Being a Hero is Overrated...Like Way Overrated (1st Draft)

in writing •  7 years ago 


Hero mentality is like this larger than life mentality of superiority that is here to 'save the say'. How many Hollywood movies are pumped and dumped over the 'Hero' story? It's a fun action packed I'm better than everyone kind of story....and it's like the hero has just got to keep fighting because, well he's got no choice but to be a Hero.

What does this mentality support...You're a Hero or in need of a hero. Maybe it doesn't have to be such a dichotomy. Maybe we can all just be extraordinary as extra ordinary. Each has got their talents.

The Hero Card has come up for me...when I started questioning my participation here on Steemit. Like, how many relationships can I manage here? To be more specific, it's like I've been taking my every comment a little bit way too serious in some like the attitude of well, 'i like everybody', I'll just follow everyone'. This isn't particularly helpful to me in keeping up with anyone in particular in any real capacity....because I mean it's a challenge enough keeping up to date with a handful of close friends. Bring into the mix hundreds of people....well that's quite a lot. And then there's my voting i start off wanting to give everyone my vote....then i start to realize oh shit...I've spent a lot of votes....what about all my other friends....I'm like days behind on giving votes to people I want to support. And then I read this awesome post that supports in expanding my understanding on the topic I am researching and investigating. I got to share a vote of appreciation....then I want to make a comment and express my gratitude...and I happen to come across an awesome comment on the post...and I just want to give some vote power.....and well, oh shit...i haven't up-voted any of the other posts I planned to up-vote...and power is way low....

This is the 'save the world' mentality...which I wouldn't want for anyone.

Let me be clear, "world change" in ways that are Awesome is what I am all about. Carrying everyone on my shoulders....well that's a bit much. Interesting analogy...because it's the hero mentality...and guess's also "The Slave" mentality. a morality slave of wanting to be 'nice' and 'good'....and sneaky too...because it's 'i am so great' in my own mind type of mentality. It's too much. I've had this type of mentality within me...and I've had enough of it.

I really like to write and so I will write.

It's interesting, because when I first started here on steemit...I was looking at one of @dollarvigilantes posts and i was he's got a large following...and it's like he doesn't even engage anyone on his comments....what a dick. And you know what...I was being a real dick with my judgement...thinking that it is in any way reasonable for someone to keep on top of steemit all the's a 24/7 conversation take some time and you write a great post....which jeff did by the way...and him being a popular cool guy, he does get a lot of cheese comments on his posts...and on top of expect the guy to be waiting around to answer that beauty of a comment...well maybe that's a stretch....and you know what...i didn't even look to hard... I mean...i didn't even read through all his comments on his post...

Point I am getting at my own self-judgement. I've been pretty hard on myself. Not just now and with steemit...but as a general pattern I've carried around with me throughout my life. It's like a fault of perfectionism. Where I place such great value upon myself...and have a real competitive fire within myself to be the best in whatever I participate within...I can be a real hard ass on myself at times...and it's been beaten into me over time... i mean how I've beaten myself up with the way I hold onto things within myself...and how I've created narratives within my mind...not even verbally most of the time...but 'emotionally'...and it's here...where I have been a bit too quiet...In actually identifying the specifics of the emotion or feeling I am experiencing. It's like I have just pushed suppression so much a.. like this, shut up mentality i don't want to here it if it doesn't fit my narration in my body/mind.

Yes, I am a little bit ranty here :)

I've been obsessing over steemit lately, I mean the platform is so incredibly awesome. Anyone who wants to make this platform a living vocation for sure has the opportunity. Half assing it isn't going to work. You might think it will...but it won't. Words speak volumes. And if you think that you can just toss out some fluff...or just spit out a quick write up...well, maybe you aren't going into the depths that are possible.

The 2nd version and the 3rd version and even dare I say the 4th version of a write up is usually better than the 1st draft. Yes it could very well be expressed in and on that 1st draft...and the essence of what is in the 4th draft will have parallels...but it won't pack the same punch as the edits all the way to the final copy. And if the writing process doesn't have corrections and refinement...well aren't you just perfect. I mean sure, we all are. But hey, creative play is a worthwhile way to play. And the epitome of creative play is to slow down and analyze our movements...our words...and to really work with the specifics of our structure to see for real that we are giving our best play work here. As our writing is always a stand up performance...because our words are our live stand up bit. And it's just one line at a time. And this is where the edit comes in...because in my series of writing's "stringing" one liner's together...I got to consider my audience and how best to walk this talk together...and if I go to fast... I am missing out on sharing as much as I possibly can with as many as I possibly can.

