Ground Control to Tiangong-1

in writing •  7 years ago 

Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong.

In the brief history of space stations, there have been less than a dozen manned low earth orbit operations.  Referencing space stations still makes me think of some sort super villain/ James Bond type thing but I digress. There are only 2 ongoing manned operations right now, the International Space Station and Tiangong 2.  Tiangong 1, a formerly inhabited space station, will visit an old friend soon, Earth.

Tiangong-1, meaning “heavenly palace”, was launched in 2011 by the Chinese Space Agency in an attempt to secure a permanent habitant in low earth orbit. For a time, it was successful acting as a base of operations for 3 separate missions but this came to an abrupt halt in September 2016. Chinese officials announced they’ve lost control of the 4th oldest space station in terms of orbit life.

This wouldn’t be the first blunder for the budding young space agency. If you recall, the Chinese Space Agency tested out space missiles on a non-operational satellite without notifying any other space agency. The debris caused by the incident wrecked havoc on all other space operations, manned and otherwise, while also making a terrible debris problem even worse.

With Tiangong-1, it was announced that the wayward base would reenter the earth’s atmosphere in October of 2017 but the time and place of reentry were uncertain given the lack of control. That window was later pushed back between October ’17 to April ’18. Now ESA, the European Space Agency, has given a more specific timeframe, March 29th to April 9th. They also narrowed the reentry locations to between the 43 degree north and the 43 degree south lines.

No one has ever gotten hurt from falling space debris but one person had been hit before. It is predicted that most of the craft won’t survive reentry but a few large chunks will not burn up as they pass through the atmosphere. Keep your eyes to the skies!

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China's space agency is still young. They're still learning and hopefully they can improve on quality

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Hi, I found some acronyms/abbreviations in this post. This is how they expand:

ESAEuropean Space Agency
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not helpful because the author already told us that

But by 2016, after missing reports and months of speculation, Chinese officials confirmed they had lost control of the space station. The Chinese officials ensure that his pride project will hit Earth by the end of 2017 or early 2018.

Since then, China's space agency has told the UN that it predicts that Tiangong-1 will fall between October 2017 and April 2018. Stable orbit stations are reportedly increasingly destroyed.

In recent weeks the satellite has penetrated into the denser Earth's atmosphere and begins to drop faster.

"Now the perigee (the space orbits spacecraft to Earth - in this case the satellite) has been below 300 km and close in the denser atmosphere, the damage rate is getting higher," said Jonathan McDowell, a renowned astrophysicist from Harvard University and an industrial fan outer space.

"I hope the dying satellite will fall to Earth within a few months from now - late 2017 or early 2018."

Although most of the satellite body will be burned in the atmosphere, McDowell says the rest of which may be more than 100 kg will fall to the surface of the Earth.

That possibility can happen and the probability of human injury is very high.

However, China told the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, it is likely that the remainder of the satellite body will fall to remote areas of China.

Beijing estimates that the object will fall in May and promise to the UN they will inform the international world.

However, McDowell said, the prediction of where the satellite will fall is impossible. Even in the days leading up to the fall of the satellite to Earth. Nice @writesbackwards

I can't believe that I'm walking on the fucking moon? Huston. we have a problem. We can't go to the moon. Why? Because of the Van Allan Radiation belt!

we came, we saw, we left with our skin boiling

True story. Space is a Hollywood fiction!

Q: How can that Tin Can ISS survive the unimaginable pressure, pressure and vacuum impossible to reproduce on earth? How can you test the machinery, space suits, equipment for the outer space conditions without being able to reproduce even 20% from the environment for which those are destined? hahaha!!!! How come ISS does not have sealed hatches as Submarines have? How come there is no time lapse video of the assembly of the "space" station? Do you folks even imagine what kind of temperatures and pressure of vacuum could be found out there if this "space" created in Hollywood sets ever exists.
Questions which a critical mind should ask! Peace out!

Why they don't launch one of their missile, they seem to like to blow up things ?

