn't so clear and easy to understand... Here is something unique what i want to share with you.

Fucking A that i will be next pearl in this ocean. I do not care anymore about whales and dolphins.

I would like to update you that my new book has already 50 pages what is written with love, so this is much, atleast there isn't excessive words and i know this will be my next masterpiece if finished.

I will be drawing illustrations also bymyself. I do everything myself.

I quit my everyday job, i made websites and design. I was webdesigner 11 years and i needed a break.

Lets be honest, if you do not film youself, then it is pretty hard to let people see, that you got some talent or skills for contribute in steemit community.

Steemit wasnt for me and i didnt want to make an false promises also.

I got flagged a lot and my mouth tasted like a shit for a while, i felt so stressed and useless. God fucking no, not anymore, i know there is good people who will be seeing somehing in me. IA motivation, that i got from myself, so i will certainly help you inspire youself also if you follow me and communicate with me. Who knows, maybe i will be something great in near future. I am very confident.

It took some time to digest, but i noticed that i start writing and forgot steemit. Now i have almost 1/3 of my book finished and quited my job to finish this.

I also started training to lower my bodyfat and i guess i want to make videos of that proccess also if i managed to get my finance together, right now i havent been in this low never in my life. All things came together and ripped me in half.

If i finish my book i certainly will try to publish it in English, Russian also, but first it will be in Estonian, what is my native language. Writing is very hard if you have a writersblock, if you know what i mean?

So i was thinking that i will update my life here in steemit, hopefully in some point people will read my blog and help me to grow, i am so tired that i am like a hidden in all that mud. I try to contribute once again starting now and i will be writing about writing books hehee. Also i try to make notes of my getting fit diary.

If possible i will be doing videos also, but right now i start by blogging. If you possibly can see anything in me, could you please just resteem this? I want to be seen and i will be working hard, because i am tired to work only for myself, would like to let people see me starting today.

Here is the picture of me, im pretty sexy and weird looking trickster spirit also, so follow me girls if you are bored.


So i wish that all the pearls in steemit ocean will be noticed and rewarded, because this is just sad if there is only a few groups that is gathered and help each other. I believe in you !

“Write Drunk; Edit Sober”

– Ernest Hemingway

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You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

So i tried like a whole month and was dissapointed that i did not got anything to survive my expenses.
It should be disappointed instead of dissapointed.

Very useful, thank you awsome bot!

Do not use post titles like this.
It is just cringy.

Never the less good luck with your plan.

There is so much that is cringy. But thank you my friend !

You just started, how can you already complain?
Money Doesn't come out of thin air.
Just yelling at your friends and his whale friends that you dont get any upvotes from them might just be the reason they dont do it in the first place.
Your friend was right nobody has it easy!
I have no writing skills, I have never used social media yet with some effort I make some money.
Its al about what you do for yourself, not what others can do for you!!