See the real money here in steemit is in our personal writing stories and adventures. the money is a bonus and support for if you are serious. You see because if you are a legit writer...meaning you take the writing craft serious...your words will speak volumes. It's unstoppable, it's undeniable.,'s real, it's sound man. And our sounds speak volume...when we stand as everyone as an equal. This is Freedom. This is our Equality and Oneness. It's a symphony and harmony here together...a real flowing grand grandiose great thing. And yet it is all calm cool and collected man. Yet it's a rush like the stoke to be moving at speed as like ya...i got so much to a waterfall pouring my heart out in and as my words...earthing myself into the ground as the big as mother fucking tall tree with deep roots. That's how I see it ,,,see myself. I am a tree planter....and writing is my craft. I am a word smith. My trees are my words...and sometimes I slut them I say things in places I probably am a little bit too promiscuous about...well OK that was a bit of a stretch in an attempt to be punny....see that's just it ...i push the edge...i push the limit...and in doing so I make mistakes. I make mistakes everyday. And hey, ooops. shit, happens...and it will happen again....I am getting pretty good at making new mistakes like an expansion of my creativity coming through. I am way passed ground hog day of making the same mistakes over and over again. I make new ones, learn new lessons...and ya...sometimes I have an old lesson rear it's head....but mostly I treat old lessons like dragon's i am gonna slay. Ha, for all you dragon slayers out there, that pun is for you. Legit.

I see this platform as a Learning platform. A place where I can learn more about things I am interested in. I also see this platform as a money maker. It's like a really good money maker. I consider this a win/win. I can use the steemit platform to learn more about things I am interested in....and I can make money in the process. I see this platform as a platform of self-development.

The platform is not a save the world platform. But hey...whenever somebody says it's soooo motherfucking is. Steemit is pretty sweet... But it's really a great tool to empower individuals. How empowered you are within using this platform is really a result of multple factors. 1 - you make an effort to share your passions. 2 - You consistency share your passion. Share what's on your mind. Be your genuine, authentic self in your sharings. 3. Take note of the genuine, authentic people who you connect with. 4. Gratitude is a great attitude. 5. Vote for yourself. 6. Don't support others as a charity. It sets a bad precedent. It's like a shitty way to go about the day. I really am not a fan of charity. Don't get me wrong, a good deed is a good deed....but to be a mother theresea type of crusader is a disservice to yourself and others in a lot of ways. 8. Welfare system doesn't work. If you just give and sets a bad precedent...and people become dependent upon this charity worker, social benefit mentality. 9. I know how to milk the cash cow - i'm an opportunist, I like to go for what I want. I'm pretty good at positioning myself to get whatever it is I want. 10 . I have some big aspirations.

This is my first draft of the writing process. I go raw ....raw dogging it...and from here I clean up and put a collar shirt on...and maybe some other nice stuff. You know give a bit of presentation...and I enjoy doing's a lot of fun...because as I allow myself to introduce myself with each and every post I write...I learn and establish new depths of and as my Being here. Life Learning is a 24/7 vocation and I treat it like a living yes I am 100% all in to myself development and it's a real spectrum of words...the whole orchestra if you will....and ...

Par t 2 will be a total dry rehearsal of this 1st draft i decided to share without attention to edits or spelling mistakes or run on sentences. This is me just in the flow of going with myself without slowing down to stop and be more positioned in the style and I shape the structure from having no structure....that way I can frame whatever I want howerver i want.

And I got a lot to say.

Politics - local, world, Money, business ( big and small), funding, types of employment, politicicans, public actors, fake performance bullshit, idiots and deceivers, legit dummy's, Heaven and Earth Here...Playgorund planet awesome, breaking down the math of the so called science, exposing the sloppy word play in political system talk....breaking down possible solutions as sweet alternatives....pushing the narratives that are worth pushing...speaking up when I got it to give, Making mistakes, Playing...always be playing....and ya's an adventure...a real detective acrobatic charade of exploits...excitement and suspense...a real lion's roar meets the hump back whale...meets the rhino and the giraffe long necking real low before going all high like...and it's the littler critter and earth worm flow too as the small steps are what is really significant in getting the job done....creating anything of substantial value and worth...because it's in our willingness to push through our own resistance with one little move at a time...a move...a voice...a stand for freedom in and as our equality and oneness here.

So...disclaimer...I hit spell check on a quick jog through...but I see I just discovered something new here by playing around with my creative writing process in and as my style for content creation....this is the first i mentioned above.....and the real beauty of the code I just cracked the significance of really showcasing the depth to my writing writing how i craft my master piece...the final product as my 'one line at a time' style of's like my song and dance as the flow of my movement, going all around....and blockchain....blockchain...blockchain....i am so stoked to use the blockchain as a tool to support in sharing my writing craft....mannnnnnnn ohhhhh man the stoke factor here for me is real.

if you managed to make it through my writing here...that means you are pretty cool in my eyes. Like Legit cool. And ya man....and or Woooman. The woooooman wooooo's da man. Funny stuff in the words.