I understand you, the same thing happens to me. It's impossible not to think of a science fiction or action movie when you name a space station

This reminds me of a movie - Gravity

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Nice story. I have been wondering what the status was with this situation. Funny though, MSM calls it a satellite, which i guess technically it is. But the term downsizes the severity. I hope it lands in hillary's back yard

Very awesome about space science.

space is fake. research NASA hoax!

I can just imagine taking a walk and a chunk of space craft hitting me on my head .lol

the Chinese are good fellows. Everyone does and does. Now they demonstrated their latest smartphone developments at the exhibition.

nice post

There has never been a satellite in orbit around this planet much less a manned International Space Station. If anyone cares to know the truth just look at any of the propagandist videos put out by any of the so-called “space” agencies. You will see air bubbles casually drifting towards the surface, during an EVA (spacewalk) you will see a counterweight attached via tether to the astronaut’s spacesuit, in certain EVAs (in particular one that was filmed with a GoPro) if you play with the pitch of the audio in Audacity you can actually hear the astronauts breathing through respirators; aside from these obvious visual and audio anomalies there is also another problem in simply maintaining a low-Earth orbit (LEO) around our planet. Around 250 miles above the surface of our planet, Earth’s gravity is still pulling down around 95% of the force we experience at sea level; if you do not believe me just look it up. Because of this fact, all satellites & space stations in LEO would require an engine capable of producing basically constant thrust to avoid an almost immediate orbital decay back down towards Earth’s surface. CONCLUSION: All of these events filmed outside of a spacecraft/station take place underwater in gigantic pools i.e. NASA’s NBL or Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory. It’s even well documented that full size models exist in this pool to “simulate and train” for the low gravity environment of Low-Earth Orbit or LEO. Even though, I just mentioned at that altitude one would experience around 95% of Earth’s gravity. The Moon landings, Mars rover expedition, Hubble space telescope (in orbit), all deep space expeditions, and all satellites are a complete and utter propagandaist fraud upon the people of this planet. I will even go as far as to question whether or not a rocket engine can even produce thrust in a true vacuum which fundamentally violates Newton’s third law of motion. I encourage you to conduct your own research and review what I’ve said here. I will be soon be creating and uploading a video documenting how SpaceX made several critical mistakes in their recent livestream of the Falcon Heavy Test Flight and subsequently edited the livestream to fix their mistakes just a few hours after launch. The largest mistake they made reveals trajectory data that shows the second stage of the rocket (including the Tesla Roadster payload) falling back into the Atlantic Ocean several hundred miles East of the Florida coast. Here is a link to the original livestream so you can watch it for yourself: “see my reply below”. The edited version can be watched on the official SpaceX YouTube channel. The following is my own timeline I created documenting the mistake SpaceX made during their livestream. The information was originally separated into three different subsections in order to remain under the 10,000 character comment limit enforced by YouTube. P.S. My YouTube account was permanently banned because of posting the following series of comments. Always seek the truth my friends.

Original SpaceX Livestream of Falcon Heavy Launch before edits were made:

1-SpaceX made a number of rather stupid mistakes during the livestream of the Falcon Heavy Launch on February 6th, 2018. It’s also important to state publicly that SpaceX silently re-uploaded an edited version of the launch that attempted to correct a few of their critical mistakes. It may be somewhat difficult to find a copy of the original livestream but there are copies on YT. See video above. To determine whether you are watching the edited version or the live version of the launch read below to see what changes were made between the two videos. The audio in both videos is the exact same. First important thing to note about the launch are the four hosts and their responsibilities within the company aside from hosting launches. All four of the hosts appear to be on the second story overlooking mission control encased in glass at SpaceX headquarters in Hawthorne, California. There is also a possibility that all four hosts were in Florida during the launch but were using a green screen to appear to be near mission control in California. This could explain why the cheering and applause seems at times, out of place. The cheering and applause are from the room outside Mission Control full of Space X employees who are listening to the hosts speak. If you watch the eyes of the hosts it appears that all four of these “engineers” needed a teleprompter to assist in keeping to the script. Lauren Lyons, Flight Reliability Engineer is the first person to speak. Michael Hammersley, Materials Engineer makes note of the cheering and applause when he says, “we’re very excited I’m sure you can hear it”. Next there’s John Insprucker, Principal Integration Engineer sitting down at a desk (you will hear another host say, “He stands” near the end of the launch). The last but not least of the four hosts is Brian Mahlstedt, Automation Software Engineer. As soon as Brian begins to introduce himself it becomes immediately apparent he is standing in front of a green screen and not at all in close proximity to the room full of Space X employees based on their delayed reaction to him beginning his lines. It is clear that when he brings up his fellow SpaceX employees, immediately they begin to raise their arms and cheer indicating they are hearing what he is saying over a speaker or being given a que when to cheer rather than hearing and seeing what he is saying as if he is right next to them. Also, his skin complexion appears much lighter here than at the end of the video when the hosts regroup. Pause the video @ T- 00:09:26 and take a good, hard look at the Tesla Roadster. It’s mounted on a cone shaped structure (payload attach fitting) with what looks to be hollow steel tubes supporting a portion of the car and also serving as mounting points for the cameras that will capture the car in space. The entire structure was designed to rotate the car for a more realistic view in “space” rather than just seeing the Earth behind the car as it zooms away. On a side note, it’s important to understand how all satellite deployments, spacewalks (EVAs), “FAIRING DEPLOYMENTS” and generally any activity that supposedly takes place outside of a spacecraft but in the low gravity of near Earth “space” are faked on Earth. The devil is of course in the details. Most of these types of scenes are filmed underwater in the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory. This is why there appears to be bubbles in “space” floating away at a much, much slower velocity than 25,000 mph; Earth’s escape velocity. There is no air in space; there should be no air bubbles. Some people will say that what you’re seeing is something other than air bubbles but still fail to answer why the velocity of the “floating” object is obviously much too slow to be flung off a spacecraft traveling at Mach 32. One last thing to note about the Roadster, look at how shiny and reflective the paint