It's science,

Signs of the Times.

It's all mathematics ,

Words are signs and symbols,
as the 'terms' and 'variables' that form the 'dynamics' to our tangible and intangible equations.

Funny thing about an equation is that when you don't understand's a problem...and when you know's the solution for you to exercise, impliment as expresssssion.

Express yourself today. For today is the best day of your life...and when you get up in the morning it's always called :


We are the Champion's My Friends,
No Time for Losers,
For We are the Champions My Friends

There's no beginning and end...when all is won...and won for all is a part of the championship roster. Getting caught up in performance conditioning of player teammates is .... something I am working on as ....I mentioned above....self-judgement has been my crypto....cryptonite.

Get that Crypto..for the Crypto is for the Libertarian's everywhere...and it's not a hero much as it is an Everybody's voting for a world of creation...where anyone and everyone can make it's not about some dick being a dicktator...i mean if it is...I will gladly sign up to be the big dick dictator who calls all the big shots...and makes all the plays on what is the saying of the day....

Make me President of the World

Wow I went there, excuse my can get quite large at times...dare I say 'super'

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Really good post. There's a lot in there brother. You've touched on some things I believe we all know, (no matter how far we've buried them in the closet) but maybe aren't truly aware of until a little light is shone on it. Well my friend, you just put ten spotlights on it. As I sit here, your words still floating through my head, I am realizing quite a few things. I do want to give votes to everyone. I feel it's my duty. I have a select few I make a priority to read every day. It's a juggling act, but the real question is why? The hero complex, very interesting. Perhaps wanting to be liked by all? As self realization takes hold I realize I'm guilty of quite a few things. The "Aha" moment.

What it boils down to, and you expressed it amazingly well, is "you gotta be you man". Winners focus on winning and losers focus on winners. Do your thing and do it better than anybody else, never apologize for the truth. I can't remember which writer this quote is from, maybe Stephen King, but it goes "The truth will get you hated, but it will get you a little love too." A little love will conquer a lot of hate any day of the week. Great post brother. Keep it up!

The "Aha" moment is Everything.

I've found that a well rounded sense of humor goes a long way in supporting the ability to process the significance of any given "Aha" moment. Because, Humor is not all that serious...yet it often can be very much so...and often the best funny is really because you know, "It's funny because it's true". To be able to for a moment have a laugh at our own ridiculousness, I believe is a necessary tool of support in and as the Learning Process...In a way, making our mistakes laughable...yet having the serious element to actually grow and expand, Maturing from our every mistake.

Much regard and appreciate for your comment. It is comments like these that encourage the continuation of Learning and Self-Reflection...which really are the tenets of Great Communication.

What an amazing post, honestly you've absolute nailed it. You've actually made me think twice about how I'm going to move forward from here on Steemit. Thank you so much for posting this. Upvoted (sorry not much I'm a newbie), and resteeming. Hope you post more stuff like this in the future !!

Hey @the.dajboz All around Awesomeness in your words and reflection...your opening and sharing here with me is much appreciated as Support is always all ways good shit.

Steem On Brotha!

You the Man!
(write a post about this...would love to hear more of your words on this :) )

Keep Steem'N

Thanks dude! I will write one when I fly back home tomorrow!

I have started reducing my voting to 5% to see if that helps. Also been a little upvote crazy last few days and power was below 20% last night. hehe. Thats when I realized I needed to cool down a bit.

Hey Mel, I hear You loud and Clear :)

Being Chillaxed is for sure always cool :)

Steem On Sista!

That's a very good point that you are making. Changed the way that I see things. Hope that you keep it up. Definitely going to follow you, looking forward to the next articles.

Thanks @sharethevibes

Look forward to conversing with you further on future posts. Would love to hear more of your reflections!

I think it's so important when we read something that supports us in some way, that we take a moment to really share that. I think this is great for the following reasons:

  1. We support every other reader who reads the comments.

  2. We substantiate our own learning by writing it down...because it's like when a new point is here as a sort of "Aha" moment, we build and expand upon it by talking/sharing about it...which results in accelerating others learning process.

  3. Win/Win

Best Regards Always All Ways Best :)

nice write up my friend. i think the hero mentality is inbuilt in us all,until you pause and think, even the heros in reality cant win it all.



Much obliged in adding on is indeed dually noted and the appreciation is Real.

Steem On Brother


Good story!