and especially the windshield of the car appears to be; this will come into play later into the launch. Then at T- 00:08:07 you will notice if you look below the plaque with the names engraved, you will see the black plastic removed from the “payload attach fitting” which again is basically just a big lazy Susan so the car can rotate 360 degrees. Now for the actual launch, these are real and not faked up until the rocket begins to fly horizontally rather than vertically and the camera feed is cut and switched to a different view usually on the spacecraft itself. I myself have personally witnessed the final Space Shuttle launch at Kennedy Space Center. This is why people who try to refute what I’m saying about faking “space” will always encourage skeptical people to witness a launch in person. Witnessing a launch in person, unaided by a telescope with a DSLR attached will render your ability to see what happens to the rocket after it ascends impossible. The “autonomous drone ship” aka floating barge was said to be 200-300 miles off the coast of Florida to put the range of these rockets into perspective. You simply cannot see something that far away with the naked eye. I still encourage people to witness a rocket launch first hand because they are very cool, awesome really even though they are very short-lived. Shortly after the rocket enters Max-Q at T+ 00:01:15 the vehicle is traveling at 1492 km/h or 927 mph or Mach 1.2 at an altitude of 13.4 km or 44,000 feet. In the original footage that was live-streamed on YT both boosters have the exact same camera feed with one frame separating the two. On the edited version of the launch you will see what is intended to look like a completely different camera feed in the bottom right frame with an addition of a time stamp to “ensure” the footage was taken from the same day and time as the original launch and thus not faked. However, upon closer inspection you will see that the foreground of the new feed stays the exact same as the old feed aside from adding fake shadows and blurring and changing the background. By the way, these “professional” SpaceX video editors didn’t even take the time to overlay the newly edited feed properly. You can see the newly edited feed is slightly offset to the right of the original. Now pause the video at T+ 00:01:45, the spacecraft is traveling at 2984 km/h or 1854 mph or Mach 2.5 at 27.1 km or 88,911 feet or 17 miles up. Look at the two booster feeds. The one on the left shows the East coast of Florida meanwhile the one on the right shows the curvature of the Earth, clouds, and the blackness of space. As if that wasn’t enough of a strong inconsistency between the two camera feeds there is actually another issue here. If you look closely, the camera that is recording the boosters and their separation is mounted off center on one of the side boosters. How do I know it’s mounted off center? Because more of the background is visible in the left side rather than the right side. This is an important observation. If the new feed (bottom right) edited in post filming were truly showing the opposing side booster’s view then we should see a reflection or an inverse of what we are seeing in the first feed. We should see the titanium (dark) and white grid fins on the opposite (right) side, we should also see more of Earth on the opposite (right) side. Now before you press play on the video take a look at the T+ Time. Beginning at T+ 00:01:46 the progress skips to T+ 00:01:52 in the edited version of the launch. The reason for this is because in the livestream version of the launch the camera feed was switched in the bottom left frame to something we civilians were not supposed to see at T+ 00:01:52. It appears to be a section of the Merlin Vacuum Engine or MVAC. Also, the time count skips ahead for the second time from T+ 00:01:56 to T+ 00:02:03 in the edited version.

2-At this point, the side boosters are about to shutdown. The vehicle is traveling at 4397 km/h or 2732 mph or Mach 3.6 and is 39 km or 127,953 ft or 24 miles up. Look at how much the gases exiting the rocket boosters have expanded in the upper feed because the density of the air decreases with an increase in altitude. This is a very important concept to grasp to understand why rockets cannot produce thrust in a vacuum. Just to clarify that statement further, I’m not suggesting that a rocket engine cannot be ignited and burned in a vacuum. But I am suggesting that Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion has been intentionally misapplied in scientific literature and textbooks concerning how a rocket engine actually generates thrust. I do not want to diverge into that right now more about it later. At T+ 00:02:28 a new camera on the second stage takes the place in the upper center frame. Here you can see the offset camera on the side booster nose cone as mentioned earlier next to the diagonal supports holding the side booster to the core. If you pause the video at T+ 00:02:33 and then proceed frame by frame you will see both of the lower feeds separating exactly 1 frame apart in sequence (the exact same footage) meanwhile according to the upper feed no separation has happened yet. It’s a small delay and I recommend watching the separation in 1/4 speed or frame by frame to see what I’m saying. The point is the separation should appear to happen at the exact same time especially for the upper feed and lower left feed. Also the fire coming out of the boosters during separation is not authentic; it’s computer graphics. Both the host John Insprucker and an unknown man at mission control state, before booster separation has started, that the side boosters have shutdown; therefore during the separation we should not see fire coming out of the rocket. Even in the official SpaceX animation that’s 03:26 long you see the side boosters shutting down during separation and then reigniting once they rotate 180 degrees. At T+ 00:02:42, SpaceX video editors once again poorly overlaid a new feed over the old feed. They blacked out the foreground, reversed the ejection of the reaction control thruster, and reflected the position of Earth but installed new cloud formations so the background wasn’t an identical reflection. Oh and I almost forgot about the black spot they added to the lower right feed to further differentiate it from the lower left feed. They did not invert the foreground at all it remains exactly the same shape as the original feed albeit much darker now. At T+ 00:03:12 the Main Engine (Core Booster) is Cutoff, now someone please explain to me when the Core separates from the second stage exposing the Merlin Vacuum Engine (MVAC) why does the entire frame fill with a bright white light obscuring the view? I assume it’s because they want to hide the majority of the bubbles caused by the separation underwater. Even still you can clearly see air bubbles and other small debris floating away from the camera. Why does the cover over one side of the MVAC Engine look deflated (as in wrinkled) [T+ 00:03:14] while the opposite side of the engine looks inflated [T+ 00:03:17]? Finally, we’ve almost made it to the biggest mistake made in the livestream. Spoiler alert they completely botched the timing of the fairing deploy exposing the Tesla Roadster and Starman! But before that, take a look at the difference between the livestream and the edited version of the launch at T+ 00:03:43. You will see a huge difference between the two in the curvature of Earth, in the orange color of the nozzle of the MVAC, and once again in the reflective cover either being inflated or deflated. But this is not the most interesting part of all this. The most interesting part to me happens between T+ 00:03:45 - 00:04:03 of the livestream only. Look at the graphic illustrating the trajectories by SpaceX that we were not supposed to see. We were supposed to see the fairing deploy during this time in sync with the wonderful music, “look at those cavemen go!” In the graphic, there are two blue lines close together which are “boosting back” to Cape Canaveral even though the “boostback burn” had already been initiated long before. Then there’s another blue line terminating closest to the autonomous drone ship cough cough floating barge cough. And finally there’s another blue line terminating way out in the Atlantic Ocean with the tag “Stage 2”. What’s odd is that there are no blue lines extending out into “space”. Actually it’s not odd and it makes perfect sense to me. Rocket engines do not push on themselves to generate thrust; in fact like all forms of movement/locomotion and it doesn’t matter if we’re talking natural biological locomotion or man made forms of transportation; all forms of locomotion require some form of matter with an appropriate density to push against to move. When you walk, your feet push against the ground in the opposite direction that you intend to travel. When you swim, your arms and feet push against the water in the opposite direction that you intend to travel, when you pedal a bicycle or drive a car/truck, or ride in a train or even a tank the wheels or tracks of that object push against the ground in the opposite direction you intend to travel, when you fly in an airplane the propellor or the jet engine propels air in the opposite direction you intend to travel pushing against the existing air and the exact same principle governs rockets as well. Please do not let fancy scientific jargon and/or complex mathematical formulas sway you from understanding a very basic, fundamental law established by Isaac Newton. We have been lied to about various topics for a very long time and it’s now time to educate ourselves using logic and our own experiences rather than relying on officials to provide us with all of the answers. Now back to the Falcon Heavy Launch. Take a good look at T+ 00:04:04 - 00:04:11 and you will see a very odd reflection in the windshield of the Tesla. At first you might think it’s simply Starman but upon closer inspection you will see it’s a human wearing a large rectangular object (most likely to make him neutrally buoyant or close to it) slowly floating towards the top of the windshield. How can I prove it’s not a reflection of Starman? Because the black straps do not continue downward towards the abdomen of the human like they do on Starman is one reason. The human’s face is not black like Starman’s helmet visor is another reason. And the third is simply because the camera is fixed and so is Starman so his reflection shouldn’t be moving at all. What does this prove? That they shoot a lot of this “space” stuff underwater as already mentioned earlier. It’s as close as they can get to simulate what zero gravity would look like if we could actually get into space with our current technology minus the bubbles, drag, and odd light refraction of course. They could use computer graphics which honestly do look more realistic if they pump enough money into the production such as in the movie “Gravity” with Sandra Bullock but that might help to discredit or incriminate NASA and all of their preceding “space” accomplishments. Continuity is more important to them I guess.

3-If you actually hung around and read all of this now is the time you get to laugh just like the hosts of the Falcon Heavy Launch. Take a look at T+ 00:04:25 and T+ 00:04:30 of both the livestream and the edited version; you will notice that in the live version SpaceX employees missed their cue bad by 5 seconds to cheer and applause about the success of the launch. As soon as they realize they should be cheering, you can hear the host with glasses, John Insprucker literally laugh out loud at the mistake. I found it hilarious as well. But that’s not even the funniest part. The funniest part comes right after this when the host Lauren Lyons gives a recap of what just happened. “Wow! Wow, did you guys see that? That (long pause) was awesome! That’s the only thing I (laughter)” | “Absolutely wild, I got nothing else” said by Michael Hammersley. | “Awe man, uggh recapping ALL the GREAT things you just saw there (laughter).” The hosts just cannot contain themselves; they know that several mistakes were made and we haven’t even gotten to the almost simultaneous landing of the two side boosters yet. Which was also faked by the way. They do part of the fakery underwater (the high altitude shots), then as the boosters get closer to landing they actually send several employees out into the field to capture several different vantage points of basically just blue sky in the general direction the boosters are supposed to be coming from. Either the camera man or someone around him/her will usually state for the camera something along the lines of, “Hey I see them, there they are, look at that.” They then take this footage of nothing but sky and later add in with computer graphics two identical looking boosters descending to the ground. These multiple vantage points from what seems like simply ordinary civilians or spectators, helps to sell the whole concept as true. At T+ 00:07:20 the host Michael Hammersley lies on the record by stating, “Even though those two boosters look very similar, those are actually representing different boosters.” Pause the video at T+ 00:07:59, and you will see just how convincing the illusion created in the edited version of the launch is at convincing us the booster landed on a different pad (the landing zone with a white X and a black fill). How did they achieve this trickery? They edited out the real alternate landing zone with the white x and black fill and all of the concrete and the paths and the building and the vehicles you can see surrounding the landing zone with the black x and the white fill. They added a little blur as well. But they used the original feed to do it. How lazy and unconvincing if you bother to slow it down and look closely. The official landing footage (once the boosters get close enough to the ground beginning in the upper left feed at T+ 00:07:56 - 00:08:30) however work a bit different; it actually involves a helicopter and a cable. If you look closely towards the extreme left of the feed towards the top at T+ 00:08:02 you can actually see the helicopter blades spinning even though they have masked the body of the helicopter so it’s hidden from view. I actually found another YouTube video showing the helicopter in plain sight, check it out here: “below”. One thing you should take note of is that in the majority of these alternate vantage points shot by people working (either directly or indirectly; it really doesn’t matter) for SpaceX, the original audio is not apart of the final uploaded version of the landing and the helicopter is edited out so you can’t hear it or see it. Most of these people were smart enough to record audio elsewhere at a different time or location so the helicopter cannot be heard. The last thing I found funny and want to point out about the Falcon Heavy launch is at the very end when the host Brian Mahlstedt says, “If you would like to join us on exciting projects like these, please visit,” I wonder if some people will be fired for their mistakes? Another important tidbit of fact all people should know about is that it’s 100% factually true that there are people whose sole job it is to disrupt, discredit, disprove (with more lies) those who are waking up to all the BS we have been fed by our Government, our Leaders, the Mainstream Media, Corporations, Colleges etc. You WILL come across people who are paid to respond to comments you make or videos you post that refute any official government narrative on all social media platforms. As a matter of fact, SpaceX employees/affiliates actually communicate as if they are on a conference call in public forums such as the comment section of a YouTube video that was uploaded by one of them. They use very generic names and never their own personal account but if you really take the time to read the comments especially when someone calls them out for being fake they will all respond in tandem to make you seem insignificant, incoherent, and rude. Sometimes they will be nasty and sometimes they will try to use technical jargon; the list of ways they try to discredit what you’re saying is infinite. Do not pay attention to these people. Do not try to argue with these people. Especially now that the FBI wants to be able to deem you mentally ill if you are a “conspiracy theorist.” Please do not waste any time trying to convince these people who earn a living this way. We all know greed and money pretty much rule this world. These people who actually succumb to lying for a paycheck are pathetic and not worth a second of your time. This leads me to my final point I want to make about the so called Flat Earth movement. Just because we humans don’t have the technology to escape Earth’s atmosphere does NOT take away from the fact the our planet is freaking MASSIVE. It’s the size of the planet combined with the limits of human perception that makes some people think the planet is flat when it’s not flat at all. It’s a sphere. For anyone who believes the Earth is flat, if you truly have an open mind about our reality and you can see that I’ve broken down the truth about SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy Launch in great detail please take a look at this video about the size of our planet and the limitations of how much we can see at any given time. Please: “See below”. The Flat Earth movement is designed to discredit all other “conspiracy theories” most of which are actually true. If you care about the truth, learn why the Earth can appear flat when it’s really not.

Space is fake. The Earth is flat.

Wrong. Space is real. Stars are real. Humans cannot traverse empty space with known technology. And the Earth is a sphere.